
During the squabble in the village streets…
The village of Kumogakure was going into a case of madness; it was a sight to behold even for those capable of withstanding the effects of what had transpired. However that was the problem with any well laid plan, there was always an outlier. Where Kyaro, Indira, and the new found Okami found themselves in precarious situations all alike Chika was always on the prowl, always looking for the next thrill of battle almost like an addiction to the idea of the hunt. So while her people were thrown into madness. Her anbu were already doing the same her will expressed upon them without an ounce of verbal communication. The instances in which one might think the anbu were a ghost story or even a myth to uninformed those of Kumogakure were said to be some of the most lethal encounters one could cross given their speed and bravado. Yet just like the horrors of the night they got their jobs. The thing that made a Kage more than their title was their influence, something Chika herself had spread across the village from the time she received the office as a whole. Where they had all come to bat for the village Chika was doing the same behind the scenes. One of those within her fold wasted no time relaying the outlier of the whole debacle leaving her no choice but to truly get involved and it didn’t take long at all for the outcome to reveal itself she had been looking out of her office window. She was watching it all transpire her chakra exerted upon the air and office space alike and like an inky pool to another dimension. It was the part of her that made her so formidable, the tailed beast that resided within her among some of the strongest and even before stepping into the footsteps of Raikage. Their essences sustained each other in a way that very few could truly fathom. The inky pool at her feet had produced something that by all standards of the shinobi world was tainted, a blade that aided her in the triumph over the tailed beast known as Gyuki. So in the very moment that the village found itself in peril she wasn’t going to truly leave them to their fate that wasn’t the place of a kage at all. She had closed her borders and yet an attack came from within her people like eager sheep to bring their own loved ones to the slaughter. So as the blade came from the inky abyss at her feet and into her open, one could find within the moment it touched her hand it would begin to feed like a hungry infant suckling the breast of its mother. The blade had come from the place she was raised, a tool crafted by the blacksmith known for supporting the hunters of her clan throughout the years. It was tainted by the pact of whoever found themselves wielding it was having the very essence of their chakra fed upon and in most people's cases this would result in their death. However her ties with the tailed beast within her made this a formidable weapon in her grasp far more than before their legendary battle. The blade now in her grasp meant that whatever she had planned was something to change the very make up of Kumogakure and the Cloud district as a whole. She had closed her eyes, focusing herself and like a prayer to some unseen god she exhaled with her stance changed akin to the Iai style among those of the Iron District and their samurai warriors. She had gone into the place where Gyuki and her often communed with one another albeit it was very rarely to bargain the way she had planned on doing today. When she arrived within, one could find her standing in what effectively equated to an endless sea of darkness illuminated only by their collective presences.
Minute one…
Chika was standing before Gyuki, his hulking physique leagues above hers, kneeling down to meet her gaze face to face with his snout as he huffed out a heavy breath blowing her hair from in front of her face without little effort at all. His form no sooner coming from its squatted down position to upright its physique towering sum several stories above hers much larger than the kage’s estate and even some of the higher peaks within Kumogakure. His voice boomed as he spoke with a tone near deafening to the uninitiated or even the unwelcomed. He looked down his nose as he spoke his words filled with a comradery like no other.
“So you’ve come to ask a favor that cannot go unpaid?” Gyuki let out a noise akin to a pig's squeal ‘BWEEEEEEEE’ He continued holding the same tone as before after his exclamation. He was speaking on the bargain Chika had come to present before she had even verbally said anything. The link they held between body and mind was something they were accustomed to meaning that he could feel it in the proverbial air upon her arrival. “Chika, it's not often you come here looking for something so vastly in need, what you require isn’t impossible but this will cost us both.” He was talking about a portion of the thing that made them who they were the yin and yang portions of their chakra the blade that resided in Chika’s hand in the physical aspect of the shinobi world was that of Kusabimaru. A blade renowned for its cutting power but more over the fact that it was always passively feeding on the yang of its wielder to hone its edge beyond what one could think physically possible. Chika responded to Gyuki with a tone not unlike his her voice, one of command but in the same stroke one with compassion.
“You already know what I have in mind. I don't want to forcibly take it from you Gyuki. That's not what this partnership is about, more than simply a play for power.” Their eyes were locked with one another as she spoke in response to Gyuki. The beast contemplated as the seconds ticked by and soon the first minute would conclude itself. Gyuki sighed leaving a heavy steam among their conversation as his breath filled the air he would come to answer her plea. The 8 tails wasn’t one for acts of folly or even dying on a hill of bravado alone. However he was going to bestow Chika with an aspect of himself that hadn’t been split since long ago, a time before Chika or even Kyaro had been in office. What Chika was asking for was an 8th of the beast chakra in exchange for a technique she had only previously been speculating. It wasn’t unheard of within the shinobi world to flow one's chakra through a blade or any instrument for that matter meaning she was only formulating the possible. The first minute concluded and the floor within the Kage’s office would crack once more under the weight of the chakra being exerted from her person. Her physique now clad in the armor associated with Kusabimaru an armor reminiscent of members of the Iron district; however it bore the blessing of the cloud. The village symbol engraved on the pauldron that decorated Chika’s shoulder, not only was her form clad in armor but just as quickly it seemed to be engulfed in the essence of Gyuki’s chakra all the same. The blade she was wielding now feeding on the chakra of the tailed beast within her all the same. Her form now shambolic in nature, the thickened crimson chakra of the tailed beast coating her person. Its chaotic chakra coming to fruition as the first minute came to a close a single tail emerged from behind Chika’s form. A single tentacle writhing back and forth as Chika’s breath became stilled.
The start of Minute two…
The raikage had called upon the 8 tails to give her blade an edge like no other. The essence of her strike was something known to the shinobi world as the chakra flow technique. However as things began to transpire within the village it would become more apparent even to those possessed by whatever mental plague was roaming through the streets. They could find the very ground of the village shaking. Was it another cataclysmic event set to shake the very foundation of the world alike or was it simply that the village was now wading through the ruination that was the 8 tails chakra. She had taken the time to steel her mind from the noisy conflict of the village streets. Like a hunting hound of the leaf’s Inuzuka her ears honed in on the sounds Even the Kage’s office would be under threat of the potent chakra being released in those moments she could feel the very change in the atmosphere as darkened clouds decorated the sky the same thing Chika had been waiting for since the start of this whole ordeal. She spoke under her breath with her eyes turned towards the sky now shrouded in the chakra of the tailed beast that dwelled within her. Her form still crouched in that same stance reminiscent of the aforementioned Iai style of the samurai. Her left gripping the sheath of her blade and the right gripping the hilt as she turned the Kage’s office into a spring board of sorts. It was always known for being among one of the highest points within the land of lightning. She watched as the four beams of lightning and began to make their ascension into the clouded sky above Kumogakure. Unfortunately for those behind such an attack Chika was more than prepared to close the distance. The lightning that found itself far outside of the villages boarders and encroaching on its utter climax within the sky could find that the raikage had quite literally launched herself far beyond the means thought possible for the shinobi body. The singular tail that decorated Chika’s form was only a testament to her comradery with the tailed beast known as Gyuki willing to quite literally give up an eighth of his power in this instance to aid his host in saving the place they both called home. Despite the nature of the request it was far from outlandish for but alas it was a heavy burden to request from a beast who long ago likely wouldn’t have even bothered to aid any human life at all.
Thirty seconds remaining in the second minute…
In turn the Raikage had subsequently launched her physique now clad in the chakra of her tailed beast and now lightning chakra all the same was on her ascension into the heavens. Her form was like a meteor through the night sky as the weight of the world came to bear. This crimson comet of sorts would illuminate the sky the same way that the lightning had. Illuminating the clouds like the flamboyant grace of the sun. She in turn would run through the very same thought process of how every jutsu was created. Her brain running the numbers as she flew threw the air with little hesitation at all her tailed beast form seemed to be a simple one in nature as the skull of the beast that dwelled within her soon came to bare its horns. It was effectively like putting the Raikage in a cannon and pointing her into the clouded sky. She was already halfway through the apex of the beam's arc. Chika was effectively at this point using the lightning produced by the essence of the jutsu as both a compass and a medium to further enhance her form. Once she had gotten within range of a single bolt one could find the bolt itself arcing off into her physique like a lightning rod and as she climbed higher and higher with each passing second one could find her crimson clad form shrouded in a cloak of lightning like no other. It was a sight to behold as Chika’s flight continued. Had one been capable of sensing her chakra so high into the air they could find the way that it was being pooled was like fueling like letting a bucket of water overflow with a single drop from a faucet. The idea of surface tension holding back the most cataclysmic overflow of energy.
The start of minute three…
The air was being cut through with precision and Chika’s thoughts were still running rampant. The blade acting as a hungry devil engorging itself on the eight tails chakra and her chakra alike. Its form swells with the power of the eight tails chakra. This technique wasn’t one being created from reckless abandon but a place of logic. The raikage was by no means a genius but a genius level intellect wasn’t necessary to come to the conclusion that she had. In exchange for a rampant surge of the eight tails chakra to back this technique this enabled a high power swing with a tax on the beast and its host all the same. Created by an abstract instinct to hunt her prey until the ends of the earth. Her innate understanding of her own clans hiden and the eight tails was accelerated. This was a breakthrough the shinobi world had not seen in quite some time. She had begun to focus on the ratio of chakra being flowed into the blade she was now wielding and rather than begin formulating a tailed beast bomb from the forefront of her physique, the essence of every jinchuriki in question. She had in fact redirected its form applying shape transformation to the orb that was renowned among the tailed beast in general. Her mind was focused on providing the perfect ratio to the blade in question as it soon became coated in the chaotic chakra of the beast within. The ratio in question was none other than the 8 to 2 ratio required to fire the tailed beast bomb. However rather than making the form spherical it would become near razor thin. The lightning that was now fueling her ascension was soon to reach its zenith and with that the chakra flowing through her blade would begin circulating like the very blood of her body.
Thirty seconds left of the third minute…
Chika’s physique would begin to bolster as she approached the ball that now found itself sooner perched high in the sky was met with the presence of Chika cloaked in the eight tails chakra. Her form is only dwarfed by the size of the orb in question by more than a few meters. The moment she’d come within striking distance of the orb her form would begin its slow heavy descent seemingly using her tailed beast form as a means to slow her plummet to the earth enough to strike out at the sphere in question as she prepared to unleash what was effectively an experimental jutsu. However, what better way than to test a technique than to test in battle as far as she was concerned. She was effectively face to face with the sphere of lightning in question as her descent began, her eyes locked on her target and the chakra being pooled in her blade ready to break the aforementioned surface tension it had come to bare. The blade would exit its sheath and with that the overwhelming intensity of the raikage would present itself. The very woman who had brought the 8 tails to its knees came to show her village just why she had come into power. The roar that escaped her maw as she flicked the blade from its scabbard was cataclysmic in nature, a cacophony of intense chakra being met with that of simple lightning chakra. When the third minute came to an end the sky would darken far beyond that of the night and in turn it would seem as if an eclipse had blessed the cloud district with its presence.
Minute 4…
Chika’s form now high in the sky as the fourth minute had come to bare and so did her blade the air around her would swell with her overwhelming power and subsequently this abject change to the thing the world had come to know as the tailed beast ball would have its form altered in a way unseen to anyone. Where the 8 tails was known for firing the aforementioned into a wide arcing beam Chika had condensed it down to that of a slender arcing strike and like a guillotine it would lash out aiming to behead its foe. The sky eclipsed and with it an audible boom could come as in the first moments of the forth minute. A shout came from the raikage’s augmented maw as she had done the unthinkable. She needed to give this jutsu a name, something that a kenjutsu master such as herself could call her own and name it she did; Bijudama: Zentetsuken or more aptly put Tailed beast bomb: Iron Cutting Sword. The blade of the Raikage exited its sheath and without a second thought the sky would part like the seas. Her blade would exit into open air and without hesitation the aforementioned cataclysmic boom would follow suit. The tailed beast bomb in and of itself was a destructive force unrivaled by any and just the same way that this jutsu within the sky found itself reaching its point of fruition it would be met with a power unseen to the shinobi world in quite sometime but at the cost of the secrecy of the shinobi world itself. Unlike many other nations tailed beast Chika had always kept her relationship with Gyuki under wraps leaving the world to merely speculate just exactly how powerful the raikage was. This instance was no different as the reality of her power was revealed. The explosion that would subsequently follow the raikage unleashing her technique would send her physique plummeting to the earth post haste. The strike from her altered Bijudama would be as if two missiles had collided mid air with one another. However rather than simply slice the jutsu down the middle it could find itself engulfed in an implosion of sorts. The chakra from the tailed beast bomb was perfectly balanced and from the sheer weight and power the slice in question had it would be as if one had pulled the drain plug on a bathtub. It would swirl inward before expanding outward and sending the raikage back to the ground from whence she came. This had come to the end of the forth minute a sight to behold even by the indoctrinated masses.

Minute 5
Had everything gone according to plan one could find the raikage plummeting to the earth her tailed beast form shrouded in smoke as it made its descent back to ear. Despite her being cloaked in the chakra of her tailed beast this would likely still haven taken its toll on her and the beast alike. The chakra fading from her form with each passing second. Like skydiving the raikage wasn’t long for her approach to the city streets below she could be seen from well above the city skyline. Like a stone dropped into a lake she was sinking fast, however her form would plummet to the ground like a meteor from the night sky just as quickly as she had ascended to such heights. Her physique was durable to say the least but as her eyes closed and she grew within mere meters of the ground one could find her form being engulfed in the same tentacles of the tailed beast that had lined her such power. Her blade not far behind her as it twirled through the air and no sooner her engulfed physique would smack into the ground with a thunderous impact. Rather than it being the wet sound of flesh on concrete it would be the dense wait of Gyuki’s tails cocooning her like a spider's meal. The raikage had subsequently fallen unconscious given the toll she had opted to exchange with her chakra hungry blade and the eight tails alike. She had exhausted herself in a way that hadn’t been done since she had come to tame the eight tails as a whole. The tails that cradled her form upon impact would function like an airbag of sorts leaving her form more battered than when she started but far better off than had they not come to her aid at all. In turn she could be found several floors down from the top of one of the taller buildings within Kumogakure, her chest bellowing softly as she lay among the rubble of her impact. To those on the ground within the village it would likely come like a flashbang of sorts within the clouded sky illuminatiing the village as a whole as the subsequent explosion from the two jutsu clashing would be dissipated horizontally among the sky itself leaving the illumination of the sun to grace the village of Kumogakure once more.

Location: Cloud District, Raikage Office
Posting Order: Chika -> Occior
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll