Location 3: Teams 5 and 6


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Chūnin Exams



As the genin slowly stirred from their slumber, disorientation, and dread washed over them like the very waters that surrounded their precarious perch. They found themselves perched atop two buildings, the only refuge in a submerged village that had succumbed to the relentless advance of water. The horizon offered little solace, with the nearest island a daunting 70 miles away, a seemingly insurmountable distance in their current predicament. The village, once teeming with life, now lay beneath an eerie aquatic shroud, its secrets hidden beneath the unforgiving tide. The waters around them were unpredictable, an embodiment of nature's fickle temperament. Moments of deceptive calm were shattered by sudden bursts of violence, the roiling waves a constant reminder of the perilous nature of their situation. In this desolate expanse, the genin couldn't help but wonder if life still clung to this drowned world, hidden beneath the surface or beyond the horizon, waiting to be discovered or feared.

1) No set posting order, but a 72-hour posting expectation; penalties for failure to post.
2) No metagaming; gather information in character; characters unaware of each other's abilities if no prior interaction.
3) Wait for the STORY account to confirm success or failure after posting.

Team 5: Shinsuke Uzumaki, Setsuka Yuki, Saito Shima
Team 6: Ketsu Uchiha, Taichi Yamazaki, Gen Igarashi​



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Laying upon the remains of a building structure, only but one of the two; a young genin remained unconscious, deep inside his subconscious though spoke forth a voice that lacked any symbolical emotions,​
"Saito Wake up! Nows not the time to be napping!"
Though this voice managed to awaken the Genin, his eyes opened to reveal its icy blue hue, his bewildered and messy jet black locks with strands of Ice BLue hair rested gently upon the structure, this boy who dressed in a strange variation of the shinobi attire, Possessing a long sleeve shirt with a teal scarf around his neck, cargo brown pants that stop before closed toed shoes; with a forest green tool pouch against the left portion of his back hip. Sitting himself upwards, this genin Saito slowly looked around, disoriented by some manner of drug, the voice inside him spoke once more,​
"It seem's that we are at the Chunin Exam site. While you were resting WE managed to survey things around you to the best of our ability. It seems that we are surrounded by a large body of water, with only two ruined structures of what I can determine as buildings as our foothold. Curious that We are unable to determine the Chunin exam test, but no matter; as long as we progress things will turn out in Our favor! With all this water, your water style jutsu shall be useful."
Nodding Saito remained silent, this act only signalling a sign of confusion to any who bared witness to this simple nod, as if Saito was communicating with himself. The only question for this Genin was; Just what was this first Exam?!


The Exams Begin!

Ketsu Uchiha had always been a boy of calm demeanor and unshakable poise. He had cultivated a sense of detachment from the world around him, a trait instilled in him by the teachings of his Clan. But nothing in his training as a shinobi had prepared him for what he was experiencing now. He awoke slowly, his eyelids fluttering open as the gentle warmth of the sun caressed his face. His cocoa-coloured hair, untamed and unruly as always, framed his angular face. His onyx eyes, sharp and perceptive, took in his surroundings with a detached curiosity.

Ketsu found himself lying upon the rooftop of a nondescript building. It was a scene out of a dream, or perhaps a nightmare. Before him, as far as the eye could see, stretched an endless expanse of shimmering blue. It was as if the entire city had been swallowed by the ocean, leaving only the tops of two buildings to break the monotony of the endless sea. He sat up slowly, his lithe and agile form moving with grace. The headband adorned with the symbol of the Hidden Leaf Village still clung to his forehead. How had he ended up here? And why was he alone? Was this the first test of the forsaken Chūnin exams?

A breeze, salty and invigorating, ruffled his clothes. Ketsu couldn't help but notice the absolute stillness of the water. There were no waves, no ripples, just a vast, unbroken expanse of water that stretched to the horizon. It was both beautiful and eerie in its emptiness. The Uchiha's lips curved into a small, wry smile. This was the Chūnin exams, or so he had assumed. The anticipation, the excitement, the competition—none of it interested him. Ketsu had always found exams to be a tedious affair, a waste of his considerable talents.

As he leaned back, propping himself up on his elbows, he couldn't help but chuckle softly to himself. "Well, this is certainly a unique way to skip the exams," he mused, his voice a soft, melodious whisper that seemed to carry on the breeze. Ketsu knew he should be concerned, should be trying to find answers to the many questions that swirled in his mind. But for the moment, he allowed himself the luxury of simply enjoying the solitude. He closed his eyes and let the warmth of the sun wash over him, feeling its soothing embrace like a lover's touch.

In the distance, he could see the faint outline of another building, its rooftop glistening in the sunlight. Perhaps there were others stranded in this watery world, others who had been caught up in this inexplicable phenomenon.

But for now, Ketsu Uchiha was content to bask in the stillness, to let the world fade away into the endless blue. The Chūnin exams could wait, and the mysteries of this strange new reality could remain unsolved. After all, there was something strangely beautiful about being adrift in a world of calm, sleepy detachment.

Perched upon the rooftop of one of the few remaining buildings that defied the relentless advance of the encroaching ocean, Ketsu exuded an aura of tranquility that seemed at odds with the chaos of his surroundings. Before him, the sprawling city lay submerged, swallowed whole by a vast, unfathomable sea.

The Chūnin exams, once a source of exhilaration and anticipation for many aspiring shinobi, had lost their luster in Ketsu's discerning eyes. The notion of participating in these ritualistic trials, which often devolved into theatrical displays of power, had always struck him as tiresome. Now, faced with this surreal predicament, he found it even more tedious.

The soft caress of the sea breeze whispered through his muddy locks, and Ketsu's onyx eyes, sharp as the talons of a hawk, regarded the placid ocean with a mixture of indifference and ennui. It was a sea of stillness, unbroken by the turbulence of waves or the rhythmic cadence of tides—a vast, empty expanse that mirrored his own sense of detachment.

With languid grace, he face-palmed himself, and allowed the sigh of the wind to serenade his senses.

"This," he murmured, his voice a velvety whisper, "is hardly the thrilling ordeal they promised at the Chūnin exams." His lips curled into a faint, sardonic smile, betraying the subtle irony of his situation. As he languished in the tranquility of his perch, Ketsu's thoughts drifted to the countless other shinobi who might be scattered across this drowned cityscape, each grappling with their own bewildering circumstances. Were they marooned like him, or had they vanished into the depths? It was a question that held little interest for him at the moment.

"Good grief..."



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Shinsuke had eventually awoken from his unexpected slumber with a slight headache that was slowly going away as he rubbed his head. His eyes were open but at the very moment his vision was blurry and the only thing he could make out was someone standing near him. After a few moments, his vision fully returned to him and what hie eyes came across completely took him by surprise. The young shinobi realized that he had been lying on a damp rooftop, surrounded by an endless void of water. The rooftop beneath him was cold and damp, and its surface slick with dew. Shinsuke pushed himself up into a sitting position, confusion clouding his thoughts. How had he ended up here? He couldn't remember anything from the previous night outside of him arriving in the stone district and eating. As he glanced around, he realized that he was completely isolated. The only sound was the gentle lapping of water against the sides of the building. Shinsuke immediate got into a protective and defensive mindset, heightening his senses as he tried to piece together his situation.

With a fluid motion, Shinsuke jumped to his feet, his ninja reflexes taking over. He examined the rooftops nearby, trying to determine the best course of action regarding the situation he had been put in. But to his surprise, he couldn't see any buildings or landmarks on the horizon aside from the one he was on and one across from where he was —just water, stretching as far as the eye could see. A sense of unease washed over him. This surreal environment felt like a genjutsu, but he knew that was far from the case. The young genin began to inspect the area as he moved cautiously along the rooftop, though as he approached the edge and looked down; Shinsuke was met with the realization that the entire city had been engulfed by the ocean waters. Was this still the stone district or were they somewhere entirely different?

However, eventually the young genin pieced together his trip to the stone for the chunin exams, and now they're suddenly placed in a strange area with other genin.. That was it, this had to be part of the exams or there would be more than just genin present, surely the higher ups hadn't been killed so his theory had to have been correct. Now it was just the simple question of what the purpose of this test was; Did he have to fight those on his rooftop or did he have to work with them?
Shinsuke: Alright, what the hell is the point of this? Are we supposed to fight each other, or do we have to find people to fight and eliminate. Since there's only genin here, I figured this has to be a test, which means the Chunin Exams have already started. But unless the rest of you also have no idea how you got here then I may be wrong. Tell me, do you know how you ended up here?

Saying these words towards the only other person on the rooftop with him who was already awake.

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Amidst the disorienting mists of dreams, Taichi Yamazaki felt a profound shift in his slumber, one far more urgent and commanding than the usual nightly adventures of his subconscious. It was as if a force, ancient and powerful, had reached into the depths of his mind and tugged at the strings of his consciousness. In an instant, he was awash in a sea of sensations, a cacophony of elements colliding within his still-dreaming self. It was a rude awakening, to say the least.

As his eyes fluttered open, Taichi's first sensation was the oppressive heat of the sun, a fiery kiss upon his tanned skin. It was a sensation he was intimately familiar with, one that spoke of long days training under the sweltering sun of the Stone District. His messy brown hair, partially swept into a single braid on his right side, seemed to catch fire in the morning light. But this was no ordinary morning, and these were no ordinary circumstances.

With a groan, Taichi pushed himself into a sitting position, blinking away the remnants of sleep. His fiery orange eyes, so much like his father's, in all but color scanned his surroundings with a mixture of curiosity and alarm. What had just transpired? How had he come to be in this bizarre and precarious situation? Beneath him, the rooftop he occupied was both familiar and foreign. It was no rooftop in the Stone District, that much was certain. Instead, it was a small island in a vast expanse of water that stretched endlessly in all directions. There was no mistaking it—this was no ordinary day in the life of a genin. The world had shifted, and Taichi found himself perched atop one of the last remnants of civilization in a submerged village.

The village itself lay beneath the surface, hidden away like a long-forgotten secret. Its buildings, once bustling with life, were now submerged, their secrets buried beneath the relentless tide. Taichi had no doubt that this place held its own tales of triumph and tragedy, but now they were all but lost beneath the waves.

As he took in the sight, a sense of disorientation washed over him. The sea stretched endlessly in every direction, and the nearest island—a mere speck on the horizon—seemed an insurmountable distance away. The waters were as unpredictable as they were vast, switching between moments of deceptive calm and sudden bursts of violence. It was as if the ocean itself was alive, its moods shifting like a temperamental beast. Yet amidst this eerie and watery world, Taichi couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of it all. The sun cast a golden glow upon the tranquil waters, painting the scene in hues of amber and topaz. It was a sight that would have taken his breath away if not for the urgency of his predicament.

With a sigh, Taichi shook his head, sending droplets of water from his damp hair flying. He couldn't afford to get lost in reverie. He was a shinobi of the Stone District, and even in the face of the inexplicable, his training and instincts kicked in. "Son-Goku," he murmured, addressing the source of his strength and perhaps the only entity who could provide some semblance of answers. The Four-Tails had been his constant companion and mentor, albeit an unconventional one. "What do you make of this, old man?"

The voice that replied was a gruff and hearty one, filled with wisdom and age-old knowledge. "A test, I reckon," Son-Goku rumbled. "A test of strength, of wit, and of survival. But one thing's for certain, Taichi—you're not alone in this. There are others, comrades and rivals alike, scattered across this drowned world." Taichi nodded, his mind already working on the puzzle before him. He extended his senses, reaching out with chakra-infused perception to scan for the presence of others. There were signatures nearby, and they seemed to converge in the same direction. Two of them were close, just a stone's throw away on the rooftop of a neighboring building.

With a determined grin, Taichi pushed himself to his feet, his lithe and muscular frame moving with the grace of a seasoned warrior. His attire, a torn black coat draped over a crimson kimono, fluttered in the breeze. His headband, adorned with the symbol of the Stone District, remained securely fastened on his hip. He glanced towards the distant island, the goal that seemed so impossibly far away, and then back to the nearby rooftops where his fellow genin had taken refuge. With a deep breath, he called upon the wellspring of chakra within him, igniting it with the fervor of his fiery spirit.

"This is it, Son-Goku," he declared, his voice resonating with youthful determination. "The Chūnin exams, in whatever form they've taken. I won't back down, not here, not now. Let's go, and let's show them what we're made of!"

With newfound resolve, Taichi set off towards his teammates and the unknown challenges that lay ahead. The world may have changed, but the fire within him burned hotter than ever.

Gen wasn't out in the open; in fact, he was nestled comfortably behind a dilapidated air conditioner. His deep azure hair was surprisingly well-kept, even for someone in what would seem like a drug-induced nap to those who found themselves waking up in places they likely had no choice in selecting. Like a sleepwalking infant, Gen had instinctively placed himself in a safe spot, away from the watchful eyes of any potential predators. Others in the vicinity idled away their time, twiddling their thumbs metaphorically. Gen's brow furrowed with a sense of dissatisfaction about their current location. While he didn't despise the locale, it certainly wasn't the most appealing.

He stirred a bit before abruptly snapping to an upright position, his swords neatly holstered in leather sheaths on his waist, one stacked neatly above the other. Gen flexed his fingers, releasing tension from his body with a simple gesture. When he rose to his feet, it would likely come as a surprise to those who had already awakened, as his presence was effectively concealed behind the air conditioner.

Despite his slender yet muscular physique, hidden beneath loose-fitting clothes, it was evident from his stature alone that he possessed a statuesque build. Gen's attire departed from the traditional garb of his hometown. He wore a short-sleeved button-up shirt with a turtleneck underneath, along with simple black shinobi pants tucked into combat boots. As he emerged from behind the air conditioning unit, now standing before his teammates, he raised his interlocked fingers above his head and let out a soft gasp, a heavy breath to signify the relief of tension under the scorching sun.

While the nature of the upcoming exams remained a mystery to all the genin involved, one thing was clear: they were in this together for the time being. Gen surveyed his teammates, his dusty golden eyes narrowing at one and raising a skeptical brow at another. In the latter case, it was Taichi, who had just uttered the name "Son Goku." A pregnant pause settled on his face as he observed each of them, glancing between them all. His arms crossed, he discarded certain pieces of information as irrelevant, assuming that if they were going to fight, there must be more to it than what Taichi had suggested.

Gen's dusty eyes locked onto the two individuals standing atop the same building as him, a structure strewn with old ductwork, resembling a makeshift minefield. He was still trying to discern what the young man across from them had to offer. It became clear to Gen that those around him were his teammates, which meant that those adjacent to the trio were either potential allies or victims. For the time being, they were friends by virtue of being enemies of their enemies.

Gen rested his hand atop the hilt of his more traditional katana before addressing his makeshift comrades. Unless they were sensory shinobi themselves, they would find Gen emerging with a silent air about him, despite carrying a variety of shinobi tools and his chosen weapons. His cobalt blue hair shifted in the wind, a few strands loosened, as he spoke to both of them, giving them another once-over.

"It seems like we're surrounded by nothing but open sea and that island over there," he said, squinting to make out its full shape. However, anyone with experience could tell that Gen was unwavering in his poise, as if they were standing in the presence of a wolf observing its prey. His ebony skin, now kissed by the sun, stood out as he stood among his would-be teammates. Gen knew that it was only a matter of time before things truly began to unfold between all those involved.​




Setsuka Yuki, the embodiment of serenity and intellect, awoke with a mind as sharp as a honed blade. His platinum hair, kissed by the silvery light of the sky, cascaded in elegant disarray down his back. His vermillion eyes, windows to a vast and calculating intellect, surveyed the surreal scene that lay before him. Perched gracefully atop the rooftop of one of two remaining buildings in a city swallowed by the relentless embrace of the ocean, Setsuka was the picture of composure. A once bustling city now lay submerged beneath an abyssal sea, an enigma that beckoned him to unravel its mysteries.

Unlike many who might have found themselves adrift in confusion and fear, Setsuka's response to this inexplicable situation was not one of panic but of focus. His analytical mind raced, dissecting every detail of his surroundings with meticulous precision. The Chunin exams, traditionally a crucible of combat and cunning, had always been an opportunity for Setsuka to display not only his martial prowess but also his strategic brilliance. The prospect of partaking in these trials had always been met with anticipation, but this peculiar scenario was an unexpected curveball.

A gentle zephyr, laced with the briny scent of salt, tousled his silken attire as he stood at the precipice of the rooftop. His gaze, as sharp as a falcon's, remained unwavering as he contemplated the eerily tranquil expanse of the ocean. It was a sea devoid of the raucous tumult of waves or the rhythmic cadence of tides, a pristine canvas upon which destiny had inscribed its cryptic narrative. Upon his back, the Executioner Blade, a weapon of legendary power, rested with a quiet, brooding presence. The blade, as imposing as it was infamous, had been both a blessing and a curse, a tool of unparalleled might and responsibility. Setsuka had always carried it with a solemn awareness of its legacy, and now, in this surreal predicament, he could not help but feel the weight of its significance.

"This," he mused, his voice a measured cadence of intellect, "is a puzzle of intricate design." His lips curved into a thoughtful smile, his analytical mind already weaving a tapestry of hypotheses.

As he contemplated this enigmatic tableau, Setsuka's thoughts turned to the countless other shinobi who might share his fate. Were they stranded in this submerged realm, or had they vanished into the depths, their presence erased by the relentless sea? It was a question that intrigued him, though it held no fear. A distant rooftop, bathed in the soft glow of the sun, caught his keen eye. Perhaps there, he reasoned, he might find others equally determined to decipher the riddle of their predicament. Or perhaps he would find solitude, a sanctuary in which his intellect could thrive amidst the mysteries of this aqueous puzzle. But for now, Setsuka Yuki remained the calm, focused observer of this submerged cityscape, a figure of intellect poised to unravel the secrets of this surreal realm. The allure of the Chunin exams had been eclipsed by a more profound challenge, and he embraced it with the same measured determination that defined his every action.

He noticed two puzzling individuals who also remained perched upon the soaked rooftop. Perplexed by the notion of having three Genin assigned to a single building, Setsuka thought it would be unwise for this to be a combat situation. Three people never truly create a proper fight. Due to this reasoning, the Genin came to the reasonable assumption that they must be teammates of sorts; set together to fight against foes and test their wits and wills alike.

"So, what's the game plan? It appears we've been selected to work as a team for a reason."


Staff member
ARC Continues
Chunin Exams - What's going on!?

Beneath the shimmering surface of a vast, crystal-clear ocean, an astonishing secret lay hidden— Sunken boulevards, ghostly and overgrown with colorful coral, meandered through the submerged cityscape. Schools of tropical fish glided gracefully past broken windows, their shimmering scales casting flickering reflections throughout the water. Crumbled statues and half-buried vehicles bore silent witness to a once-vibrant civilization's fall. Yet, beneath this tranquil exterior, very subtle banging can be heard should everything be quiet enough, there were indeed some portions of these building beneath the surface that had yet to be completely flooded but that didn't mean things would stay that way. Were the banging sounds that of humans or the simple sound of sea creatures banging against the ocean structures below. Colassal, transparent tubes that crisscrossed the submerged city were also hidden beneath the surface. However the shapes inside were difficult to make out and simply appeared as objects should those above go deep enough.

However, if things weren't already bad enough; Two monsterous shadowy figures began to move within the darkness below. Their forms were obscured, their exact nature shrouded in an enigma, but the very sound of their presence sent shivers coursing down the spines of all who heard them. These ominous creatures moved with a graceful yet unsettling fluidity through the water. Their mere presence seemed to warp the surrounding liquid, creating a chilling distortion in the otherwise tranquil depths. With each movement, they emitted an eerie, echoing bellow that resonated through the water. Were they colossal sea beasts, guardians of this submerged realm, or something more sinister and otherworldly? The unsettling blend of fascination and fear will have set in as they prepared to confront the unknown. The underwater city held not only secrets but also mysterious and ominous forces lurking in the depths. Just how will those above surface handle the situation.





Though Saito stood upon the rooftop of the building, he paid no mind to the other two that were conscious, as if his eyes focused towards the vast oceanic scenery; though the other being that resided inside him utilized its unique properties by injecting its cells through the bottom of Saito's foot into the concrete of the building, releasing threads that slowly but surely spreaded silently throughout the structure, using a form of informational collection the voice spoke inside Saito's subconscious,​
"It seems that there is screaming inside the building; Looks like Our test is to rescue these poor morsals. Shall we get to it?"
Though Saito Responded outloud only low enough that his allies could hear if focused enough; due to the constant screams bade by the building and waves, it was near impossible for the oppositional buildings individual's whom ever they were to hear the conversation that Saito was having with himself,​
"I suppose we can do that. Rescuing those people should be our priority; I don't believe it is the test itself, we might have to take down the other team; but its best to get the innocent out of the way."
Having said this, Saito slowly turned to the two others, the cells that concealed themselves retracting back into his body hiding the fact that Saito's special Kekkei Genkai remained concealed and hidden from even his teamates as he spoke once more but more directed towards them,​
"It seem's we have got some innocent people inside the building, I don't think its related to our test, but it would be a good idea to get them out of harms way incase we have to fight the opposite team or those monsters below."



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Shinsuke looked around at all surroundings atop the roof in search of a door to enter the building through, if there was one around then the trio can walk through and see just how bad things are beneath the surface. Though when his eyes locked on massive shadows moving within the water, his mind somewhat went blank for a moment before snapping back to reality. As he walked around the rooftops, he also made sure to pay close attention to what was being said from the two on the roof with him. Eventually he found exactly what he was looked for and opened up a door on the roof that led back inside of the building via stairs.
Shinsuke: If you're hearing screaming then this is definitely a test. Failure to do so will most likely end in us not becoming Chunin. As for the team thing, I agree with you. I found a door that leads back inside, maybe we can move deep enough through the building to find the people and get a better look at whatever those things are swimming out there. So when we reach a point where we have to swim then, we'll at least know what exactly it is we're dealing with.

With that being said, Shinsuke made his way into the building, each step he took amongst the stairs and flooring made a squish sound beneath his feet due to the wetness from the water. As he ventured further down the stairs until he was now at least a few full floors beneath the roof where he was just barely getting below sea level; Not only could he hear the screams of civilians becoming louder, but this also allowed him to get a more in depth look at the beast closest to their location. It's form was like that of sea serpent but with a humanoid upper body equipped with arms and an elongated head with no eyes and it's teeth were indeed sharp and came in rows. The sheer size of it was almost overwhelming as it was equivalent to that of of 2 school buses put together in length but its muscle and body alone was massive. Should the others have followed him, they'd also see and hear the same thing he was in that very moment.

Shinsuke: Now we know what we're dealing with... At least in terms of sheer size. Let's hope we don't have to deal with that thing anytime soon. Fighting it will definitely destroy this building and everyone in it will die. Let's avoid that if possible, unless we find a way to defeat it... or use it in our favor.


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