Salt Witch

These soldiers stood before her and in doing so, they devoted themselves to her cause the future of their village and yet none of them knew her. None in the room had met her before, how could they consider her when up until now she had been believed to be dead. Her life during the times of the bloody mist reduced to a few paragraphs in text books, all of which are incredibly vague, and a collection of compositions the medic wrote herself now lost to the archives of the past.
"To know me, you need only ask your sword. You may not be familiar with me, but your needle is. Ask it to show you what we did should have all of the memories there for your browsing. You see, each of the sacred blades are sentient in a way, some more than others. I, Azuresato Ryu was the former wielder of Nuibari and now that it’s become aware that I still live, it will not serve you in the way that it has before. Its allegiance was to me and with or without my influence it will remain with the desire for me until I leave this world and it will not perform it’s skill or aid you as a swordsman properly.”
This must have sounded outrageous to Yumaro who had been Nuibari's faithful weilder and who took his duty and the blade seriously. He treated the needle with the utmost respect as anyone before him had. However, that pull he was experiencing was one that could not be ignored. Even feeling it as early as when she had first stepped onto the mist's shores.
"Having said this, I have a proposition for you.”
Samehada was unsealed from a scroll, she’d unraveled across the desk all in one swift movement of her arm. Answering Higetsu's question as to where Samehada had ended up. Her hand reached out without hesitation and took hold of it’s dangerous hilt but its spines did not impale her as they would have a normal stranger whom's chakra repulsed it. It only made sense that the high level of chakra belonging to the Mizukage as well as it’s salty taste was deemed enough to earn its aid in combat and devotion. The creature-like sword was arguably the most sentient of the collection and upon being summoned, it began to feast on her delicious chakra almost instantly. A series of purrs and grumbles seemed to be how the two communicated but they were in fact communicating.
“I shall trade you Samehada for the needle. However, I must warn you, Samehada is unlike any of the other seven blades. This insatiable beast demands a sacrifice in the form of your chakra and beyond that it must accept your chakra. Samehada has been known to be significantly picky so…I do wish you the best of luck getting to know it. The far more challenging part will be learning to fight together. ”
It's then she turns her attention to the Yuki and Hozuki.
“Hozuki. To say that I am disappointed in you as one of the seven swordsmen of the mist would be a gross understatement. You have lost the battle, you have lost a crucial portion of one of the most archaic and ancient blades to have existed in the history of the land of water. In light of this, you will be given a chance to redeem yourself. Though we don’t yet know how to get to a point that recovering the remains of Hirameikarei is possible that does not excuse you of your duties. You will feel the sting of this loss until what has been done wrong has been made right. You will feel the pull of your blade's lost half wherever it now exists. If Hirameikarei is not complete, neither are you."
At this point, Azuresato began to write a letter using a parchment and ink and did not look up as she persisted with her etchings. Usually, someone might use a phone or even a computer to write someone a message but it seemed as if this woman was extremely averse to technology.
“I’ve received troubling word that the last of the sacred blades has been lost to battle. It is without a proper wielder, if it is not here then it is not where it belongs. Yumaro, Higestu and, you the Yuki. Your orders are to track down Shibuki and return it to the land of water under any circumstance…however. Should you run into bureaucratic nonsense that would be better handled diplomatically, alert me immediately and give this letter to the Kage.” She ensured to give Higetsu the letter with the official symbol of the water sealing it's secrets closed. Odd to give the most crucial failure of the bunch one of the most important documents that could be imparted, but if one thing was certain, there was always a method behind every action that the Lady took.
Her leer fixated on the icy arrival, instantly recognizing that he was the wielder of Kabutowari. Kuro Yuki, his arrival did little to derail the object of their discussions. Having said this, she had no respect for those who couldn’t maintain basic punctuality but she felt no real anger due to the fact he must have been off on some mission or something or that sort and couldn't have been aware of the impromptu meeting to begin with. He was completely unaware and therefore blameless.
“I’m sure you all have many questions to ask of me and there will be a time and place for that but as you can tell our situation is quite dire and our window to act is closing quickly. Any and all additional information you can discover about these elusive enemies are to be well documented and sent back to us. We face a powerful and unpredictable foe, for now, the more that can be learned of anything remotely resembling what was done this day then the more that we will be prepared for their return."

Location: Mizukage Office
Posting Order: Azuresato Ryu → Kuro Yuki → Yumaro → Higetsu —-> Suikotsu
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll