Phase 2 - Location 5: Team 3 vs Team 4


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The battleground is a dense and sprawling forest, where a network of small, tranquil ponds weaves its way through the towering trees. These picturesque ponds, glimmering in dappled sunlight, adds an extra layer of complexity to the battlefield. The serene surface of the water, hiding the secrets beneath, presents both opportunities for tactical advantage and potential hazards for those seeking cover or a strategic edge in this natural arena.

The rules of this phase are simple yet challenging: the moment a team member is immobilized or hit by a single jutsu, they are immediately disqualified from the exam. However, if a member of the opposing team manages to incapacitate one of their rivals, their own disqualified teammate can be reinstated, much like the rules of dodgeball. This phase aims to assess the genin candidates' adaptability, teamwork, and tactical acumen as they confront unfamiliar situations and opponents. It's a rigorous test designed to ensure they can effectively respond to unexpected challenges on their journey to becoming chunin.

Team 3: Gyoken, Nashiro Ashida, Yatoru Kengan
Team 4: Okami Kitsune, Kyo Kengan, Otaru

Posting Order:
Okami Kitsune --> Kyo Kegan --> Otaru --> Gyoken --> Yatoru Kengan --> Nashiro Ashida

Time Limit:
72 Hours (3 days) Posting Limit
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During the two-day R&R period the passing Genin had been given following the end of the first part of the exams, Okami had spent his time recovering the chakra he'd used up healing the civilians he'd rescued as best he could. Thanks to the simple fact that he didn't have a whole lot of chakra to begin with, all he'd needed was a good night of sleep. That was on the first day, which was also spent meditating and doing light training. The second day had been spent actually resting and further familiarizing himself with Stone District as well as its people, customs, etc. He also became rather famous (or infamous depending on who you ask) for his insane appetite, considering he nearly cleaned out every place he ate at... He did, however, pay in full while leaving a generous tip for the trouble the chefs went through to feed him. Those two days were quick to pass by.

The morning of the second part of the exams, Okami went through a final inventory check to make sure he still had everything, and was then escorted to the location of the next part of the exams. On the way there, he'd had the rules explained to him and he made sure to memorize every bit of it. Now that he was at the designated area, however, he couldn't help but feel right at home in the lush forest that surrounded him. It both looked and felt like something straight out of a fairy tale... Unfortunately, as much as he wanted to truly savor the experience, he couldn't. So Okami opted to sit down with his back to a large an ancient tree, easily one of the biggest there was. He would close his eyes and begin to meditate, focusing solely on the scents and sounds around him. The young prince of foxes would patiently await his teammates, hoping to at least strategize with them a bit before the second exam began in earnest. After all, his overall contribution to his team during the previous exam was notably minimal, if it was even there at all. He hoped to fix that.
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In the heart of a sprawling, ancient forest, the early morning sun filtered through the dense canopy, casting a warm, golden glow over the vibrant leaves and underbrush. High up in an enormous tree at the forest's heart, Kyo Kengan, a proud representative of the Rain Village, had already awakened. Perched on a sturdy tree branch, Kyo savored a simple breakfast, the aroma of freshly grown fruit filling the air as he observed his teammates below as he enjoyed his meal. Kyo, with his distinct Rain Village headband, scanned the lush surroundings from his lofty vantage point. The forest, an arena of tranquil beauty, concealed a myriad of secrets and challenges, all designed to test the mettle of the Genin. A tranquil river meandered through the heart of the forest, its crystal-clear waters reflecting the surrounding foliage. Okami had seemed to have never been asleep as he rested against the base of another tree. Kyo, with his diverse background and abilities, had only known his teammates for a few days so they didn't have much practice with coordination and teamwork. He had climbed the towering tree early to survey the forest and planned out different ways he can use the environment to his own advantage. The second phase, he assumed was similar to the first in regards of what they were being tested on but at the same time he felt that it was more to it than individual skill and teamwork.
Kyo: Hey there fox boy, you're already awake too huh?! Haha, it was pretty boring being up here alone.​

With a another bite of his apple, Kyo jumped down from the top of the tree towards a more lowered level close to the ground, gliding through the air with graceful efficiency. Though, Kyo didn't touch the ground; instead he grabbed a hold of another tree branch with his hand and spun on it until he was upside down stood upside down on it and utilized his chakra on the bottom of his feet to keep himself attached which is what he did to walk down and climb up the tree. His left hand was in his pocket as he took yet another bite of his apple.


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His small, tanned hand gently caressed the rough surface of a towering tree, a brief diversion from the monotony of his journey. Bored of walking, he eagerly anticipated reaching the destination, and as if answering his silent plea, the red-headed figure finally arrived. His teammates, Okami Kitsune and Kyo Kengan, lay ahead, individuals he had encountered only briefly after the first phase of the exams. While he hadn't spent much time with them, it was crucial for him to assess their personalities and capabilities further than prior. He hoped that they could form a cohesive unit for the upcoming battle, unwilling to accept defeat before even entering the final stage.

With a subtle movement, his hand left the tree's bark, and he moved purposefully toward Okami Kitsune and Kyo Kengan. Throughout his pursuit, he maintained his focus on utilizing the Minds Eye of Kagura technique, extending his senses to detect those radiating with chakra within his vicinity. The exams could commence at any moment, and he was determined not to be caught off guard. In case of a sudden surprise attack, he had faith that he and his partners could adapt effectively to face the challenge.

"Hey Okami and Kyo, how's it going?" he greeted them with a friendly wave as he closed in on the duo, stopping about five feet from them. He stood with both hands at his sides, mindful of their earlier discussions about their respective strengths and weaknesses. They had already established their roles in the upcoming battle, and he hoped they could fulfill their designated tasks. He remained still, his chakra detection system actively scanning for any signs of the opposing team, aware that it was only a matter of time before they registered on his radar.



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Gyoken moved silently through the dense forest, his small frame concealed by the towering trees and overgrown bushes that surrounded him. Alongside him, his teammates from the first phase of the Chunin exams strode forward, their collective abilities poised for action. Gyoken's unique crimson eyes, the result of his Sharingan, flared to life, revealing to him the latent skills of Nashiro and Yatoru. He knew that Nashiro possessed water release abilities, while Yatoru was known for his remarkable taijutsu prowess. However, despite this newfound knowledge, the identities and skills of their adversaries remained shrouded in mystery. In Gyoken's mind, each member of their team represented one of the three fundamental ninja skills: ninjutsu, genjutsu, and taijutsu.

In a hushed voice, Gyoken murmured their cryptic plan, weaving together a blend of his chakra and the enigmatic shadow style. A phantom, indistinguishable from himself, materialized in response, darting ahead like a ghostly specter. Its elusive purpose was to unveil the hidden threats that might lie in wait. Meanwhile, the true orchestrator remained shrouded in the refuge to the colossal tree sentinels, distant by a mysterious span of 30 feet. Gyoken's two tomoe Sharingan flickered to life, intensifying the hue of his crimson orbs. With every step, he scanned his surroundings, head swaying to and from in a continuous rhythm, utilizing his dojutsu to pierce through the obscured terrain.

Gyoken's vision penetrated the leafy veil, detecting the telltale glimmers of chakra on a tree situated 20 feet away. A sense of danger loomed as he identified these figures—Okami, Otaru, and Mellow. Though they were unknown adversaries, their presence was enough to signal a challenge. Perched atop the tallest branch of a tree, the young shinobi basked in the dappled sunlight. The rays of light painted his form with a vivid crimson hue, casting him as a sentinel in the heart of the forest.

In a seamless motion, he retrieved six kunai, each adorned with sealing tags, three of them identical in marking of explode. In the span of a heartbeat, he readied these kunai, each designed to strike their intended targets twice. Gyoken harbored a silent hope, a hidden agenda entwined with the prospect that should his initial strike fall wide of the mark, the kunai's collision with the proximate landscape would materialize into a symphony of chaos. A turbulent uproar of debris and an elusive, fragrance-less mist would arise. This nebulous curtain of obscurity was a clandestine maneuver to shroud the vision of his adversaries and any other unsuspecting interlopers. In this obscurity, he laid the foundation for an impending and potentially calamitous assault orchestrated by his concealed compatriots. Gyoken's presence stretched across the battleground, a sentinel poised to ensnare those who dared to defy him in a cerebral labyrinth far removed from the sylvan beauty that enveloped the dense forest.





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Strolling through the forestry, Yatoru Kengan, who for the past two days was healing from the use of his KKG during Part one slowly strolled towards Gyoken, his hands in his pockets as he witnessed or rather bared witness to the change in the boys occular organs, the Doujutsu of the Infamous Uchiha Clan was now revealed to the Kengan; the Sharingan. Though Yatoru said nothing to break the concentration that Gyoken had planning, He merely stood at under him, his eyes moving forward as he was unable to use chakra sensory he could tell his brother was out there, and with the information given about this test it was the person he reveled in going for. Standing straight as his posture seemed full of openings, the young Kengan witnessed Gyokens first move, using this as the signal to move, he'd kick off his legs; erupting dirt from beneath him he swiftly converted into a blur motion as he moved to the left and Right, creating up to six after images that seemed to stand with their hands in their pockets as Yatoru waited for the right moment, building up his momentum with each passing second. His goal was to deliver followup blows and counter strikes against his opponents, to deal as much damage in such a short period of time, such a notion would only be feasible due to his speed.



Nashiro was leaping through the forest at high speed, swinging and propelling herself off branches like a Patas monkeys in her natural habitat, barely using chakra to move through the forest at the current speed she’s at. Nashiro woke up twelve minutes ago but knew her objective especially when she detected Gyoken south from her location and took off to find him. Once she saw the Uchiha from a distant then another boy she never seen before, she quickly slows down and lands behind them. Seems like they are engaging another team since she can sense Kyo on the other side along with two others, summons her Bō staff before stabbing it into the earth so she can form the following hand seals, Boar, Ram, Dog, Dragon, and Tiger! Completing the hand seals and regurgitates jelly substance from her mouth that takes the form of a clone who looks at Nashiro.

"Wait for the signal"

The clone nods and disappears into the earth then she creates a water clone who looks more pumped for action than its creator who chuckles at its wide grin and bouncing from one foot to the next, the two take off right behind Yatoru before Nashiro herself leaps to left forming the hand seals in a blur, then the ground split open as a linear wave of water shot out at a alarming rate of speed that the force of it ripple the air around it while her other clone has stealthily moving through the dirt, lowering its chakra signature to remain undetected, traveling towards Kyo's rear but felt the shaking of the technique it’s caster has unleash must’ve been the signal so it quickly traversed the ground then appearing out behind the tree before climbing upwards right above Kyo, lingering in the shadows to strike.​
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Okami would awaken from his meditation at Kyo's greeting. It was also at this time that Otaru would make himself known, and Okami would rise from his seated position on the ground and give his teammates a simple nod in response before he spoke. While doing so, he continued to focus on keeping his senses concentrated on the sounds and scents around him, as well as the vibrations in the ground and air. Even though he didn't have the much greater range or more precise senses as the adult members of his clan, he was still proficient enough to use this in battle. As such, he detected the scents of and sounds made by the opposing team long before they actually got there as he spoke and was able to form some semblance of a plan for his team to work with. Of course, he'd made sure to speak quietly enough that only his team could hear him. While doing so, he would mould his chakra to use the technique he'd mention.​

"Good, you guys made it. We can exchange pleasantries later - if that last exam was anything to go by, things will be heating up very soon. And that means we unfortunately don't have time to strategize - we'll have to adapt and improvise as things play out... Good news is, I can already hear and smell them, so we at least have time to prepare. When I give the signal, get back so you don't get caught in the crossfire. The signal will be [bring the rain] which will be followed by my Hair Needle Senbon technique."

After a while, Okami picked up the sense of incoming danger due to his more animalistic nature, so while he jumped back and put an extra 30 feet between himself and the opposing team, he would clap his hands together and knead his moulded chakra into his hair and fur, hardening each and every strand before adding a spinning motion to his jump, timing his counter so that the entirety of each of his nine tails (having never changed back to a one-tailed state and was therefore still in a nine-tailed transformation) were between him and the opposing team. At that same instant, Okami would launch every single one of those extremely sharp and durable hair senbon at the entire area in front of him using "Ninja Art: Hair Needle Senbon". Okami didn't need to use "Ninja Art: Needle Jizo" to use this technique due to the fact he had a lot of hair and fur as it was, and his natural healing factor also regrew his hair and fur just as quickly as it'd been launched.​

Immediately before Okami jumps back to launch his technique: "KYO, OTARU, BRING THE RAIN!"

Much to his hidden and controlled amazement, his hair senbon were strong and fast enough to shatter the kunai with enough force to send the three exploding tags attached to the six kunai that'd been thrown back in Gyoken's direction, which would cause the tags to detonate anyways due to outside interference - he'd been taught that those senbon were fast enough that speed alone would not be enough to dodge it and that each senbon was strong enough to punch through or destroy boulders, but seeing firsthand that he could already destroy incoming projectiles outright was a different matter entirely. The detonations were also close enough to the guy who threw the kunai that he was almost guaranteed to be hit by the entire combined concussive force of three exploding tags going off at the exact same instant right in his face... Naturally, if that happened Gyoken would be sent flying uncontrollably from his perch, suffering burn damage, suffering very possible shrapnel damage from the kunai, and the concussive force that was mentioned would put him unconscious with the bonus of a considerable concussion. He'd also be looking a lot like a human pincushion due to the sheer number of senbon Okami had shot.

This had all been done before the Kunai even passed the ten-feet mark, so swift was Okami's reaction due to having launched those senbon from his tails at the exact moment he'd reached the ten-feet mark when jumping back... The sheer usefulness of having powerful animal instincts and even faster reflexes could not be understated. He'd also been so focused on responding in time that he didn't even care that there was no more than nine centimeters between each senbon... Maximum. However, he thankfully wasn't so unaware of what was going on that he didn't take notice of the considerable dip in his available chakra.

It should be noted that when Okami jumped 30 feet back, he had also jumped 30 feet skywards which would put him on a tree, and allow his senbon to harmlessly bypass Kyo and Otaru. His animalistic nature included sharper senses and a natural ability to much more easily detect and react to incoming threats on instinct alone, but was much more prone to primal anger hence his constant meditation. Okami's animalistic nature also included being naturally better attuned to lush environments, with his fox-like nature and physiology making him especially attuned towards forests and other such places where foxes thrive. His tail (or tails in this case) also made him much more aerodynamic, allowing him to maneuver in mid-air with ease and in ways that would otherwise be impossible without them. Finally, when Okami launched his senbon, he did so for the ENTIRE area in front of him - left, right, up, down, center, and everywhere in-between including diagonal angles.
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Kyo remained stationary and perched upside down on his tree branch, he listened to both his teammate speak as he rather enjoyed their company even if it was only temporary. He nodded his head in agreement with Okami since that was the way he preferred things to be anyway, adapting to situations is what drove him in most situations just to get the feeling of accomplishment when his goals were achieved.
Kyo: I prefer to adapt anyway so in a way this works out for me. But i'll entrust you two on the long distance things, as long as you can slow them down enough for me I can handle the close range combat. But it's going good Otaru, we should talk more after we win this though. Heh!​

Okami had already picked them out with his own ability, meanwhile, Kyo was already able to pick up the group by their fighting spirit, thus remaining calm on his branch. On top of which, with the distance the Gyoken was to Kyo and his team before his initial attack, he had already been spotted by the young Kengan. On top of Yatoru and the other person being close to him only made things easier for Kyo, though one of them seemed to be releasing two different signatures, while not only seeing the girl utilizing her technique and making it go into the ground; Kyo already knew the exact location of the clone at all times but he pretended to not know of what was going on until the right moment. As such, once Okami said the phrase that he had been patiently waiting for, Kyo jumped back along with his Kitsune comrade. His timing on the jump was perfectly executed as he evaded the attack of the clone once it actually revealed itself to try attacking him, but the distance of his jump as well put him behind Okami and avoid the onslaught of the technique he utilized with his tails.

His demeanor remained as it was prior with no changes to his stance as his hand still remained in his pocket and the other hand still clutching onto his apple. This will have ensured the the Kitsune's attack pierced through the clone of Nashiro and continue on with its course to towards the others. Still not changing his posture, the young Kengan began channelling chakra on the hand which had remained in his pocket for as well as both of his feet, ultimately preparing to unleash his own attack at the right moment should the he actually need to do so. His plan was to eliminate whoever decided to approach him or whoever managed to escape the attack from his partner.
Kyo: Ahaha, hey you missed! Nice try though!​
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Silence wasn't enough to avoid the detection of the red-headed boy, he was naturally more advanced than the limitations of average shinobi. He was in possession of a Hiden ability, a technique which adorns the name of the minds eye of Kaguya. Some with this innate ability was able to be unconscious of themselves and still alert of surroundings, as some of his predecessors displayed this. In this case, Otaru was conscious of his environment and those within the range of his ability. The extension of said capability maxed out at one-hundred meters, this allowed ample time to prepare. As his adversaries were detected and tracked.
One individually seemingly duplicated in two, whilst the other version of chakra ran off. With his limited usage of the Minds Eye of Kagura, he was still able to distinguish it had less concentration of energy, and less of a silhouette - perhaps it was a shadow clone or clone technique. He kept this in mind. As well as taking in the other individuals of the opposing team, their travel upon trees, as well as upon the ground. He was not just observing the entire time, Otaru was physically on the move. As the opponents drew near, he maneuvered further away into the direction of his teammates and aimed further beyond. Utilizing his timing and speed, he was certainly out of the way of Gyoken's anticipatory strike, as well as that of his own teammate Okami needle senbon. In the midst of his retreat his chakra sensory did not lose track of any of his enemies or teammates. As he retreated, Otaru used his physical strength to leap into the forestry branches, behind both Okami and Kyo. He had managed to survive the strike of Gyoken, especially Okami thanks to his earlier movement. As he was buried in the forest, he had withdrew a kunai in his left hand. With Okami's massive attack, and Kyo's guard, Otaru planned on covering any of their weaknesses. At the opportune time he would do so, at the current moment he needed to continue his chakra sensory and not afford any lapses. While on guard he screamed loud enough despite the destructive force and the noise it generated. "Guys beware, there is an extra enemy lurking thirty feet to the left. I cannot fully discern if it's a shadow clone or clone of some type. Take caution. I'll use my abilities to cover any openings!" He stated sharply, preparing a plan of ahead, but at the moment before doing so he needed to make sure a few things.