He stood in solemn silence, absorbing the words of the leader of the rain district. Amegakure lay in ruins, utterly devastated. Under the guidance of this leader, it was apparent that the ego of its supposed commander must have been severely bruised. The destruction wrought upon the land had only served to deepen the well of distrust, and the palpable fear that emanated from the people was unmistakable to the discerning eye of the Uchiha. With a graceful movement, he straightened his posture, a silent declaration of his resolve. As he did so, the rats that had accompanied him dispersed from his shoulders and arms, returning to the earth, their natural habitat. He had been invited into the home of a man teetering on the edge of desperation and paranoia. Stepping into this enclosed environment carried inherent risks to his own safety, yet he proceeded undaunted. Tension hung thick in the air, suffocating any semblance of ease. The presence of a weapon, which Tenbo speculated to be the very instrument of the land's demise, confirmed his suspicions. He understood all too well that anticipation swirled around his every move, as if he were a key player in a dangerous game of chess, each move laden with consequences yet to unfold.
"I perceive that you are currently navigating a turbulent sea of emotions, which inevitably prompts deep introspection and deliberation among you and your peers. However, let us confront the stark reality that each and every inhabitant of this village has endured immeasurable loss. To speak plainly, as the steward of this nation, you must grasp the gravity of this calamity, unparalleled in the annals of your history. Your steadfastness in the face of such adversity is indeed commendable, and I hold in high regard both your resolve and the solidarity of those who follow your lead. Yet, allow me to dispense with any pretense or subterfuge. My purpose here transcends mere games of deception and evasion."
He paused briefly, taking a moment before continuing.
"The devastation inflicted upon this land extends far beyond the confines of the rain district, spilling over into neighboring borders and leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. This is not a localized concern; it has transcended the jurisdiction of any single village. It now falls under the purview of the allied shinobi forces, to which we all belong. Allow me to express my sentiments with the utmost respect, but also with unwavering clarity. The gravity of this situation cannot afford to be overlooked. The weapon responsible for this catastrophe is one that demands immediate attention from the Hokage. Considering the attacks witnessed here and those suffered by the Leaf Village, it is conceivable that other nations have also borne the brunt of similar losses. In light of these dire circumstances, I strongly urge you, Lord Amekage, to consider attending a Kage summit in the allied shinobi forces district at Nagi Island. Failure to do so risks the complete annihilation of this district, without the crucial support of the allied shinobi forces. Drawing from my knowledge and the information gathered, it is plausible that the assailant who targeted you is the same entity responsible for the assault on our own village. Therefore, it is imperative that we unite our efforts and resources in order to confront this common threat head-on.
Indeed, the magnitude of this crisis extends far beyond the confines of the rain district, encompassing all the districts and remnants of the shinobi world. Your words resonate with undeniable truth, highlighting the urgent need for unity and collaboration among all nations. Lord Amekage, I implore you to consider the gravity of the situation. Will you commit to attending the Kage summit when the time arises? The very essence of the allied shinobi forces was forged upon the principles of cooperation and mutual aid. Now, more than ever, we must stand united against the looming threat that seeks to engulf us all. Let us heed the call of duty and honor the purpose for which the allied shinobi forces were established. Together, we can confront this unprecedented challenge and safeguard the future of our world." With a solemn nod, he relinquished the book into Mugen's capable hands, understanding the weight of its contents and the significance of the decision that lay ahead. For now, he remained composed, awaiting the response of the Amekage and his assistant, poised to act accordingly in the face of whatever course of action they deemed necessary.

Location: Rain District (Amegakure)
Posting Order: Tenbo - > Mugen -> Yonrochi
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days
Skip Points: ll