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  • Yon
    Yon replied to the thread Rain District.
    A storm brewed... rain cried for the village. LOCATION: RAIN DISTRICT -- RAIN VILLAGE -- CONDITION: DESTROYED CATCH UP The recent...
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  • Fox
    Fox replied to the thread Leaf District.
    The Uzumaki cupped his chin as he pondered what he should train them in. There was a lot he could do with Otaru, especially since they...
  • LucianRedgrave
    LucianRedgrave replied to the thread Ouza Island.
    Despite their boat mooring on the shore of Ouza island it would be practically empty emerging with nothing more than a tarp perfectly...
  • Yatoru
    Yatoru replied to the thread Sand District.
    With the train completely derailed and flipped, Jin stood his hand remaining concealed in his jackets pocket as he watched, observing as...
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  • Jeriah
    Jeriah replied to the thread Leaf District.
    In the austere conference room of Konohagakure's Intelligence Division, Inoka remained distinctly unperturbed amidst the subtle currents...
  • Okami Kitsune
    Okami Kitsune replied to the thread Sand District.
    Due to the actions of Gyoken and the offender that had just successfully captured the diplomat and detonated a second flash bomb...
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  • Jeriah
    Jeriah reacted to Davon's post in the thread Sand District with Wow Wow.
    If he had to choose, it would be spending time with Kiyoka, the red-haired woman who was extremely beautiful as she was air-headed. He...
  • Yozu
    Yozu replied to the thread Sand District.
    Hariku, Angel from Hell While it’s true Hariku would need full focus to complete her ritual, she was indeed however aware of her...
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  • L
    LordSnxw replied to the thread Mist District.
    “I suppose it really could have been worse…” The gulls had cawed their way around the shores of the Land of Water for hours as the...
  • Jeriah
    Jeriah reacted to Anoesism's post in the thread Sand District with Love Love.
    Somber, Kazeemi nodded as she listened to Kiyoka. Her lips pursed, brow arching in befuddlement at the mention that her earlier...
  • D
    DjangoFett replied to the thread Mist District.
    Hyogagetsu felt the suffocating intensity emanating from the Swordsmen of the Mist, particularly Yumaro's palpable irritation. The cold...
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  • Y
    Yugo replied to the thread Gold District.
    The conversation proceeding was intriguing to Yugo his mind had always been somewhat insular focusing on instinctive insight based on...
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  • B
    Baldhead replied to the thread Leaf District.
    Through years of training, Takashi has learned to use Chakra Suppression Technique to conceal his chakra presence and making it...
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  • Davon
    Davon replied to the thread Leaf District.
    Mission: More than an Exchange! Mission Type: Escort and Protect His movements were rapid, as well as designed. It flowed flawlessly...
  • Okami Kitsune
    Okami Kitsune replied to the thread Ouza Island.
    All around Ouza Island's many ports that made said nation's perimeter, the bulk of the GHOSTS that had been personally hand-picked and...
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