Cloud District




During the squabble in the village streets…
The village of Kumogakure was going into a case of madness; it was a sight to behold even for those capable of withstanding the effects of what had transpired. However that was the problem with any well laid plan, there was always an outlier. Where Kyaro, Indira, and the new found Okami found themselves in precarious situations all alike Chika was always on the prowl, always looking for the next thrill of battle almost like an addiction to the idea of the hunt. So while her people were thrown into madness. Her anbu were already doing the same her will expressed upon them without an ounce of verbal communication. The instances in which one might think the anbu were a ghost story or even a myth to uninformed those of Kumogakure were said to be some of the most lethal encounters one could cross given their speed and bravado. Yet just like the horrors of the night they got their jobs. The thing that made a Kage more than their title was their influence, something Chika herself had spread across the village from the time she received the office as a whole. Where they had all come to bat for the village Chika was doing the same behind the scenes. One of those within her fold wasted no time relaying the outlier of the whole debacle leaving her no choice but to truly get involved and it didn’t take long at all for the outcome to reveal itself she had been looking out of her office window. She was watching it all transpire her chakra exerted upon the air and office space alike and like an inky pool to another dimension. It was the part of her that made her so formidable, the tailed beast that resided within her among some of the strongest and even before stepping into the footsteps of Raikage. Their essences sustained each other in a way that very few could truly fathom. The inky pool at her feet had produced something that by all standards of the shinobi world was tainted, a blade that aided her in the triumph over the tailed beast known as Gyuki. So in the very moment that the village found itself in peril she wasn’t going to truly leave them to their fate that wasn’t the place of a kage at all. She had closed her borders and yet an attack came from within her people like eager sheep to bring their own loved ones to the slaughter. So as the blade came from the inky abyss at her feet and into her open, one could find within the moment it touched her hand it would begin to feed like a hungry infant suckling the breast of its mother. The blade had come from the place she was raised, a tool crafted by the blacksmith known for supporting the hunters of her clan throughout the years. It was tainted by the pact of whoever found themselves wielding it was having the very essence of their chakra fed upon and in most people's cases this would result in their death. However her ties with the tailed beast within her made this a formidable weapon in her grasp far more than before their legendary battle. The blade now in her grasp meant that whatever she had planned was something to change the very make up of Kumogakure and the Cloud district as a whole. She had closed her eyes, focusing herself and like a prayer to some unseen god she exhaled with her stance changed akin to the Iai style among those of the Iron District and their samurai warriors. She had gone into the place where Gyuki and her often communed with one another albeit it was very rarely to bargain the way she had planned on doing today. When she arrived within, one could find her standing in what effectively equated to an endless sea of darkness illuminated only by their collective presences.
Minute one…
Chika was standing before Gyuki, his hulking physique leagues above hers, kneeling down to meet her gaze face to face with his snout as he huffed out a heavy breath blowing her hair from in front of her face without little effort at all. His form no sooner coming from its squatted down position to upright its physique towering sum several stories above hers much larger than the kage’s estate and even some of the higher peaks within Kumogakure. His voice boomed as he spoke with a tone near deafening to the uninitiated or even the unwelcomed. He looked down his nose as he spoke his words filled with a comradery like no other.

“So you’ve come to ask a favor that cannot go unpaid?” Gyuki let out a noise akin to a pig's squeal ‘BWEEEEEEEE’ He continued holding the same tone as before after his exclamation. He was speaking on the bargain Chika had come to present before she had even verbally said anything. The link they held between body and mind was something they were accustomed to meaning that he could feel it in the proverbial air upon her arrival. “Chika, it's not often you come here looking for something so vastly in need, what you require isn’t impossible but this will cost us both.” He was talking about a portion of the thing that made them who they were the yin and yang portions of their chakra the blade that resided in Chika’s hand in the physical aspect of the shinobi world was that of Kusabimaru. A blade renowned for its cutting power but more over the fact that it was always passively feeding on the yang of its wielder to hone its edge beyond what one could think physically possible. Chika responded to Gyuki with a tone not unlike his her voice, one of command but in the same stroke one with compassion.
“You already know what I have in mind. I don't want to forcibly take it from you Gyuki. That's not what this partnership is about, more than simply a play for power.” Their eyes were locked with one another as she spoke in response to Gyuki. The beast contemplated as the seconds ticked by and soon the first minute would conclude itself. Gyuki sighed leaving a heavy steam among their conversation as his breath filled the air he would come to answer her plea. The 8 tails wasn’t one for acts of folly or even dying on a hill of bravado alone. However he was going to bestow Chika with an aspect of himself that hadn’t been split since long ago, a time before Chika or even Kyaro had been in office. What Chika was asking for was an 8th of the beast chakra in exchange for a technique she had only previously been speculating. It wasn’t unheard of within the shinobi world to flow one's chakra through a blade or any instrument for that matter meaning she was only formulating the possible. The first minute concluded and the floor within the Kage’s office would crack once more under the weight of the chakra being exerted from her person. Her physique now clad in the armor associated with Kusabimaru an armor reminiscent of members of the Iron district; however it bore the blessing of the cloud. The village symbol engraved on the pauldron that decorated Chika’s shoulder, not only was her form clad in armor but just as quickly it seemed to be engulfed in the essence of Gyuki’s chakra all the same. The blade she was wielding now feeding on the chakra of the tailed beast within her all the same. Her form now shambolic in nature, the thickened crimson chakra of the tailed beast coating her person. Its chaotic chakra coming to fruition as the first minute came to a close a single tail emerged from behind Chika’s form. A single tentacle writhing back and forth as Chika’s breath became stilled.

The start of Minute two…

The raikage had called upon the 8 tails to give her blade an edge like no other. The essence of her strike was something known to the shinobi world as the chakra flow technique. However as things began to transpire within the village it would become more apparent even to those possessed by whatever mental plague was roaming through the streets. They could find the very ground of the village shaking. Was it another cataclysmic event set to shake the very foundation of the world alike or was it simply that the village was now wading through the ruination that was the 8 tails chakra. She had taken the time to steel her mind from the noisy conflict of the village streets. Like a hunting hound of the leaf’s Inuzuka her ears honed in on the sounds Even the Kage’s office would be under threat of the potent chakra being released in those moments she could feel the very change in the atmosphere as darkened clouds decorated the sky the same thing Chika had been waiting for since the start of this whole ordeal. She spoke under her breath with her eyes turned towards the sky now shrouded in the chakra of the tailed beast that dwelled within her. Her form still crouched in that same stance reminiscent of the aforementioned Iai style of the samurai. Her left gripping the sheath of her blade and the right gripping the hilt as she turned the Kage’s office into a spring board of sorts. It was always known for being among one of the highest points within the land of lightning. She watched as the four beams of lightning and began to make their ascension into the clouded sky above Kumogakure. Unfortunately for those behind such an attack Chika was more than prepared to close the distance. The lightning that found itself far outside of the villages boarders and encroaching on its utter climax within the sky could find that the raikage had quite literally launched herself far beyond the means thought possible for the shinobi body. The singular tail that decorated Chika’s form was only a testament to her comradery with the tailed beast known as Gyuki willing to quite literally give up an eighth of his power in this instance to aid his host in saving the place they both called home. Despite the nature of the request it was far from outlandish for but alas it was a heavy burden to request from a beast who long ago likely wouldn’t have even bothered to aid any human life at all.

Thirty seconds remaining in the second minute…
In turn the Raikage had subsequently launched her physique now clad in the chakra of her tailed beast and now lightning chakra all the same was on her ascension into the heavens. Her form was like a meteor through the night sky as the weight of the world came to bear. This crimson comet of sorts would illuminate the sky the same way that the lightning had. Illuminating the clouds like the flamboyant grace of the sun. She in turn would run through the very same thought process of how every jutsu was created. Her brain running the numbers as she flew threw the air with little hesitation at all her tailed beast form seemed to be a simple one in nature as the skull of the beast that dwelled within her soon came to bare its horns. It was effectively like putting the Raikage in a cannon and pointing her into the clouded sky. She was already halfway through the apex of the beam's arc. Chika was effectively at this point using the lightning produced by the essence of the jutsu as both a compass and a medium to further enhance her form. Once she had gotten within range of a single bolt one could find the bolt itself arcing off into her physique like a lightning rod and as she climbed higher and higher with each passing second one could find her crimson clad form shrouded in a cloak of lightning like no other. It was a sight to behold as Chika’s flight continued. Had one been capable of sensing her chakra so high into the air they could find the way that it was being pooled was like fueling like letting a bucket of water overflow with a single drop from a faucet. The idea of surface tension holding back the most cataclysmic overflow of energy.

The start of minute three…
The air was being cut through with precision and Chika’s thoughts were still running rampant. The blade acting as a hungry devil engorging itself on the eight tails chakra and her chakra alike. Its form swells with the power of the eight tails chakra. This technique wasn’t one being created from reckless abandon but a place of logic. The raikage was by no means a genius but a genius level intellect wasn’t necessary to come to the conclusion that she had. In exchange for a rampant surge of the eight tails chakra to back this technique this enabled a high power swing with a tax on the beast and its host all the same. Created by an abstract instinct to hunt her prey until the ends of the earth. Her innate understanding of her own clans hiden and the eight tails was accelerated. This was a breakthrough the shinobi world had not seen in quite some time. She had begun to focus on the ratio of chakra being flowed into the blade she was now wielding and rather than begin formulating a tailed beast bomb from the forefront of her physique, the essence of every jinchuriki in question. She had in fact redirected its form applying shape transformation to the orb that was renowned among the tailed beast in general. Her mind was focused on providing the perfect ratio to the blade in question as it soon became coated in the chaotic chakra of the beast within. The ratio in question was none other than the 8 to 2 ratio required to fire the tailed beast bomb. However rather than making the form spherical it would become near razor thin. The lightning that was now fueling her ascension was soon to reach its zenith and with that the chakra flowing through her blade would begin circulating like the very blood of her body.

Thirty seconds left of the third minute…
Chika’s physique would begin to bolster as she approached the ball that now found itself sooner perched high in the sky was met with the presence of Chika cloaked in the eight tails chakra. Her form is only dwarfed by the size of the orb in question by more than a few meters. The moment she’d come within striking distance of the orb her form would begin its slow heavy descent seemingly using her tailed beast form as a means to slow her plummet to the earth enough to strike out at the sphere in question as she prepared to unleash what was effectively an experimental jutsu. However, what better way than to test a technique than to test in battle as far as she was concerned. She was effectively face to face with the sphere of lightning in question as her descent began, her eyes locked on her target and the chakra being pooled in her blade ready to break the aforementioned surface tension it had come to bare. The blade would exit its sheath and with that the overwhelming intensity of the raikage would present itself. The very woman who had brought the 8 tails to its knees came to show her village just why she had come into power. The roar that escaped her maw as she flicked the blade from its scabbard was cataclysmic in nature, a cacophony of intense chakra being met with that of simple lightning chakra. When the third minute came to an end the sky would darken far beyond that of the night and in turn it would seem as if an eclipse had blessed the cloud district with its presence.

Minute 4…
Chika’s form now high in the sky as the fourth minute had come to bare and so did her blade the air around her would swell with her overwhelming power and subsequently this abject change to the thing the world had come to know as the tailed beast ball would have its form altered in a way unseen to anyone. Where the 8 tails was known for firing the aforementioned into a wide arcing beam Chika had condensed it down to that of a slender arcing strike and like a guillotine it would lash out aiming to behead its foe. The sky eclipsed and with it an audible boom could come as in the first moments of the forth minute. A shout came from the raikage’s augmented maw as she had done the unthinkable. She needed to give this jutsu a name, something that a kenjutsu master such as herself could call her own and name it she did; Bijudama: Zentetsuken or more aptly put Tailed beast bomb: Iron Cutting Sword. The blade of the Raikage exited its sheath and without a second thought the sky would part like the seas. Her blade would exit into open air and without hesitation the aforementioned cataclysmic boom would follow suit. The tailed beast bomb in and of itself was a destructive force unrivaled by any and just the same way that this jutsu within the sky found itself reaching its point of fruition it would be met with a power unseen to the shinobi world in quite sometime but at the cost of the secrecy of the shinobi world itself. Unlike many other nations tailed beast Chika had always kept her relationship with Gyuki under wraps leaving the world to merely speculate just exactly how powerful the raikage was. This instance was no different as the reality of her power was revealed. The explosion that would subsequently follow the raikage unleashing her technique would send her physique plummeting to the earth post haste. The strike from her altered Bijudama would be as if two missiles had collided mid air with one another. However rather than simply slice the jutsu down the middle it could find itself engulfed in an implosion of sorts. The chakra from the tailed beast bomb was perfectly balanced and from the sheer weight and power the slice in question had it would be as if one had pulled the drain plug on a bathtub. It would swirl inward before expanding outward and sending the raikage back to the ground from whence she came. This had come to the end of the forth minute a sight to behold even by the indoctrinated masses.

Minute 5
Had everything gone according to plan one could find the raikage plummeting to the earth her tailed beast form shrouded in smoke as it made its descent back to ear. Despite her being cloaked in the chakra of her tailed beast this would likely still haven taken its toll on her and the beast alike. The chakra fading from her form with each passing second. Like skydiving the raikage wasn’t long for her approach to the city streets below she could be seen from well above the city skyline. Like a stone dropped into a lake she was sinking fast, however her form would plummet to the ground like a meteor from the night sky just as quickly as she had ascended to such heights. Her physique was durable to say the least but as her eyes closed and she grew within mere meters of the ground one could find her form being engulfed in the same tentacles of the tailed beast that had lined her such power. Her blade not far behind her as it twirled through the air and no sooner her engulfed physique would smack into the ground with a thunderous impact. Rather than it being the wet sound of flesh on concrete it would be the dense wait of Gyuki’s tails cocooning her like a spider's meal. The raikage had subsequently fallen unconscious given the toll she had opted to exchange with her chakra hungry blade and the eight tails alike. She had exhausted herself in a way that hadn’t been done since she had come to tame the eight tails as a whole. The tails that cradled her form upon impact would function like an airbag of sorts leaving her form more battered than when she started but far better off than had they not come to her aid at all. In turn she could be found several floors down from the top of one of the taller buildings within Kumogakure, her chest bellowing softly as she lay among the rubble of her impact. To those on the ground within the village it would likely come like a flashbang of sorts within the clouded sky illuminatiing the village as a whole as the subsequent explosion from the two jutsu clashing would be dissipated horizontally among the sky itself leaving the illumination of the sun to grace the village of Kumogakure once more.

Location: Cloud District, Raikage Office
Posting Order: Chika -> Occior
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll


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Okami's Shadow Clone, immediately after parting from its creator

Mere moments after the clone first initiated its own Body Flicker Technique, it found itself back in the Raikage's Office exactly where his original had stood not ten seconds prior. At first, its orders had been to rely information back to the Raikage, but it had his creator's thoughts and memories prior to the construct's creation. As would be expected, the clone - like its creator - had no intention of helping Kumogakure or Cloud District. In fact, when the Raikage seemed to enter some kind of trance, it decided to take matters into its own hands. For the first part of his plan, C. Okami would casually stride over to the Raikage's body, and use each of his hands and tails to plant no less than eleven of his specialized paralysis/suppression tags on her - two on her shins, two on her thighs, two on her wrists, two on her biceps, one on her stomach, another one on her chest, and the last one on her forehead. This part, again through the use of technique formulas, only took about five seconds due to the fact the clone was applying them all at the same time. And since he was using technique formulas, these seals were being applied directly to her person. The clone would repeat the process, except placing a singular large Exploding Tag seal on Chika that encompassed her entire body. Satisfied with his handiwork, C. Okami would go back to the point he'd reappeared and place both hands and both tails on the ground. Then, the clone channeled a small amount of chakra through each part of him. Through the use of his technique formulas, the entire room (and just that room) was rigged with one massive exploding seal spanning over the entire floor, walls, ceiling, and even the windows. This part only took about thirty seconds due to the fact it was just making a beginner-level seal that anyone could make, just on a bigger scale. It also helped that, again, he was only placing it in the one room.

It went without saying that C. Okami was fully aware of how lethal attaching more than one of his special paralysis/suppression seal was, but for all he knew she was among those who could tank their way through just one seal... All things considered, he was merely being cautions. The clone would then draw upon the original's knowledge of his clan's Nine-Tails State and activate the full benefits of said form, taking but a moment to revel in the drastic gain in chakra control and chakra capacity - this was done with the intention of greatly increasing the original's base chakra and control upon the clone's dispersal, even if it ended up only being a temporary boost. But of course, even that feeling of empowerment didn't last long because without rising from its spot, the clone would lift its right hand and form the half-ram seal and utter one word: "Baku." And with that, the uppermost room of the Raikage's Office would go up in a rather large explosion, and with it, so too would the clone and the body of Chika, whose body was effectively tagged with eleven paralysis tags and eleven chakra suppression tags as well as a similarly superpowered exploding tag... And all within the span of one minute.

The original Okami, on the other hand, would regain his clone's memories, experiences, and chakra at the time of its demise. The fact he had effectively killed one of the leaders of the five major nations by himself and without really trying would solidify the choice he was already going to make regarding the offer given to him. Okami would need a scapegoat to draw the heat away from him before anyone figured out who really did it if there was anyone left who still had their wits about them.
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Location: Cloud District, Raikage's Office -> Cloud District, Kumogakure Streets
Posting Order: Occior -> Kyaro -> Okami Kitsune
Post Time Limit: 3 Days (Approx. 72 Hours)
Skip Points: II
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Meanwhile on the outskirts of the cloud village moments before the clash between Lime Light and the Raikage
No matter the district, no matter the land, the anbu black ops were some of their respective nations' most skilled shinobi and those of the Cloud district were no different. They had been tasked by their kage to execute a mission that regarded the village's safety. The ANBU were harbingers of the shadows, things that even the most seasoned shinobi only hoped to be privy too. Some clambered at the idea of what such an obscure title could hold in store for them but much like any village those among the ANBU were sworn to secrecy and among that their names erased from the records of their village, these people were effectively ghosts as far as their governments were concerned. Like the Hyakki Yakō or more aptly put the night parade of a hundred demons the clouds anbu were working hard to protect their village. They were diligently weaving seals and others more over calculated the necessary means for the task at hand they needed to protect the village by any means necessary. They were willing to throw their lives away for a cause they had long since honored, the will of lightning. Where the leaf district had its will of fire Kumogakure embodied their nations will through a means of indomitable determination an aspect that many shinobi strived to embody but as one might think of the cloud their shinobi believed that no one could do it better than themselves. Their resolve for the nation they served was unfettered. Through their kage’s will imparted upon them one could find that the seals they had been weaving were in conjunction with that of their more skillful adepts in regards to the clouds own variation of Lava release. Kumogakure, much like that of Iwagakure, had many tools in their belt and this was no different. One could find that with each passing second the ANBU of the cloud was fast at work. They had gone so far as to bring about a sealing formula with scrolls sprawled about and their compatriots working hard at erecting at what would effectively create a barrier crafted of a rubber. However what separated this from simply just being the most basic form of the lava release: Rubber wall technique was that it was being enhanced by the efforts of multiple shinobi numbering in what equated to hundreds. They had been working tirelessly ever since the raikage sent them away dubbing their initial mission to find those responsible for causing the panic in the village, a failure they would in turn put their lives on the line to ensure nothing more of the village was lost. If they could not save its masses by quelling the turmoil within its streets they would save the village by preserving it.

Those anbu members now on the outskirts of the village itself several clicks out could be found spewing this viscoelastic material from their mouths, its form compounding upon one another. This material was behaving akin to grains of sand being poured onto the ground they had a point in which it would always come to a pyramid, this is often referred to as the angle of repose and while rubber was by no means sand the rate in which it was compiled caused a similar effect. They were building the foundation for something rather magnificent in the eyes of the shinobi world. The divisions of Anbu were working tirelessly even under the constraints of turmoil within the villages walls and like ensnaring an animal those within the village could find that in only a few minutes time their village would be shrouded in something more than simply the protection of their renowned kage. Back at the raikage’s estate the raikage was preparing to face the problem head on convening with the beast that dwelled within her while the efforts of her Anbu went on whether she succeeded or failed in her bargain with Gyuki. However as it stood the erection of their rubber defense was mere seconds away some odd measurements set the initial barriers distance to be that of the entirety of Kumogakure itself while the distance around the district would inevitably succumb to the outcome of the impending attack even the shinobi within these anbu squads could see the lightning climbing into the clouded sky without so much as an ounce of hesitation they were giving it their all in the name of their people. The lightning climbed higher and their own efforts would press on. Those not responsible for the mass of rubber being produced were spread equal distances apart with their hands pressed together in the formation of the snake hand seal, their minds focused like that of a surgeon's hands. They were stalwart in their resolve focused on only the formation of what would effectively equate to a barrier like no other.

The raikage’s machinations were coming to fruition; she had been granted her bargain with Gyuki in exchange for power the two of them would shake hands on a level long since thought forgotten. In the meantime however her anbu continued to toil away in the village outskirts their efforts seemed to layer upon one another the efforts of those using lava release presenting itself as a malleable surface and those weaving the snake seal seemingly waiting until the perfect moment to act and clap their hands together. They were awaiting an unspoken signal, something they knew they would be able to see from far beyond the cover of the village's immediate borders. They could be seen waiting patiently for the efforts of their kage to come to bear. As the Raikage's machinations unfolded in the tumultuous clash of powers in the sky, her ANBU Black Ops divisions continued their meticulous efforts on the outskirts of the village. Like Russian nesting dolls, each layer of their endeavors contributed to the overall defensive strategy, creating a complex web of interwoven techniques. The ANBU operatives skilled in Lava Release diligently maintained the malleable surface of their barrier, ready to absorb and disperse the intense heat generated by the ongoing battle in the heavens. Strategically in position, they ensured that the outer layer of the collaborative barrier, the "Lava Release: Rubber Wall," remained flexible and resilient against the forces at play.

Simultaneously, the ANBU members proficient in the barrier technique patiently bided their time, their actions seemingly synchronized with an unspoken understanding. The intricate layers of the barrier they brewed, reminiscent of the aforementioned nesting dolls, waiting for the perfect moment to act. Their collective efforts focused on a precise and calculated strategy, poised to complement the outer layer of the barrier.Beyond the immediate borders of the village, the ANBU operatives stood in vigilant anticipation, their senses attuned to the unfolding events in the sky. They were keenly aware that a signal, unseen but felt, would mark the culmination of their Kage's efforts. The atmosphere was charged with the tension of imminent action as they awaited the unspoken cue that would guide their next move. In the complex dance between the Raikage's offensive might and the ANBU's defensive prowess, a silent coordination was taking place. The layers of defense, both visible and nearly unseen, were a testament to the meticulous planning and unity of purpose within the village. As the collaborative barrier held firm and Chika's technique, the "Bijudama: Zantetsuken," surged towards its climax, the ANBU Black Ops remained poised, ready to execute their part in the unfolding symphony of strategy and power. The village's protectors, hidden in the shadows, were merely waiting for the outstretched strike to make contact with its intended target before erecting a barrier unlike any other. The collaborative efforts of the Anbu would result in a barrier molded of raw chakra stretching the rubber produced by the opposing squad like a piece of vinyl over a vehicle's body. It would effectively fit snug on the glove that was the chakra barrier in question the moment the raikage had been thrown from her ascension above the village. The subsequent explosion that would come would be cataclysmic in nature and much like a match to gasoline, things not encompassed in the aforementioned barrier around the shinobi in question would be reduced to nothing more than rubble. In unison with the aforementioned one could find that the barrier being formed of raw chakra was being layered multiple times over within these divisions of anbu black ops for every four men evenly spread around the villages outskirts could be found clapping their hands together after forming the snake seal causing a barrier ninjutsu to be activated known to the shinobi world as the Four Violet Flames formation with the only augment to the technique itself being the passing through of the raikage, rather than causing harm with each layer that she passed through it would merely aim to slow her speedy descent to know real avail as if poking holes in multiple layers of paper. The end result would be the same: the raikage would come crashing through several floors of a highrise building. The lightning aimed to strike the village would find itself dissipated along the thick viscoelastic barrier that now covered the village however given the sheer force of the technique in question one could find that the villages surrounding borders were reduced to nothing but crags and rubble alike.

Location: Cloud District, Raikage Office
Posting Order: Chika -> Anbu -> Occior
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll






As the Limelight had been prepared, with Kyaro utilizing his Godspeed Technique to flee the District of Clouds to whereabouts unknown at speeds none in the cloud could compare too; the time was ripe as the Limelight was unleashed. Though before it could initialize its destruction of the cloud; on a visual standard the massive orb of energy was sliced into though this had little effect on the actual sphere due to the rapid accumulation of Lightning particles or electrons and photons being compacted into a spherical cloud only caused a slight shimmering distortion as if a line had slightly appeared gapping the energy only for it to reseal itself, but it wasn't until a sphere of chakra comprised of negative and positive chakra impacted the center that the Lime Lights structure was permanently shifted and changed. The Center parting, changing the spheres shape into a ring as the attack had alas unleashed itself, like a down pour of heavy rain, lightning chakra struck around the center of the village, eradicating everything found 10 miles from the epicenter of the village or rather the Raikages office; the Most powerful Lightning Release jutsu which could not be halted by barriers of rubber or seals to relocate an attack due to the sheer power and mass of lightning chakra. The buildings unfortunate to being caught in the blast in but an instant were disintegrated the People either Infected and those who were not were atomized in a mere instant. No screams, just the sound of energy pouring down came with a sudden silence as the light of Limelight Jutsu faded, revealing a Carved ring in the landscape, barely reaching the outskirts of the village. From a birds eye view, the village had a ring carved into its landscape, filled with molten slag of what once was buildings and stone, whilst a large portion that was the center of the village remained partially unscathed outside from a segment where Kyaro had battled the infected attackers. Though with a conclusive effort, the Cloud remained stoic and proud as their leader, a Kage not by title but earned by feat had repelled the Shinobi worlds strongest Lightning Style Jutsu on her own with what could be seen as the aid of her unnatural ally the Eight Tails. But events as such were but a foliage to conceal true and darker events that loomed over the horizon...

Location: Cloud District, Raikage Office
Posting Order: Chika -> Anbu -> Occior
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll





It was like waking to a Nightmare, a blur of violence and the distinct smell of ozone and blood stirring him awake. His tired demenor melts away instantly as the grisly scene washes against his senses as the soreness of his intensive training earlier that day evaporates in the face of this obvious emergancy as he leaps out of the nearest window landing on the street below as the the chaos unfolds. Yugo's first thoughts turned towards the Raikage Chika the person he respected most in this world certain that she would know what would need to be done and though the chaos seemed at its more intense near the center of the village the Jugo Genin turned himself towards the Raikages office and began to rush towards the chaos desperate to put what training he has done to use. Seeing his home this village that had adopted him in such a state churned Yugo's stomach a ping of confusion and hatred welling inside him as the violent monster inside trys to urge him into brutal imaginations of what should be done to whomever is responsible a momentary distraction that was interrupted by a swipe by a seemingly fleeing villager. As instinct and compounded training goes into effect Yugo's body dodges the knife swing of the armed and ravenous villager the Genin's medical training leaving him uncertain as to if this were some form of disease provoking violent side effects or some form of genjutsu or hysteria but his instincts told him avoiding any physical contact would be wise. As the next swing comes he launches himself back out of reach sweeping his leg to kick a near by sellers stand breaking the post at its corner and with a striking shove pushing it to swing in an arc striking the armed villager in the shoulder with enough force to knock him harshly to the ground.

Within this momentary pause the screaming reality of the metaphorical sword of Damocles hanging over the villages head would come ever more into view witnessing the missive orb hurtling towards the village a momentary dread radiating down towards them as Yugo had never seen such a technique of this scale. However the moment of dread was replaced by temperate hope at the sight of Lady Raikage Chika herself cloaked in her Tailed beasts chakra stirring renewed faith in the young Genin as the Raikages attack seems to successful split the enormous sphere if raw energy invoking a brief sense of triumph and relief before the terrifying outcome takes shape in the attacks wake. It was a terrible sensation deep in his stomach as he watched the person he admired and respected the most in this world plummet though seemingly cloaked in her ever reliable tailed beast chakra it still provoked adamant concern as he would cry out "LADY RAIKAGE!" pivoting to rush towards the office she had seemingly fallen back towards only to see the ring of raining limelight blindingly strike the villages outer rim. The searing ring of lightning provokes Yugo to lift his left arm to shield his eyes momentarily his heart sinking in his chest causing rift upon his senses tiring his mind between the desire to rush to the Raikage aid or to rush save any possible survivors from the blast. In moment of waring voices in his head Yugo roars briefly in frustration small trickles of natural energy trying to trickle into him in this moment of feverish anxiety before a brief flash of discipline takes hold reminding him of his faith in the Raikage and his own duty to the village.

Hearing the chaos behind him was terrible temptation on his willpower but he knew that t his current skill the Raikage herself would likely order this exact course of action. To hasten his pace Yugo channels his chakra through his body s an electrical current invigorating his every muscle "Lightning Release: Overdrive" bolting himself launching him forward in blitz of motion. With his arrival at the devastated sections near where Limelight had scorched the land he sees as his beloved home briefly invoking his anger again but that subsides quickly as he hears calls for help from one of the collapsed buildings its sizable rubble fully blocking the doorway. Taking slow deep breaths Yugo focuses his right arm to warp an absorb nature energy taking clawed almost plated appearance she sinks his clawed fingers into the largest piece of rubble reigniting his overdrive state to bolster his muscular strength rolling the rubble out of its lodged space and pressing it against the wall as another support before his right arm distends "Chain" his arm extends into the ruins snaking its way towards the pleasing voices "Grab my hand! You are people of the Storm citizens of Komugakure and you ARE NOT DYING HERE TODAY" as Yugo steadies his breathing trying to keep his mind razor focused to use his bloodline to help save as many from this nightmare s he can regardless on if he might be a monster he wont stop until he has saved everyone who survived this terrible attack.



The Raikage had done her duty saving herself and the people of her village all in one single stroke and in doing so her body plummeted to the earth below. She was blessed with a power unlike any other and yet among it all Gyuki the beast she humbled fighting beside her to protect those of Kumogakure. The young men, women and children lost to the attack were far from forgotten and even those still within the village who had succumbed to the aspects of the attack still deserved her protection. As she was flung back toward the earth a plume of debris would kick up as she crashed through each of the building's floors only to be comfortably shrouded in the 8 tails chakra. It was only a matter of seconds before her bodyguards arrived on the scene both of the Takeuchi brothers in tandem their forms almost corporeal as they arrived in a blur. They were equally as responsible for the village being saved in one fell swoop. They descended on her position with little hesitation at all for that matter only to find the same woman they had been charged with protecting, staring back at them both with one eye open as if proposing a wink. The chakra that shrouded her body now dissipated and her form largely unscathed she would look at the youngmen before her and exclaim with a look that could only be described as crazed before speaking.

“Not even Kaguya herself could put me in the grave! Lets get my village back on its feet!”

The Takeuchi brother would look between one another with a confused notion for but a moment before giving a curt nod. The pair weren’t much for words when the time called for it and this was no different than the times long since forgotten. Their village was in chaos and they were just as responsible as the woman in charge. They could no sooner be seen helping the raikage to her feet only for her to seemingly stand over the pair by no more than a few inches. Her chest bellowed with dust filled air and her muscles bulged a moment as she relieved the tension from her body. Their forms would all go up in a collective puff of smoke before she took to the roof of what remained of the now dilapidated building she’d crashed into. Her eyes were like that of a hawk taking in the sight of the people under reign only to see the true aftermath of the chaos that had ensued. The landscaped could be reformed and the village could be repaired but the loss of life in her eyes was nothing more than nature going awry from its course. However even as the dust settled there were still those that clambered to uphold the village’s ambition. The barriers erected to protect the village dropped without a second thought the moment the more apparent attack ceased. Like dominoes, those of the raikage's anbu would fall in line to their sworn duties protecting the village's people. Some would be working to detain and others would be working to take note of the casualties at hand. Even the young man known as Yugo could find those clad in porcelain masks modeled after animals of all births coming to aid him in his rescue.

Location: Cloud District, Kumogakure Streets
Posting Order: Chika -> Anbu -> Yugo
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll​





The day was normal for Zi, Sneaking around the District, and dropping smoke bombs in bathrooms and random shops. Being chased by the Chunin and Jonin assigned to control his antics. Zi would cackle and taunt them as he continued to evade them at every turn until suddenly they were nowhere to be found. Drawing Zi's attention to the lack of adults hounding him to "Get back here!" This was the first time the ground shook and dust and rubble crashed around him. He would start to enter a more serious mode, returning to the city streets and watching the sky change.

The onslaught was visually blocked out by the crumbling of rock and stone alike. Zi himself had to increase his body's speed with his lightning organ to move through the streets without being crushed, prompting him with two choices, Hide or protect civilians. Zi was young, One of the youngest Genin in a long time. Tilting his head he would strain the muscles in his neck till it cracked a few times.

" Not scared of shit are we. Pff Let's save these morons. "

Zi would then dash as fast as one would expect a genin could, rescuing civilians trapped in blown-over buildings or keeping them well within the district's diameter. The only thing he paid attention to was what he could control. Raikage fighting in the sky? Not his problem. The people fleeing for their lives was his only goal. Eventually, there were fires and molten areas from some of the aftermath; Zi would utilize his Water style to do what he could, However, he was starting to get a little tired.

Reaching up and smacking his face with his hands Zi would shrug off the exhaustion and keep going.


Finally, after what felt like hours of dashing around, Zi sought shelter of his own. Just to be met by the Districts ABNU. Appearing as if they had been there the whole time Zi scoffed at them. " Tch... " He would follow them back to where the Raikage was.


Location: Streets of Cloud District
Posting Order: Chika -> Anbu -> Zi -> Yugo
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll


Young Yugo.png


The sound of swift movement was drawing closer but it was irrelevant weighed against the pleas for help still coming from the half collapsed building if it were enemies then it just meant Yugo had to save these survivors faster. The masonry of the entry way was beginning to creek in protest to the burden of the crumbled second floor as Yugo could see cracks in the upper doorframe begin to show making him brace his free left arm onto the doorframe treating his own body as a support beam trying to make use of his strength and endurance to hold up the weight his arm reeling back at a slow pace as he feels several figures latching onto his distended right arm. He heard figures landing onto the street behind him as at last his arm finishes fishing those from the building 4 members of a family all clinging to the arm as he pivots and tugs like unclogging a drain as he pulls them with his full body weight out of the collapsing home leaping back with the last pull to assure both he and the civilians were out of the path of the collapsing doorway. The sound of wood and stone crashing accompanies the maneuver Yugo taking a deep breath and turning his attention quickly to assure the figures were not enemies seeing the distinct mask of the Anbu provokes a soft sigh of relief knowing their reputation as he sees an older man pulled from the house coughing as Yugo crouches placing his left hand onto the mans chest "Exhale...NOW!" As Yugo his medical knowledge as a swift one inch palm impact to the mans sternum causing the man to cough up a piece of debris the man had swallowed when the roof collapsed on the central portion of his home.

In his current mindset Yugo let his eyes wander over the rescued citizens seeing no other immediate danger and turns to rush to the next potential survivors even with the Anbu on sight until he is given an order he wont stop checking demanding himself to make use of this natural strength inside him. With his pivot he sees another half collapsed building with part of its roof blocking its doorway with the faint sounds of someone groaning and hitting it from the inside. Gritting his Teeth Yugo didn't know how stable the house's current infrastructure was and so he maintains the transformed state of his right arm wincing slightly as he reshapes it into a jagged taloned claw sinking his nails into the wood of the collapsed roof and warping the arm to form vents for his chakra "Piston Grip Style One!" pushing out a fair portion of his current reserves to add to his pulling strength tugging the roof section outward from the doorframe. It wasn't a graceful maneuver and Yugo could feel his instincts gnawing on his mental stability but the momentary boost of power was enough to create the room needed for the trapped couple inside to pry open their own front door and slip loose from the unstable structure. Seeing the young couple flee the potential wreckage of a home Yugo briefly falls to one knee not from physical or chakra exhaustion but rather from mental strain quickly deactivating the effect of his Kekkei Genkai taking a few seconds to try and access his own mental stability a thought interrupted by the several sounds of distress from near by screams for help, cries of young girls trapped in alleyways, and the whimpering of injured boys all coming from different directions. Yugo cursed himself for his lack of speed his lack of stronger medical techniques his over all faults all measured against the suffering he heard as he shook his head wasting no more time on self pity as he rushes to the nearest sound of an injured person his mind blurring ignoring the petty details and only focusing on saving every live he can until he collapses from Exhaustion hours from now or is commanded to stop by an authority figure because it might mean there is something more immediately demanding of his aid.

It would indeed be near the point of exhaustion after a few hours of rescue work when Yugo felt his body was sluggish from exertion and he hears the command from the Anbu a sensory member confirming this section was clear of survivors that my skillset would be of any use in saving. The statement was at once dejecting and a relief as he knew he was nearing his limit for usefulness and mental exhaustion which he could tell since he had seemingly lost track of just how many civilians, he had been able to help. Standing at attention with the Anbu members command I am told to make my way to the Raikage provoking a nod of acknowledgement so that the Anbu knew he would not need to spend any more time focused on me and could turn his own attention back to rescue operations as Yugo promptly makes his way towards the Raikage's office the satisfaction of helping to save lives subtly overshadowed by the broiling hate for whoever was responsible for this terrible attack. He would soon arrive at the office despite his muscles fatigue he would stand at attention trying to maintain disciplined composure Infront of Lady Raikage who no doubt was not just largely to thank for his survival by accepting him into the village but the village as a whole for her actions this day. "I am at your Service...Lady Raikage"


Location: Near to Blast Zone edge of Kurogakure / Moving towards Raikage's office
Order: Chika -> Anbu -> Zi -> Yugo
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: II​



The villages anbu were fast at work even among the regular shinobi and it would become more apparent as things went on. The younger generation of her village was already proving their merit with each passing hour let alone minute. They were working hard to ensure the safety of those that were in the village but moreover they were sticking to the villages ideal of persevering. Where the land of fire had their will of fire, those of the cloud possessed the will of lightning. The concept not too dissimilar to their sister village however they prided themselves on being unbreakable, their bodies no more than a tool to bond with one another. Those of the lightning prided themselves on the idea of being able to return from nothing and still maintain the bonds they made along the way. No matter how one sliced it, the land of lightning and the nation of Kumogakure itself were going to remain in arms with one another no matter the circumstances. The young men and women who found their lives lost due to the attack would not be forgotten and those who survived would inevitably come back stronger than ever before. In the passing hours Chika’s anbu had come and gone to her side reporting the casualty numbers as well as the sheer destruction that was among the horizon outside of the safezone they had created. The information received only caused Gyuki to swell within her mental space. The tailed beast was greatful the place he had called home was still mostly in one piece. Her brows furrowed at the thought of the paperwork that would inevitably come from the entirety of these events. Something deep down told her that if someone was bold enough to attack the village of Kumogakure there was a likely chance the same had happened to the other lands.

The raikage let out a heavy sigh as the thoughts of what this could mean came flooding to the forefront of her mind. The possibilities themselves were a headache and a half to even consider, yet she did. It was her duty to do so. However, just as she became deeper in those very thoughts, the same young prospects she had been admiring were now upon her being led by the ANBU she’d dispatched. Both of the young men that stood before seemed to be exhausted in their own right. The raikage looked down her nose at the pair of young shinobi almost as if glaring at them in disgust but just as the air of such a possibility could ever come to the forefront of their minds she would crack a proud smile. No matter how one cut it, the simple fact of the matter was that the entire cloud district was the Raikage’s family meaning she was happy to see these young men putting their lives on the line. Between the two of them and the ANBU alike they were restoring the village's faith in its shinobi one rescue at a time.

Chika parted her lips to speak her voice stern yet caring “All of you have done our village proud today, even those of us who couldn’t stand here among you.” She lowered her gaze to meet that of these young before continuing. “You have my word that when they come to bring harm to our home again, they won’t be making it home to whoever sent them. We’ll make sure of it.” She inevitably would take one last gaze at the village of Kumogakure and give another curt nod to the anbu that escorted these young men here. In doing so those same masked individuals' images faded from view without a trace like a whisper on the wind. Their mission was clear even without an uttered word from the Raikage herself. It was only a matter of time before the fruits of her labors would come to bare.

Location: Cloud District, Kumogakure Streets
Posting Order: Chika -> Anbu -> Zi-> Yugo
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll



Young Yugo.png


Yugo could still feel a churning mix of emotions his exhaustion evident to him by the subtle tremble in his left arm from how had used it to brace a houses weight and an virulent wrath manifest as a taste of iron on his tongue for those whom had sought to bring ruin to Kumogakure the only place he could think of as home for all they had done. If he were alone he would likely be an emotional mess likely thrashing in anger but Infront of the Raikage he would refuse to submit to such a moment of weakness he respected them too much to let himself falter to the primal emotions inside. His posture would be disciplined overshadowing the aching of his body as he stands diligent and at attention. "Lady Raikage...In my heart I want to know who is responsible for this attack on our home so we might strike them light the rage of a storm...But I saw their jutsu and its scale and I know even despite the thrashing in emotions in my skull that I am powerless in the face of something like that. But I dont wish to remain that way...Lady Raikage I wish not only to dedicate myself in service for the villages future but I wish to know how I might become more than I am" He remains stoic in place watching Chika with a clear determination in his eyes an indication of the powerful desire inside him to make use of the monster inside him to help stop tragedies like this from occurring to the people of this land ever again.

A look into Yugo's eyes could see a stalwart determination the same sort of emotion he felt when he decided to become a shinobi the look that tells he wishes to devote the whole of himself to a task. His body though fatigued was tense with eager anticipation directed towards resolute to act on any command the Raikage would make and his attention fully on her as he awaits her wisdom on how he might become greater for the sake of the village. Briefly Yugo's eyes would wander over to the other young man summoned to the Raikages office, he might have seen the boy before but had minimal direct interactions with the boy a few years his Junior a bit of curiosity that apparently just like him this 'Zi' had rushed to the aid of the citizens despite his age. Briefly Yugo wondered if Chika had something particular in mind or if it had simply been that she wanted both of the Genin whom had been active with the rescue efforts to come and be recognized but knowing lady Raikage he suspected there was more on her mind.


Location: Office of the Raikage
Order: Chika -> Anbu -> Zi -> Yugo
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: II