Cloud District


The Raikage continued to sift through her desk as time passed, the only change being the presence that arrived in her office. One visitor became two, and two became three; soon her office was filled with the very brothers she hoped to have by her side in the times to come. Despite their young age, they were experienced, bringing a fresh perspective to the table, much like her own. Gyuki, the beast within her, stirred—a phenomenon most jinchuriki would consider an internal rebellion. However, the beast dwelling within Chika had been beaten into submission, a creature that thrived in battle, now a bystander through sheer strength alone. She let out a heavy breath before shifting her attention to the brothers at hand.

The two stood at attention on opposite sides of her desk; one wore a well-kept uniform, and the other concealed the lower half of his face. Their attire mirrored that of active members of the Cloud's military shinobi, both donning flak vests and their own choice in pants. Chika's cold blue eyes flicked between the two, assessing them as if they were merchandise. Just as she moved to speak, she was interrupted by the arrival of one of the village members responsible for keeping her updated on immediate problems that needed her attention—a young woman no older than twenty-five, her breath heavy with fear, stood before the Raikage.

She spoke in a rushed, stumbling manner, "Madam Raikage, Indira is here to see you, and it seems he has brought visitors with him."

The young woman didn’t wait for a response; she sensed the cue to bring them in. Chika nodded in acknowledgment, and if the parties involved were eager to enter the Kage’s estate, they would find the young woman welcoming them with a bowed head. Despite the chaos around them and the district's circumstances, her gestures were well-practiced, purposefully rehearsed.

Chika shifted in her seat, then turned her attention back to the brothers before her. “You two can stick around for this meeting. You'll be privy to more than just idle chatter in the years to come,” she said, chuckling for a moment before propping her feet up on the desk, barely disturbing the paperwork that lay there. Despite her near-brutish nature, she moved with elegance. The beast within her, long before Gyuki, was one of slaughter and destruction. The latter had only served to provide her with an opponent capable of standing toe-to-toe without fail. Their bonding would have to wait; the affairs of the village needed to be in order before she could focus on further quelling Gyuki.



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The towering gates of the Raikage building swung open with a resounding creak after a few moments of the group waiting, he didn't worry about speaking to the guard directly as he simply nodded his head. As he stepped onto the stone-paved pathway leading to the towering building, the gates closed behind him and the 2 who were with him. A young shinobi, appointed as their guide, awaited them at the entrance of the building. The guide, a skilled ninja with the emblem of the Cloud Village proudly displayed on his flak jacket, bowed respectfully.
Guide Shinobi: Elder Kyaro Arashi, Master Indira it is an honor. Please allow me to escort you and your lady friend to the Raikage's office.

Kyaro again nodded, acknowledging the young shinobi's respect. Together, they ascended the grand staircase, the polished stone steps worn by the footsteps of countless leaders who had walked this path before. The walls were adorned with portraits of past Raikages, each a testament to the village's storied history. Kyaro's eyes lingered on the images of those he had served alongside and those who had followed in his footsteps. Upon reaching the upper floor, they arrived at the imposing double doors of the Raikage's office. The guide knocked and, without waiting for a response, pushed the doors open, revealing a spacious room adorned with symbols of the village's power. The desk, now occupied by the new Raikage.
Kyaro: So you're the new Raikage huh? I like what you've done with the place. However, I didn't come here for a simple chat, i'm seeking refuge for my dear friend here, Ashi. She's looking for work as well, more along the scientific side. I was expecting young Indira here, but considering what you've done I can support you. There are other matters i'd like to speak with you about as well, but that can wait. - Ashi, go ahead.

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The two young men standing her office turned their gaze to the door the moment it opened, their ocean green eyes watching with an acuity only matched by the raikage herself. The boys in question were young but far from inexperienced. Chika’s gaze did the same and to little shock at all she found herself in the presence of Kyaro, a man of renown in his own regard yet it was clear to her that he was lacking in manners. He hadn’t taken the escort that Chika sent for him to begin with. Her nose was upturned in a sense as she simply let him talk for a moment her ears perked up in that instance. ”So you're the new Raikage huh? I like what you've done with the place.” the second these words were uttered she’d throw a hand up to interrupt his train of speech only to begin speaking on her own. The tone of her voice stern and unamused at the antics of the man and his compatriot that stood beside him.

“For someone looking for attention you certainly lack manners. Perhaps you could learn something from the young woman that I sent for you.” Chika said with a scoff to follow her words. The raikage was far from uptight but it was merely the principle of the matter. How could one come before what could easily equate to the strongest among their people without any sense of respect. Her arms were crossed about her chest as she continued.“I mean honestly it's truly impressive you find yourself entitled to my presence let alone forgoing the formality during a time such as this. Your extravagant arrival was uncalled for. The next time someone is sent for you I suggest you fall in line with the path that was laid or find yourself another to plead your case with.” She scolded the man in question like he was a child as Chika didn’t care much for his status formerly or currently. The brothers that stood on either side of Chika’s desk could be seen with a nervous bead of sweat resting upon their brows. They weren’t worried the Raikage would lash out at them but rather the fact that she didn’t care what the man had to say, let alone who he had brought along with him.

Chika was far from amused by the antics and the beast dwelling within her was no different. Despite her seemingly calm demeanor the things that laid beyond the surface were quite apparent. Even to the young men set to accompany her for the rest of her tenure as the new Raikage. Kyar would find the raikage's sea foam green eyes now leaden with the chakra of the beast within her. Even if the man in question wasn’t shaken to his core he could find that the essence of Gyuki was oozing from her on an ethereal level. Had Kyaro chosen to continue after being spoken to by the Raikage he could find that her expression was less than enthused and more over uninterested in the prospects to come.​




After meeting the new Raikage, his first impression of her in terms of attitude and personality was nothing short of pathetic. It had only been but a few moments in the presence of the woman and his compliment towards her seemed to have only been met with words that'd come from entitled child. As this may have made the others act a certain way, Kyaro only laughed at her comments with a smirk as he knew anything he said at this point could piss her off and provide him with some sort of entertainment.
Kyaro: Geez you seem a little tense, y'know when someone gives you a compliment the normal person will appreciate not throw a temper tantrum. You must be bitter that someone destroyed some of the village under your rule, its cool it happens to the best of us, you'll get over it. Though I would suggest you not allow your trivial emotions to cloud your judgement , I care nothing od you and more of the village I've grew up in. It'd be unwise to not listen to the reason I've come, and plain stupid to annoy me. If you want to further your arsenal in the village then I suggest you listen, I didn't come here to argue.​

The tension in the room was indeed something far out of the ordinary as the strong and horrifying intent of this legendary figure swelled through the room and at this same time, his eye which was revealed did have a small spark of electricity course through it as it was a natural thing his body did. He remained perfectly composed as her little gaze did absolutely nothing but cause him to chuckle once more and smile after realizing who was inside of her, maybe he was the reason she felt so confident while standing in his presence, but if Gyuki told her anything about their history, this meeting could have went a lot smoother without the need for hostile behavior from either one the Current or Former Raikage.
Kyaro: Now to one of the reasons I'm here, I bring my companion Ashi to you. She would like a job as a scientist; Her goal is to create weapons, gateways for trading, and even supply us with a special source of power. I advised against the gateways myself as that is a bit too risky, but with her help and knowledge she willl definitely be a huge trump card for us in time. She can even help improve security and keep people out who may threaten us amongst other things, As I said, she'll be useful but her words will give you more information, I'm only here to tell you of her wanting a job and offering my money to fund whatever she does, you won't be coming out of pocket for any of this. Any problems she cause will be left for me to handle. Her home, materials, etc will be taken care of by me. All I need is your answer, nothing more, nothing less.​






Within the medical Ward of the Cloud District, a beloved Doctor had finished tending to an injured patient, stepping out from the operation room his blue eyes almost like the very sky above looked upon the many staff; giving each a gentle head pat before moving along for their hard work this doctor of the cloud district had been working quite hard for the past Eighteen Years. His bewildered violet hair a mess and dark rings under his eyes from the lack of sleep, he'd move towards his office. A man who has had his hand on every single medical tool for the sake of the Cloud's men and women stepped into the office with a name label called Dr. Occior. Looking upon his vast shelves of medical knowledge, this man slowly moved towards the desk where he'd take a seat with such a calm and gentle nature. His eyes fixating towards the window as something deep inside, not his chakra but more of his very essence, his soul resonated with a being far across the shinobi world. A being who currently would be located in the District of Stone... Putting a Cigarette into his mouth before using a lighter to ignite it, this Doctor Occior couldn't help but feel his lips curl into a smirk. As if the chain reaction was about to transpire across the nations. Adjusting his face upon hearing a knock on his door, he returned to the calm disposition as his office door would open revealing a young Chunin no older than 16 or 17. A young lad who WAS about as average as many chunin of this land but now seemed to be as powerful as an average Jonin shinobi. Occior standing up as he kept his cigarette with him spoke with such a calm tone,
"Hello young lad, I see your recovery has been going quite smoothly. It gives me great relief to see the progress you've made! You've even gotten quite strong my friend! Thats wonderful, you'll reach the rank of jonin in no time!"
This being said, the Chunin who smiled at the doctor replied with such a calm and natural voice,​
"Yes sir! Hopefully Lady Raikage will see this effort!"
Their exchange seeming natural the young Chunin would soon leave the office, closing the door behind him as if some telepathic exchange was made. This exchange would have been broadcasted to all this so called Dr. Occior had come in contact with,​
"The time draws near... My beloved puppets, I your master, Airo Nanochi will erase the memory of my face, my name, and voice when the time draws closer. Your objectives are simple, draw chaos upon this nation. Slaughter all who come near. Those who try to question you, you will kill yourself by biting your tongue off, then slitting your guts open. This is the demand of the Shadow Realm... If you come across the Raikage... Four Jonin under my control will use the Lime Light Jutsu from the four cardinal directions to attack that woman. A jutsu so powerful it may result in mass destruction; fear not for your souls and chakra will be part of our Shadow Realm... Now wait for my Command... Act as if life is ordinary, draw no suspicion. This broadcast will now be lost to your memory... But remembered by thy soul!"
Though Doctor Occior looked out the window with his cigarette being inhaled, he actually looked like a normal man, but his shadow that his body casted, though not visible to anyone to see it had eyes opened across every part of it. A signature of a person taken over by their shadow counterpart. Only visible to those of the shadow realm or influenced by one, making him seem as natural to the shinobi world as it could be, even down to his chakra natures and signature. Adjusting his glasses, Occior exhaled the smoke out the window, resting upon his arms as he watched the village people going about their daily lives, his expression relaxed and content as the signal had been sent to Aito Nanochi, the shadow of Occior. A signal only triggered upon the Necromancer of the Shadow Realm utilizing a Summoning Jutsu. By doing so, the very shadow's eyes emitted a strange glow, some of the citizens beginning to act strangely, drawing weapons as they quickly began cutting down their once friends and family. Screams echoing through the village streets as blood would soon stain the roads, walls and glass. Occior continuing to take his role seriously, had an expression of fright, moving away from the window as he quickly ran out his office shouting to his staff,
"Ladies and gentleman, something is going on! Get as many rooms as you can ready! We need to stay operational, do not let anyone with a weapon drawn inside this facility! We must protect the patients! Critically injured patients are our top priority! I repeat, this is not a drill! Lets get to saving lives!"
An announcement that got the staff moving, the halls bustling with urgency as Occiors shadow sent some of the patient Shinobi who were discharged to act natural as four Jonin shinobi with the knowledge of Limelight Jutsu vanished with body flicker to the four cardinal directions, masking their presence as if they were on scouting duty on the outskirts of the village. Meanwhile as the carnage erupted on the streets, and the Doctor keeping all suspicions away from him as these possessed or rather brainwashed civilians were just people that the Doctor had passed during the many days going to work. Meaning there was no connection to him and these violent attacks.

As the Brainwashed Civilians slaughtered innocent people, one could be found preparing to perfectly bisect a toddle with a butchers knife, the one thing about these violent civilians was their seemingly increased strength to match a basic level chunin though lacking Ninjutsu ability. Just what was about to occur in the land of lightning?!
Location: Cloud District
Posting Order: Aito-> Cloud district members
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll
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Owner and Founder
Staff member


With time running short, Indira firmly placed a hand on Okami's shoulder, focusing intently. In a flash, the Reverse Summoning technique transported them instantaneously to the very gates of Kumogakure. Striding forward past elite Cloud jōnin guards, Indira approached the Raikage's tower.

He knocked sharply on the heavy wooden door, loud enough to echo within but still respectful. "Lady Chita, this is Indira requesting an audience. I have returned successfully from my assignment, with the young Kitsune shinobi as you ordered."A moment later, hearing the commanding voice of Raikage Chika permitting entry, Indira bowed in deference and proceeded inside, beckoning Okami to follow. Standing at disciplined attention before the Raikage’s desk, he formally presented his new companion. "Lady Kumoi, esteemed leader of our Cloud shinobi, allow me to introduce Okami of the secluded Island Nation kitsune clan. He possesses much wisdom despite his youth, yet remains wary of entanglement in the Districts’ ceaseless conflicts since the Schism.” Indira’s tone took on an edge of admiration as he concluded. “I humbly request that you earnestly consider the compromise and neutral standing this young shinobi has advocated for. Though bound by duty and loyalty to the Alliance, I believe engaging respectfully with independents like Okami could stabilize the surrounding unaligned islands.” He glanced sideways, hoping Okami would project the same reasonable poise to the formidable Kage that had so impressed Indira during their brief island discussion.


Location: Cloud District, Raikage Office
Posting Order: Indira -> Okami -> Chika -> Others
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll​
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Upon reappearing in Cloud Dirstrict, Okami put himself back into full alert on instinct, while making sure to do so as subtly as he could manage. His reason for doing so was obvious: Not only was he in a foreign nation not allied with his own, the civilian population was going completely out of control for some reason or another. He didn't even need to see it - he could hear and smell the chaos just fine... In his mind, chaos was putting it too mildly - pandemonium was a more fitting word. Cries for help as well as the smell of blood ran thick in the air, to the point it was nearly enough to make him break composure and gag... Nearly. It was lucky that his senses had yet to develop to the level of a full-grown battle-hardened Kitsune, or he really would have lost his composure and even lost his lunch. When they finally reached the Raikage's office, Okami had never been more glad to be indoors.

He was also silently thankful for Indira speaking first, since it gave Okami the time he needed to center himself. As such, by the time it was once again his turn to speak, he was fully prepared and spoke with the same reasonable poise that he could tell had impressed Indira enough to vouch for him. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Lady Raikage. Before we begin, let me first explain that as I informed Indira, I cannot in good conscience promise or in any way guarantee being willing or even able to comply with whatever it is you ask of me. This is owing to the fact that aside from being a freshly-promoted Chunin, I am also the sole living heir to the kingdom of Ouza Island. As such, when the time comes, I will be expected to someday inherit the throne and all it stands for as its king. Depending on the rate of my progress, that could be quite literally at any time - I believe you can imagine that means I can only reliably agree to so much. If this presents a problem for you, please feel free to let me know so that we may at the very least attempt to come to a solution that fully satisfies all parties involved. However, I must insist that you keep in mind that while I'm open to forging an alliance if you believe that to be necessary, I cannot agree to anything that outright compromises the independence of my people and the humble island nation we call home... An independence that we've maintained for the past several hundred years." Such were Okami's words, making it quite clear without saying it outright that if she were to insist that he himself transfer to Kumogakure for a time, he could not reliably agree to anything long-term without applying for dual-citizenship. He also all but said outright that if nothing else, his position as the crown prince of Ouza Island afforded him a suitable level of authority to forge alliances himself regardless of his low rank as a ninja.
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Location: Cloud District, Raikage Office
Posting Order: Indira -> Okami -> Chika -> Others
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll
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With the streets of Kumagakure being bathed in blood, seemingly as chaotic as the flames of anarchy and rebellion, the citizens who seemed plagued by an unknown force, seemingly like a viral infection cut down their once friends and families. Screams bellowing throughout the very streets and buildings. The seemingly once small number of so called infected growing by the seconds as now over 65% of Kumo civilians were seemingly infected. Unbeknownst to the shinobi who tried to stop this violent assault, it was as if there were timed triggers to make it seem as if a viral outbreak had been set free against the populace. In this moments of carnage and chaos, soon rankings of Chunin and a small number of jonin began to show signs of hysteria and infectious traits. Turning on their allies as the use of Lightning release Jutsu's scattered through the village. What started as a small riot of death and carnage had now turned into a bloodbath of revolutionary decay. Wounded who managed to survive the onslaught as the "Infected" moved through the village were moved to the Medical Wards generalized Hospital where treatments were done; some over seen by Dr. Occior others by those trusted by the doctor, an attempt to save the lives of these innocent people.

As the Shinobi who fell to this infection that sweeped their minds moved across the village brought forth the fury of death and carnage, the crackles of photonic energy and electron clouds erupted causing mild explosions to erupt from buildings. Flames blistering as the screams still echoed through the district. Damages to the village being at a current 11% would ever so slowly expand and grow. Back in the Hospital as Dr. Occior finished treating another wounded patient, beads of sweat running down his forehead, the exhaustion of so many treatments taking its toll as he slowly moved to the lounge, sitting himself for a breather as he placed a cigarette between his lips, igniting the end with a simple lighter as he'd take in a deep breath of nicotine. Exhaling he spoke to some of the colleagues,​
"What the hell is going on... So many are being wounded and the Cloud Shinobi are turning on each other... Just what on earth is happening..."
His colleagues seeing the worrisome expression on the head doctors face seemed to allow them to comfort him, some saying that everything will be alright, others saying that the Raikage should never have let it fall this badly. Those who started pointing their struggles towards the Raikage seemed to have questioned everything since the day Kyaro stepped down as the Clouds Kage. Since the boarders had been closed, to them and in their very perspective this was an act of cowardice and bending the knee since the betrayal of a cloud shinobi. As the talks continued, back in the blood stained streets a child roamed alone, covered in blood, her eyes seemingly widened and stricken with utter horror walked by herself where across the road a man slowly stumbled from the alleyway, a butchers knife in hand his gazed turned towards this child as his lips slowly curled into a sinister and twisted grin. His teeth bared towards this child as he began his approach with a methodical slow yet terrifying stride.

Location: Cloud District,
Posting Order: Occior> Cloud Shinobi
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll


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Within the office of the Raikage, the former leader of the village stood to address the new Raikage about his return home. Though there was some commotion going on out in the streets of Kumogakure which made the man put his meeting with her on hold. In the midst of him getting ready to leave the office, he came face to face with his loyal student, the man who Kyaro planned on making his successor, Indira. However, nefore Kyaro could even greet his own student, he noticed a smaller figure emerge from behind Indira. Seeing the Kitsune child from the exams suddenly being in their village was quite shocking but he did respect the decision of Lady Chika letting in an outsider. And while he felt this was a good deed, he also didn't know the true the intentions behind such a thing until he heard Indira speak on the matter. Kyaro's stern once stern countenance softened as he looked at the young child as Indira introduced him. Kyaro was simply analyzing the young boy for a moment before letting a small chuckle of amusement; Indira had truly took after him in the aspect of speaking up for someone different who showed promise. The cloud district was respected back in the days when Kyaro himself was in charge, and he had hoped that it remained respected even though he is no longer its leader.

As the kitsune spoke, for such a young lad; He indeed had a large amount of respect which was sometimes pretty unusual when it came to kids. Even Kyaro himself was quite the delinquent at his age, and even though he still has a personality that suggests he's still one; His actions have shown him to have grown drastically and his work has made him a huge name in the shinobi world and earned him respect from even his adversaries. After his analyzation of the Kitsune child, his chakra began to swell only a tad and caused his body to spark with electricity. Shooting a gaze to Indira with a look of both pride and seriousness as he made his way out of the building to investigate all the commotion going on outside.

Kyaro: I'll be back shortly. Lady Chika, Indira, if im not back in 3 minutes, assume things are crazier than they should be and send in backup.

Listen While Reading

As Kyaro exited the building, he stumbled upon a chaotic scene. Villagers, normally peaceful and united, were attacking each other with a frenzied intensity. A clear sign that something malevolent had taken control of them. Kyaro noticed the afflicted villagers, driven by an otherworldly force, their movements erratic and fueled by an insidious power. Without hesitation, he leaped into action, landing amidst the chaotic crowd. His presence alone sent ripples through the assailants, momentarily interrupting their frenzied assault. The sheer force of Kyaro's chakra created a shockwave, causing the possessed villagers to pause for a moment. The former Raikage's expression hardened as he assessed the situation. Focusing his chakra, Kyaro activated his unique Kekkei Genkai, Dendohashi as blue arcs of lightning crackled around the targeted beings as Kyaro had utilized his own chakra to act as a means of contact. This one action as it was mixed with the shockwave had sent a surge of controlled electricity through the bodies of each individual inside of the crowd. The affected villager convulsed, their movements halted by Kyaro's precise manipulation of electrical currents. As the electricity coursed through their nervous systems, it disrupted the external influence that had driven them into a violent frenzy. The villagers nearby, still under the dark sway, witnessed the intervention and momentarily hesitated.


Kyaro: This is sad, who's responsible for these ridiculous games. Surely it has to be someone not of this village since no-one here is dumb enough to betray Kumogakure. Especially with me here.

As he turned his head, a chilling sight met his eyes. A little girl, innocence painted across her face, stood at the mercy of a possessed villager who had managed to avoid the effects of Kyaro's Kekkei Genkai. Without a moment's hesitation, Kyaro's instincts kicked in. He couldn't allow harm to befall the young girl. Kyaro pointed his finger in the direction of the little girl, summoning the power of lightning to his aid. The technique chain lashed out, attaching itself to the child's back. There was a brief, reddish-black glow as the lightning embraced her, and in an instant, she was whisked away from the immediate danger. The lightning retracted, leaving the girl unharmed and now safely in Kyaro's vicinity as she clinged onto him. The possessed villager, deprived of their intended target, snarled with frustration, their crazed eyes searching for the escaped child. However, Kyaro stood with her, a formidable force fueled by the power of lightning coursing through his veins.

Kyaro: Enough!

Kyaro declared with a voice that resonated authority. His eyes locked onto the possessed villager, and the atmosphere grew tense. The air itself seemed to react to the aura of the former Raikage, as if nature itself recognized and bowed to his command. Lightning, shot from his eyes and barraged the civilian like a flurry of punches until the possessed being was unconcious.



Location: Cloud District, Kumogakure Streets
Posting Order: Occior > Kyaro > Cloud Shinobi
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days

Skip Points: ll
Chika sat with her hands placed perfectly beneath her chin with fingers interlaced as she allowed Indira to enter. Despite the things still going awry within her village and district alone her thoughts seemed to be so at peace. The disturbance of the lands people was something that needed addressing both before and after the arrival of the plague that now began to blanket the district. Kyaro was no different in that regard, he was a relic of the village’s past and as such his boisterous appeal was something he couldn’t truly help. She wasn’t planning on holding it against him in any regard but it was time to turn the tide of this village's reputation from simply being rambunctious and incapable of discipline into a village of note. They were slighted by the conflict of the schism’s aftermath and as such the arrival of those fettered by shadow was still a plague that graced the land. She shifted forward in her seat as she listened to Indira’s plea for the welcoming of a foreign shinobi. She soon sat up from her hunched over position and in turn leaned back into her office chair for a moment. She no sooner looked between the two Takeuchi brothers that resided in her office as they stood in what could effectively equate to parade rest in their own way, each of them giving a quaint nod of respect. She spoke with a soft tone and yet it was somehow commanding her presence alone was enough to silence most rooms but this time was different. She could feel the palpable disarray in the air of her village so she was going to keep it brief.

“As long as the boy minds his station among our people he is welcome. Indira something is awry with our people, I expect you to take this boy under your wing since you have advocated for his refuge. Is that understood?”

She sat in her chair a moment longer before turning her gaze to the overlook that was so prominent within the raikage's office as a staple. She could see the turmoil beginning within her village's borders and a look of disgust was present upon her face. She was by no means a failure but those that came before her with few exceptions were clear in their departure from their duties. She wasn’t going to intervene just yet, leaving it to those that called her village home to stand on the very pride they held dear. If there was one thing the cloud was known for it was their astute response to conflict in a village predicated on strength and power alike. However it was in these moments an unspoken dispatch was given. It was as if her influence had gone beyond verbal command and reached those who worked in the light and shadows alike. She would throw her left hand up as if dismissing everyone in the room and in doing so the Takeuchi brothers seemed to fade from view, their images going up in nothing more than a blur. The two had gone to deliver the raikage's will upon both the village and those of her anbu.

The anbu of the cloud were of a different breed, where Konoha sent their anbu on missions of espionage and subterfuge, and the mist sent their anbu to hunt down their rogue shinobi alike, the cloud were a beast all their own having previously aided in the dispatch and capture of rogue tailed beast host alongside the kages of their eras. They were beyond simply instilling conflict but completely bringing it to their beckon call. Just the same as Kyaro had gone about dispatching those plagued by what was making its way through the village's people. However something was afoot far beyond a simple psychological plague and that was what these young men and women lived for. The anbu of the cloud were no sooner on their way to sniff out the root of the problem with little hesitation and like hunting hounds bound by shadow they had set out into the village with little hesitation. Their minds seemingly locked behind something far beyond simple genjutsu or even mental fortitude; this was something otherworldly in a way.
Location: Cloud District, Raikage Office
Posting Order: Indira -> Okami -> Chika -> Others
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll​