Rain District



In the dimly lit room, fragrant with the heady aroma of aged sake, Yonrochi's expression was a stormy blend of disdain and contemplation. His eyes, narrowed into slits, momentarily closed as he took a deliberate sip of the potent liquid. The atmosphere thickened, charged with an unspoken tension that seemed to seep into the very walls of the room. "You are something else, aren't you...Uchiha Tenbo." he mused aloud, his voice barely above a whisper, yet laden with a weight that seemed to echo off the silent walls.

The mention of Zetsu cells by the man across from him sliced through the air, freezing Yonrochi's blood as effectively as the sharpest kunai. A cough wracked his frame, a physical manifestation of his shock, as he hastily raised a fist to his mouth. Desperately seeking composure, he took another gulp of sake, the liquid fire doing little to soothe the chill that had settled over him. He raised a finger, signaling Tenbo to wait, as he attempted to drown the sudden discomfort with another swig from his cup.

His initial reaction gave way to a facade of amusement, then swiftly transformed into genuine, unrestrained laughter. It was a sound deep and rich, emanating from the very core of his being, as he allowed himself to be carried away by the absurdity of it all. "You want those cells?" he exclaimed between fits of laughter, slamming his hand on the table for emphasis "Heh, Heh-Heh, hehehe HAHAHAHAHAHA!". "Why? You think you can become some sort of Ōtsutsuki with them, or are you planning on raising an army? Or wait, you're going to test on people to see how it enhances them for your own body? That's what I'd do!" His smile was wide, predatory, as he eyed the shinobi before him with a mixture of intrigue and challenge.

Gradually, Yonrochi regained his composure, wiping away tears of mirth from his eyes. "You children are so ambitious," he remarked, his tone a blend of admiration and condescension. "Fine. Since you offer aid, we could use that right now... I hope you're as strong as you talk. I'd hate to ally myself with a smug weakling...I didn't mean that... Hiccup yes, I did."

His declaration of partnership was tinged with the bitterness of sake. "Fine... fine, you and I will be one. You can use Rain District resources, and even set up shop here. We will supply you with whatever we can." For a moment, his drunken demeanor gave way to a steely resolve, his gaze piercing the Uchiha with an intensity that left no room for doubt.

"However... two conditions," he continued, his voice steady and commanding as he held up two fingers. "One, if I find a kunai in my back, I will unleash hell upon you and all those who stand with you. You think you're strong, boy? You'll have a chance to prove it!" Folding a finger, leaving only one extended, he added, "Lastly, if you stir trouble with an allied village, and it falls on me, I will ensure you're served on a silver platter to them. Apple in mouth."

With a final scowl, Yonrochi poured himself another cup, downing it in one swift motion. He then extended his hand for a shake, a gesture of begrudging respect and a seal of their precarious alliance. "I would offer you men, but it seems you have plenty already... Congrats, you just made friends with a Kage kid!"

The room, once charged with tension, now hummed with the promise of newfound alliances and the whisper of future conflicts. In the world of shinobi, where power and ambition often collided, the partnership between Yonrochi and the Uchiha was a testament to the complexities of survival, loyalty, and the endless pursuit of strength.


Location: Rain District (Amegakure)
Posting Order: Tenbo - > Mugen (Until return) -> Yonrochi
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll​


Staff member

As he observed the Amekage and listened intently to his words, Tenbo indulged in another sip of sake, a faint grin playing on his lips. The old man's ramblings held invaluable knowledge, a fact that became increasingly evident. To solidify the bond between them through action, the Uchiha resolved to be unequivocal. With a firm extension of his arm, Tenbo grasped the Amekage's hand, signifying their mutual alliance.

"I am only as strong as perception allows," he remarked, his grin widening as he awaited Yonrochi's judgment. Taking another sip of the vintage sake, its potency barely affecting him, Tenbo continued, "Rest assured, Lord Amekage, opposing you is not on my agenda. However, the same courtesy extends to you. Should betrayal rear its head, there will be nothing left to rebuild from the ruins."

Maintaining eye contact with Yonrochi, Tenbo withdrew his hand from the Amekage's grasp, both acknowledging their shared intentions for this alliance to be mutually beneficial. "Thank you for your time, Lord Amekage. How may I contact you in the future, discreetly, avoiding any prying eyes?" he inquired, prepared to depart for Mugen and then onward to the Leaf District.

Location: Rain District (Amegakure)
Posting Order: Tenbo - > Mugen (Until return) -> Yonrochi
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll​



Standing with the advisor for the Kage of the Rain, Mugen listened, his eyes fixated forward and yet though this advisor spoke to him, the Uchiha did not respond, as if he was deep in thought himself. Though as the time passed, with Mugen's awkward silent treatment, it would be once Tenbo returned that Mugen spoke alas, his voice soothing yet stoic, calm yet cold in nature the younger Uchiha spoke with such clarity,​
"Is the business concluded Uchiha Tenbo? Shall we depart back to the Leaf?"
By saying this it was designed to through off any hints of Mugen being connected to Tenbo in any regards, but rather for this interaction to be that of Mission based Business. And though this was said, Mugen waited for Tenbo's response, as if making sure their mission was truly concluded as the Uchiha's Sharingan reactivated itself, the three tomoe spiraling around the pupil before settling in the natural manner of the Uchiha's Doujutsu. Its scarlet glow a symbol of the fearsome Doujutsu of the Uchiha, one of the Greatest eyes in shinobi history had direct eye contact with Tenbo, and yet should one sense chakra or chakra disruption they'd come to the realization no form of genjutsu was being casted. This was merely a comfortable state for Mugen Uchiha.

Location: Rain District (Amegakure)
Posting Order: Tenbo - > Mugen (Until return) -> Yonrochi
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll​



With the Shadow of K.L.A.W traversing through the shadows of the landscape, this specialized Anbu would swiftly reach the Rain Districts ruined Village, his appearance adorning the Blackened cloak and Mask of the Wind Chakra Nature he'd find himself appearing upon one of the ruined buildings. With his/ Her chakra being suppressed this Shinobi observed the location catching a glimpse of an individual by intel as the advisor of Yonrochi, an individual whose surname was Hebi. This noted the Shadow of K.L.A.W descended towards the individual Advisor of the Rain Districts Lesser Kage as he found himself infront of the Advisor and an Uchiha of the Leaf. His appearance though would usually cause a hint of concern and yet the Shadow remained on his knee as he held out a specialized Sealed Scroll speaking with but a mysterious monotone voice showing no fluidity of gender or emotion,​
"A message for Yonrochi of the Rain... Please Deliver it to him as soon as possible."
And should Yonrochi recieve this scroll and open it, the contents within would only be visible to his eyes alone; and for what it says is this exactly,​
"It is an honor to offer you out an invitation for my Organization called K.L.A.W. We have taken notice of your feats and prowess and determined you an asset worthy of the inner ranked leaderships.The objective of K.L.A.W is to allow a revolution in the shinobi world to better protect what we cherish from the Invaders that have been beseeching each district. But this decision will be yours and yours alone. I shall not pressure you further, should you decide upon an answer you can reach out to my representative in the grass district, where you will recieve the three clues to the Organizations Hideout. ~X.T"
And as the message scroll was delivered, this Shadow of K.L.A.W would seemingly phase into the very ground, vanishing completely from the scene...

Location: Rain District (Amegakure)
Posting Order: Shadow -> Yonrochi (Respond once businesses are done.)
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll​


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Under the dim light of the evening, Yonrochi stood up, brushing off the dust from his attire, a gentle smile playing on his lips as he faced Tenbo. There was an unspoken promise in the air, a prelude to a bond forged in the crucible of their ambitions. Yonrochi's eyes twinkled with the anticipation of a shared future, their depths reflecting a myriad of unvoiced thoughts and dreams. With a firm grasp, he shook Tenbo's hand, a silent vow of camaraderie and mutual respect. "Hmp," Yonrochi grunted softly, his hand delving into the drawer before him with practiced ease.

From the depths of the wooden confines, he retrieved two items of significance: a bottle of the Sake they had been savoring earlier, its contents a liquid testament to moments shared; and a sealing tag, its surface a pristine white adorned with red inscriptions and the visage of Yonrochi himself. Offering these to Tenbo, he quipped with a light-hearted chuckle, "More Kempo, eh, boy-o?" His laughter was a brief respite in the gravity of their meeting.

As he handed over the sealing tag, Yonrochi's demeanor shifted, a seriousness cloaking his words. "This is a prototype, so temper your expectations—it may harbor flaws, as does everything in this world." He paused, allowing the weight of his admission to settle. "This tag... it's a bridge between us. Send scrolls, information, whatever you need. Activating this without summoning will signal me with a blue glow. And should it glow on your end, know that I seek your presence."

yonrochi tag.png


To Summon Something to Yonrochi:

  1. Place the Item: Begin by placing the item you wish to send to Yonrochi on top of the tag.
  2. Perform the Hand Sign: Next, make the "rat" hand sign. This action will activate the tag to summon the item to Yonrochi.

If the Tag Glows (Being Summoned to Yonrochi):

  1. Glowing Tag Indicator: If the tag starts glowing, it indicates that Yonrochi wishes to summon you.
  2. Complete the Summoning: Place your hand on the glowing tag. This will transport you to Yonrochi's location.

To Summon Yonrochi to Your Location:

  1. Place the Tag: Find a flat surface and place the tag on it.
  2. Perform the Hand Sign: Make the "rat" hand sign near the tag. This action will signal Yonrochi that you wish to summon him.
  3. Yonrochi's Response: On Yonrochi's end, the tag will glow to notify him of your summoning. He will then place his hand on the seal, which will summon him to your location.)

With a gesture broad and inviting, Yonrochi led Tenbo towards the door, their steps echoing in the quiet of the room. "Our associates might be caught in the rain by now," he mused, a chuckle escaping him. The evening had been one of unexpected pleasures and intriguing possibilities. Though the future was a tapestry of uncertainties, Yonrochi found solace in the shared path they now embarked upon, a journey that might very well shape the destiny of the village he held dear.

Outside--weather: Raining--Mugen and Tokage wait Infront the rain kage mansion.


In the shadowed calm of an old, forgotten path, Tokage lingered beside Mugen, his presence a silent testament to the patience of a serpent. His fingers, deft and precise, moved across the pages of his journal, capturing thoughts only he could fathom. With a swift motion, he closed the book, a small cloud of dust rising into the air, a fleeting reminder of the passage of time.

Suddenly, Mugen's voice cut through the silence, sharp and demanding, seeking answers from the void. Tokage's reaction was immediate, his voice rising in a mix of frustration and humor, echoing off the ancient stones that lined their makeshift rendezvous. "HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSE TO KNOW!?" he exclaimed, the intensity of his outburst belying the comedic undercurrent. "I AM WAITING OUT HERE JUST AS YOU! HMP!" Tokage's words were a blend of irritation and solidarity, a shared moment of uncertainty in their quest.

As the last echoes of his declaration faded, a figure emerged from the shadows, as if summoned by the raw emotion of their exchange. The newcomer, enigmatic and shrouded in mystery, held a scroll, its importance palpable in the silent communication of their gaze. Tokage, ever observant, accepted the scroll with a mixture of wariness and intrigue, his eyes narrowing as the figure vanished as silently as they had appeared.

"Well, then," Tokage mused aloud, his voice a mix of contemplation and resignation, "I now have a reason to see Yonrochi at once...I wonder what this could even be...yeesh...today has been eventful." His words, spoken to the emptiness around him, carried the weight of the unknown, a harbinger of the challenges and discoveries that lay ahead.

Location: Rain District (Amegakure)
Posting Order: Tenbo - >Mugen -> Yonrochi
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll​


Staff member

The Uchiha carefully placed his cup on the table, its contents only halfway depleted, a testament to his self-control. He was not one to indulge excessively in the hospitality offered to him, a reflection of his independence. Without dependence on others, his actions subconsciously mirrored this trait. He offered a nod and a smile, a gesture of appreciation for the time the Amekage had allocated for their meeting. He felt fortunate to receive gifts of such value: a bottle of vintage, rare sake, and a Fuinjutsu communication tag. Accepting these items, rats emerged from beneath his clothing to retrieve them before disappearing once again. Following the Lord Amekage, he made his way toward Mugen and Tokage, signaling the ending of their venture in the rain district. Upon reaching his destination, Tenbo was found with his eyes closed once again, hands casually tucked into his pockets. He expressed his gratitude, saying, "Thank you, Lord Amekage, for your time. Yes, Mugen, we can now head back. I appreciate your patience with me." With these words, Tenbo faced the Tokage then looked away. The Uchiha began his journey to leave the boundaries of Amegakure, making his way out of the rain-drenched district.
Location: Rain District (Amegakure) -> Leaf District
Posting Order: Tenbo - > Mugen -> Yonrochi
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll



Having Ignored the random outburst of the Advisor along with the appearance of the astrange Masked Individual, Mugen watched as Tenbo approached, his response given and answered in kind allowed Mugen to turn away from the location, ready to put this ruined village behind him. Proceeding to walk away, following Tenbo uchiha on the way to leaving this ruined nation, yet a somewhat admiration on their steadfast ability to remain determined to survive earned them respect from Mugen Uchiha. Though as he walked in silence, his sharingan had remained ready, cautiously watching everything in case of some sort of attack should it arise. Though with each stride he spoke with Tenbo with a low tone, one which could not be overheard by any party beside the two,​
"How did things go Lord Tenbo? Hopefully you've aquired information that you were seeking?"
He stated curiously as he continued to walk beside his mentor.

Location: Rain District (Amegakure) -> Leaf District
Posting Order: Tenbo - > Mugen -> Yonrochi
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll​




As the two figures stepped out into the rain from the grand doors of the mansion, Mugen and Tokage stood steadfast below the steps, loyal as ever. Yonrochi's lips curled into a smile before he discreetly gripped a kunai between his fingers, his chest tightening as his eyes widened. Like a bolt of lightning, the veins in his eyes seemed to surge with intensity! Yonrochi clutched his chest with the wobbling kunai to it, his breaths coming erratically as his gaze shifted from Tenbo to Tokage. Sinking to one knee, Yonrochi coughed, sending Tokage into a state of shock. "Lord Yonrochi!?" he exclaimed, frozen in place. Before he could rush to Yonrochi's aid, Yonrochi swiftly extended his hand towards the eager Tokage, then collapsed onto the steps.

After a moment of silence, Yonrochi addressed the heavens amidst the clouds, "Why... why did you permit me to engage with such a vile rat king, Tokage?" Tokage's eyes widened in disbelief. He glanced over to Mugen and Tenbo. "The first has been assassinated..." he muttered, not only fearing for the village but also for the repercussions he might face. Suddenly, there was a loud pop, and confetti showered from Yonrochi's chest. He erupted into laughter.

"Hmph, hehe, hehehahahaAHAHA! How gullible are you, my boy!?" Yonrochi straightened himself, no longer merely sprawled on the steps but sitting up actively. Tokage, with a sigh of relief and beads of sweat forming on his forehead, helped the elder lord to his feet.


Yonrochi continued to laugh, his cheeks flushed from the potency of the sake consumed earlier. Then, with a pout, he waved his hand to "shoo" away the ANBU members who kept a vigilant watch on the premises. One ANBU was overheard saying to another, "God, I hate when he pulls stunts like this..." and another remarked, "Yeah... you'd think at his age and level of authority, he wouldn't behave like such a child... but he is still our Kage." And with a flash, they were gone.

Yonrochi stood at the foot of the steps, still supported by Tokage, as he suppressed his laughter. "Take care, my men, and cherish your duties as though they were the raindrops on a parched leaf, or 'dew,' as it's called. So in this 'DEW'-not disappoint me! GAAAH-HAHAHA!" Yonrochi and Tokage watched Mugen and Tenbo, but even in his inebriated state, if Tenbo were to sense it, Yonrochi's sharp golden eyes were fixed on him, conveying a message he wanted him to receive.



Location: Rain District (Amegakure) -> Leaf District
Posting Order: Tenbo - > Mugen -> Yonrochi
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll​




That very day, so much has happened, no one had time to react while there are those who were able to react and counter the threat that once plagued Rain District then many civilians began attacking everyone else who isn’t strong enough to defend themselves leaving others to either disarm or kill them, something Inugami, the rain district's doctor and surgeon was not expecting but had to restrain a couple of people at the hospital while having to put down a few rain ninjas due to some of the damage they were causing was also killing the patients he was protecting, indeed a dark day for everyone.

Inugami sat near a broken rubble with six injured civilians and a ninja with a bloody stump of where his left arm is supposed to be was being attended to by the doctor who had a blunt in his mouth taking a puff every seventy seconds while cleaning the wound that is gushing with blood but Inugami worked fast by placing his hand on the wound and begin medical healing the stump, stopping the bleeding before wrapping the shinobi's stump is wrappings.​
Inugami: There you go, the wound should be fine for now until I get you to the hospital.​
Once he finish helping the male shinobi, he turns to a sleeping girl whom he found in the water with a head wound which he quickly rescued using his ballistic tongue to pull the her out before checking her airway only to learn that the lungs are full of water, acting quickly, he begins to perform the Heimlich Maneuver for a full twenty seconds until the girl began coughing up the water and finally breathing. With the now breathing and sleeping girl in the safe, he had to theorize where could the parents be, of course, he had no clue where the parents are but speculated they could be anywhere in the district but he can’t be everywhere at once but maybe his scouts could get some visual. Inugami scans over the people he has in his care and counted at least fifteen people that’ll need assistance which he doesn’t have the hands for but maybe he can rely on his "little friends" to help. Once he finish checking on the little girl again, Inugami jumps down into the water and walk on it after applying chakra to his feet to stay afloat. He bites his thumb drawing blood then slams his palm down.​
Inugami: Summoning Jutsu!​
A burst of smoke erupted from beneath his body then once the area was clear, there stood half a squadron of small Chameleons, wearing small jackets that have kanji "Healing" on the backs of them. Seeing his little helpers appear and acknowledging him as captain seems to make the man smile proudly.​
Inugami: Alright! kiichin, take your team and aid the people I have gathered here while I send some scouts out for answers!​
Once the chameleons and the leader of it, Kiichin, a red stripped chameleon nods before leaping over him and to the patients with the leader addressed the people while they get attended to. Inugami sat by the little girl as he summons one chameleon scout and had it jump in the water and swim deep into the village.
Location: Rain District (Amegakure)
Posting Order: Inugami Iori
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll​


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Perched atop the few trees that miraculously withstood the recent explosion, three young chunin surveyed the chaotic scene below. Their eyes were sharp and their movements agile as they leapt from branch to branch, driven by a sense of urgency to contribute to the relief efforts. "Look, it's Doctor Inugami," exclaimed one of the boys, his voice filled with both relief and reverence as they spotted the well-known medical ninja among the debris and turmoil.

"Doctor Inugami, am I happy to see you," another chimed in as they approached, his tone sincere. "We wish we could have gotten here sooner to assist in the battle, but we feared we would have been a hindrance like big bro Yatoru," he added, the trio pausing momentarily, their heads bowed in a brief, solemn moment of grief for their colleague.

Regaining their composure, they refocused on the task at hand. Eager to be of use, they looked expectantly towards Doctor Inugami. "What do you need us to do, Doc?" they asked in unison, ready to follow his lead. Their faces were a mix of determination and anticipation, prepared to take on whatever responsibilities were necessary to aid in the recovery and help their village in its time of need.​


High above the crime scene, two birds circled languidly, appearing to any casual observer as mere wildlife attracted by the disturbance below. However, these were not ordinary birds but shinobi in disguise, concealed by sophisticated yet basic techniques that made them undetectable to standard chakra-sensing methods. The red bird, maintaining a discreet distance, spoke in a hushed tone, expressing irritation at the complications caused by a young ninja below. "That damn Hanji-kid was a pain in the ass. I knew he would get himself killed going against the Amekage, let's inform Lord Shinomori," it suggested, eager to report back to their superior.

The brown bird, gliding lower for a better view, responded with ambition, pondering the potential for advancement. "Maybe Lord Shinomori would promote us to commanding officers if we could kill the doctor," it mused, though it opted for caution over immediate action. "Let's continue gathering more information," it decided, prioritizing the collection of intelligence over hastiness. Together, they continued their surveillance, strategically waiting for the right moment to act based on the valuable data they collected from the scene below.

Location: Rain District (Amegakure)
Posting Order: Inugami Iori --> NPC(Story Post)
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll​