Mist District





The children of the mist each responded to the presence of Suikotsu and those who traveled with him. Each in their way, they let those around know their initial thoughts. These children were judged as they made their remarks or giggled—the sound of metal ruffling, leather unclasping and brushing against itself. The sharp and dull tinker of Suikotsu's Sword Kubikiribōchō dances against the ground simultaneously with light footsteps racing towards one of the children of the Mist.

The massive blade would come down just enough to stick into the shoreline below his feet. using his weight to launch himself over the sword, Suikotsu sent himself flying into the air, he went twenty feet over the heads of Toshimi and Yumaro, Landing on a large rock sticking out of the shoreline.

" Don't move or I'll have to stop you. "

He would let the executioner blade rest on his shoulder while his other hand sat idle in a single seal sign. Suikotsu would look down at the boy the female was healing. unknown to Suikotsu this was his younger brother and yellow Kaguya. Although it has been over twenty years since Suikotsu followed the teachings of that clan. Suikotsu left when he was young and had no memories of that family.

Suikotsu then looked over to the one that giggled at the other's remarks, He saw the red hair and dark skin but couldn't discern a clan form that alone. It appeared to be that she was healing him if they decided to move in the next few moments he would have to take her head off first.

Location: Umi no Megami no Shima -> Traveling -> Mist District Shore.
Posting Order: Suikotsu -> Azuresato Ryu -> Kazumaru -> Yumaro -> Higetsu -> Gabimaru -> Toshimi
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll[/hr]​


The gleaming red reflection of the rest radiating off her mist from around Gabimaru’s dark shroud was enough to ensure she did not look Gabimaru directly in his eyes. Actually, she refused to look at him at all, although he was having difficulty seeing this. As a ninja who had once reveled in the time of the bloody mist and long time enemies of the land of fire, Azuresato had not survived as long as she had without facing a handful of the leaf’s infamous Uchiha and their disastrous Dojutsu. She knew what signs to look out for to avoid their vast variety of Genjutsu and even if there was no Sharingan present, the boy’s vulgar name he’d called her had offended her and was obviously unaware that in doing so, she had determined that he needed to be made an example of in order to properly educate her new loyal followers.

“My eyes are everywhere, therefore I am everywhere. I have seen enough to know that none of you stood a chance at victory today. However, you stood less of a chance than anyone else, child.”

Although he had thought it wise to keep an eldritch shroud around him in order to repel her mist, he neglected to cover one of the most elementary of places, that of which being the very ground beneath his feet. Laden with her essence and seeped into the wood of the rooftop, a seven foot three inch spine of white erupted and rightly impaled the boy from below directly through his heart.
This single act of violence on Azuresato’s part should not have seen failure or the survival of her victim since he had not moved from his position even during his previous battle or done anything to protect himself there that would be able to aid him in time or with enough power to fend the spike off. Her attack was purposeful, direct and had been waiting in preparation since the initial arrival of the mist hiding the village away from prying eyes and for every single person in attendance to give her a reason to put her convictions to the test.
Gabimaru happened to be the chosen one.
The one she had chosen to dismiss, the one she had chosen to silence. Forever.
It took one iota of a second for her to decide that he was not worth letting live any longer, that he was not worth taking another breath in her land that could be meant for a more respectful and courteous person.

“And judging by the looks of it…you were not so directly involved dealing with it yourself, now were you? Perhaps, had you decided to join your fellow Shinobi on the front lines, perhaps if you had truly put your own life at risk as they did…things could have ended differently but we’ll never know that will we?”

Granted, she knew that the boy was dying or had already perished by this time, still she spoke on, conducting a conversation with his corpse. Even the unpredictable arrival of a secretive agent to provide the dishonored Hozuki with some sort of confidential intel did not stop Azuresato who remained in fluid motion, but she did compartmentalize the fact that this happened, was monitoring it and would see to it’s unraveling at another more convenient time.

“Hear me now and hear me clear, The mist has no need for unwilling soldiers, nor is there a place for them in our ranks. Do not misunderstand me. From this day forth, Insubordination will answer to death. Disrespect will answer to death. Weakness will answer to death!”

To the redhead that co-signed Gabimaru’s disrespect, she was hopeful that her words were getting through to her and that her murderous action had as well and either way Toshimi would not only be subject to Azuresato’s dominion but she would be subject to her executioner’s as well as he was primely poised to do as his duty commanded should she see prudence in further cosigning.

“And you will address me as Lady Mizukage, or you will die by the hand of the ones you once called friends. For it is not I that threatens the longevity or prosperity of this village. It is your insolence and your insolence alone at this moment that will hold us back from greatness.”

She was speaking to the entirety of the village now, calmly explaining the requirements she had for those who intended on seeing the new regime flourish. Was it time to test the loyalty of her subjects against one another so soon? Her words were to inspire rebellion so that she could see who needed to be removed. Her words were meant to inspire retaliation as she wanted to see what choices these people would make in the face of a new unfamiliar ally/enemy. Would they leap into the churning waves to drown yet again, or would they decide to take part in rebuilding their great nation and defend her ideals as their own?
Did she expect them all to get in line without struggle? No, she expected some to fight for their pride but perhaps this was exactly what she wanted. What better way to begin her reign as Mizukage than by humbling her subjects and insinuating her dominion over them and their whims? In the days of the bloody mist, people took what they wanted. Power begot whatever one desired so long as they could take it. If someone wanted to be the Mizukage, there was no pathetic display of diplomacy or official exchange of leadership. If someone wanted to be the Mizukage, they killed the current and took their spot and the village fell in line with any grudges held by those who favored the late Kage being snuffed out or forced to obey out of fear for themselves and for their families.


As the Kage stood and cast her leer over her people, the sea had taken her hair and hat into its infinite fingers in order to hide the hat away and braid her massive mane into three separate units. Ever fluctuating plumes finally revealed the full face of their Mizukage and with it, the salt witch’s wicked fang-toothed grin giving her people a very minuscule glimpse into the reality as to how bloody this woman truly was.

Location: Mist District Shore.
Posting Order: Suikotsu -> Azuresato Ryu -> Kazumaru -> Yumaro -> Higetsu -> Gabimaru -> Toshimi
Post Time Limit (PTI): 2 Days.
Skip Points: ll​





Kazumaru would be pulled from his personal reflection by the sound of a woman, no the one parading around as the Mizukage, but the one with a head of crimson, who so uncouthly opted to yell at him from across the shoreline. He'd always be making mental notes of all the proceedings, of course; but her rather direct; if not rude, approach had garnered his direct attention. He'd turn to Shiro; his summoned companion, and would offer her a reassuring stroke upon her snout, before turning and casually making his way towards the woman. The manner in which he decided to carry himself, as casually as he did, was in stark contrast to the tension that the Mizukage and her pet had brought. He seemed at peace amongst such turmoil, as if strife was natural to him.

As he approached Toshimi, he would catch Suikotsu out of his peripheral vision leaping towards the Kunoichi before landing upon their chosen stone.
'Such an unnecessary display..'
He would think to himself, mentally shaking his head at the man. He was surely barbaric, in Kazumaru's personal opinion, and often seemed to resort to rather extreme measures whenever it seemed to suit him.

It was only after he had approached closer to the two individuals that his vision would be able to penetrate through Azuresato's Mist, noticing the third; the prostate body of Higetsu, with Toshimi appearing to be making an attempt at healing him. He would take but a moment to observe her form as she did so. To him, she would appear distracted; almost as if staving of some carnal urge within herself; a distraction perhaps worse for her then the ongoing chaos about her.

He would take but a moment to part his own lips to speak to her, before he was suddenly interrupted by a a loud sound, a sound like that of a pig being skewered for a roast; the sickening sound of flesh being peeled apart from one another.


He'd spin his head on a swivel, turning his attention back towards the Mizukage and her speech, or rather, what had once been her speech. As he struggled to peer through the Mist, he would seem to be able to notice a body, lifted high into the air by some sort of foreign object. He'd be taken aback by such a sudden display of violence, but upon further consideration, he did not know why he did not expect as much brutality from the female as he had received from the male.

"Perhaps now is not the best time for this discussion, my dear. We can discuss it.. after all this excitement."


Location: Mist District Shore.
Posting Order: Suikotsu -> Azuresato Ryu -> Kazumaru -> Yumaro -> Higetsu -> Gabimaru -> Toshimi
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll​


Staff member

From an early age, Yumaro had honed an acute awareness of his surroundings, a skill born of necessity to navigate the harsh realities of his existence. This vigilance was especially crucial in unpredictable circumstances, and the situation unfolding before him was no exception. Though he had offered verbal praise moments earlier, it was a calculated move, anticipating future outcomes. His praise was not without purpose; he intended to provoke a demonstration of strength from the woman.

Alert to every nuance around him, Yumaro detected the approach of the tall swordsman, discerning the hostility in his pace and posture. Yumaro was not one to be caught off guard. His heightened state of awareness triggered an automatic response, activating a defense mechanism that was both internal and external. This response purged any foreign entities from his system—be it chakra, chemicals, or compounds—rendering him impervious to influences that others might not even detect. This swift purging would remain a mystery to the newcomers, who lacked the context of Yumaro's recent encounter with Kagaya. As a consequence of that battle, Yumaro was now highly resistant to the salt witch's influence. His reactions were not geared toward her, but rather her subordinate, prompting his defenses to spring into action. Should she attempt to intervene in the way she thought she could with Gabimaru, she would find herself utterly ineffective.

Though she was not his adversary, a twisted smirk formed on Yumaro's face as he closely monitored Suikotsu's movements. His readiness to engage, underpinned by a deep-seated resilience, showcased his strategic foresight and unwavering determination to face whatever challenge lay ahead.

As Suikotsu launched himself into the air, aiming to navigate freely, Yumaro had preemptively analyzed his trajectory. He scrutinized Suikotsu's skeletal structure and the nuances of his body's motion, enabling him to anticipate the swordsman's path. This insight allowed Yumaro to position himself, ready to counter or engage based on the predictive understanding of Suikotsu's movements. Yumaro's ability to decode and anticipate his opponent's actions in real-time underscored his mastery of combat and keen observational skills. With an instinctive flick of his wrist, Yumaro positioned his hand holding the Sewing Needle to strike precisely where Suikotsu was vulnerable, poised to drag him down with decisive force. Yet, despite the tantalizing opportunity, Yumaro exercised remarkable restraint, refusing to exploit the numerous openings presented before him. His resolve, unwavering and resolute, emanated a forcefulness that crackled in the air, directed towards the one wielding the formidable Kubikiribōchō. This restraint didn't stem from hesitation but rather from a deliberate choice—a choice fueled by Yumaro's unyielding determination. As he advanced towards his predetermined destination, there was a palpable confidence in his stride, a confidence that dared any would-be assailant to challenge him. It was clear that Yumaro harbored no fear in the face of danger, his smirk a silent declaration of his dominance. Yumaro's resolve was unmistakable, his emerald eyes ablaze with a fierce determination that dared Suikotsu to make a move. Perhaps Suikotsu sensed this, for not a word was anticipated to escaped his lips in the face of Yumaro's unwavering gaze. As Yumaro strode forward, his senses remained sharp, vigilant against any potential threats, including Suikotsu and others who may lurk nearby. His destination was clear—he sought an audience with the Mizukage in the privacy of her office, not to engage with her subordinate in the bustling openness of the public. With purposeful steps, he drew closer to Suikotsu, passing by without faltering in his stride. His gaze remained fixed ahead, ostensibly focused solely on his intended path. However, should anyone attempt to disrupt his journey once more, Yumaro's Kaguya lineage would be revealed, a testament to the power that coursed through his veins. As he continued his journey, the chakra within him stirred, its presence a mysterious and potent force that surrounded him, lending an air of unpredictability to his movements.


Location: Mist District Shore -> Kirigakure
Posting Order: Suikotsu -> Azuresato Ryu -> Kazumaru -> Yumaro -> Higetsu -> Gabimaru -> Toshimi
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.​



As the dome of amorphous darkness swirled and gazed into the mist, the sound of wood slightly shifting, as if something was crackling its way through caused Gabimaru's eyes to widen, in that mere moment time felt as if it was coming to a halt, the splintering of wood echoed within the veil of ceaseless darkness within the dome before alas a construct of sodium comprised from the salt brine of the rooftop protruded forth, though Gabimaru possessed unnatural sensory through his clans genetics and speed he was taken aback, his footing stumbling slightly altering his posture and positioning his chest to find the end of this construct of sodium sundering through the Epidermis membrane, splitting the muscle tendons and rupturing through bone and organ alike, concealed within the dome of pitch black nothing, muffling the sound from escaping the void like sphere an almost thick viscous liquid would seep down the sodium based construct, staining it a darker than normal scarlet pigmentation. Gabimaru's eyes still widened as he'd look down upon the wound felt his teeth gritting; and yet shortly after a stream of this same thick liquid poured out from his maw. Splattering against the roof top with a sickening sound that shant be heard, due to the constantly swirling motion of the domes solidified amorphous structure. Yet as Gabimaru placed his hands upon the slippery surface soaked in his own cells, his grip slowly weakening as he shattered the fragile and brittle substance, though by using the last of his strength his eyes slowly close, a thought passing his mind, "So tired... it wouldn't be so bad if I just rest for a while... Would it?"

As his mind slowly fades from consciousness and his body fell to a resting position upon the rooftop, from the treeline over looking the fishing settlement, two pairs of scarlet and beady eyes watched as in the moment where Gabimaru's consciousness faded to the sweet embrace of somberness escape, his Dome would slowly break apart, the fabrics of eldritch darkness flowing out like weightless shards before dispersing to the night shrouded by the mist. These two pairs of eyes descended from their position revealing themselves as two elderly individual's, adorning dove white hair across their wrinkled face, but the same manner of clothing as the young Gabimaru. Standing beside the presumably deceased chunnin, one whom stood upon Gabimaru's left slowly lifted the boy, removing the edged construct from his chest which would break in the grasping hand of the individual, whilst the one who stood upon the right released forth small insectoid like horrors that began consuming any trace of gabimaru's dna from the rooftop insuring that their clan's secrets remain just that, mysterious secrets. Though speaking no words as None where needed to be given in the situation at hand; as they once hid in the shadows the two would vanish to the shadows with Gabimaru's body. Members of the mysterious Yamishi Clan, they possessed the right to take one of their own; though unlike Gabimaru these two showed no form of hostility, merely doing as their clan laws adjourn. Retreating back to the undisclosed location of the Yamishi Clan's home, a place even the village has no records of as to expect from a clan that possesses such a mysterious KKG. With their disappearance, one such even trackers could not follow, as if these two possessed further abilities even Gabimaru lacked there would be a still quietness in the air where Gabimaru once stood.

Gabimaru Yamishi.jpg

Location: Mist District Shore -> Kirigakure
Posting Order: Suikotsu -> Azuresato Ryu -> Kazumaru -> Yumaro -> Higetsu -> Gabimaru (Removed after this post) -> Toshimi
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.​
Last edited:



Of course, in response to Toshimi's yelling towards him, Kazumaru began to make his way down to the crimson-ombred-haired lady. However, that attention of hers was interrupted by the tall male with the kubikiribocho sword that's large which compliments Suikotsu's height perfectly. The Kubikiribocho is known to be one to mainly decapitate people's heads if they were to be executed hence the nickname it was given the "Executioner blade". She heard his voice ringing in her ears.

"Don't move or I'll stop you"

Stop her? How would he do that? By his large blade that was sat on his shoulders comfortably? who knows, only he could know how to stop her, though she did think about things that made her smirk wide into a sadistic smile. She wondered how much flesh the sword could carve her up into.







of course that thought process was interrupted by something, she looked at what happened, and the vile woman who claimed herself as the mizukage decided to teach the arrogant boy who spoke up to her which Toshimi found amusing how he boldly called her a hag. Ultimately it resulted in him being somewhat from toshimi can interrupt being knocked out cold or worse presumably dead. What may have gone was beyond the others because it was covered by a dark dome.

"Insubordination will answer to death. Disrespect will lead to death. Weakness will answer to death!”

Of course to Toshimi the craving for flesh was wanting to come out, seeing a flesh and now a passed out chunin. She turned her lady mizukage and responded with a dark laugh.

" Lady Mizukage. If you want to truly lead this nation, then kill our enemies first. Such things killing your own shinobi is worthless, what a waste of flesh."

She took a deep breath and carried on.

"If you kill every single one of us who is going to help you conquer lands? Though I will respect your ways Lady Mizukage, You may have to cut out my insolent tongue. But I'll serve you til death."

She dared to question her, which Toshimi could result in her being killed, she went and looked at the snake-man and mouthed to him hoping he could see. Then She moved to her knees bowing down in respect to the Mizukage and male in front Toshimi

"See you...later if possible?"

Location: Mist District Shore
Posting Order: Suikotsu -> Azuresato Ryu -> Kazumaru -> Yumaro -> Higetsu -> Toshimi
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll
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The first of things to come to the Mizukage’s attention was the unbroken stride of a king. Yumaro showed no inkling of fear as he appeared to have come to some sort of conclusion that sent him on his way. Where he was headed was hardly difficult to decipher as Azuresato followed his line of sight until it fixated on the late Kage’s and the late Kages before him, mansion. The hand of water that she was perched on returned to her, her symbolic hat, lowered her to the ground and then drained away back into the ocean from whence it had come. Judging by his silence after cheering for her induction, she didn’t think he posed a threat to her in fact, it almost appeared as if he were leading her to the way of her home. To her throne. This was actually an act leading to the perfect storm as it was the exact place she intended on going and he; the exact person she wanted to meet with as since first encountering the man, she had felt something undeniable about him, about something in his possession and she was certain that he must have felt it too.

" Lady Mizukage. If you want to truly lead this nation, then kill our enemies first. Such things killing your own shinobi is worthless, what a waste of flesh."

In addition to this, it just so happened that she had put Gabimaru’s punishment aside in her own mind. When she cast her gaze to see the result of her decree she was a little surprised to see that his body was being taken away by more unspoken soldiers, no doubt members of his clan. His body was no longer present. Was it truly a waste of flesh as the bold red-head claimed? Was the flesh that was unwilling, was the flesh that was defiant…worth anything to begin with? To Azuresato, the answer was no. Nothing but undisputed support to her claim would do.

Although Toshimi had seen only a bit of what the Lady was capable of she still seemed keen to use her large mouth to carry on with her sharp words.

"If you kill every single one of us who is going to help you conquer lands? Though I will respect your ways Lady Mizukage, You may have to cut out my insolent tongue. But I'll serve you til death."

In the end, it sounded as if she would follow Azuresato’s regime just as the others around her loudly claimed to and so she permitted the cannibal’s curtness to pass unhindered. There was something to be said for spice in one’s vocabulary, so long as it did not breach the boundaries of respect then her insolent tongue could stay right where it was. As far as she was concerned and as far as she could tell, everyone was almost immediately on board with her coup, precisely as she had expected. By all accounts, it paid Kirigakure to respond the way that they had. Once leaderless and broken, Azuresato Ryu was bestowed unto them by the ocean itself! Stories of her mythology, fables of her were already being woven amongst the displaced and downtrodden. Now, with a leader they felt they could stand by, the people turned to rebuilding by cleaning up the remnants of the village they once knew and helping one another to begin their reconstructions.

The Mizukage did not answer Toshimi’s question, she passed by her with a nod of acknowledgement and continued to follow Yumaro to her compound. Now given some time, Azuresato’s icy eyes fell back upon her guest who had joined her that day and seemed to be having his own conversation with the Tomogui. Her crazed grin had shifted into a softer one that did not bare her own set of fangs, one meant for a friend and to gesture that he was welcome to tag along if he so chose. She was quite certain that regardless of what he chose, that he was more than capable of maintaining himself within her lands or perhaps he’d move on completely. Either decision he made was not one she’d ponder for long, he had shown her no sense of hostility albeit she and her sentinel would disagree there considering the humorous manner in which they had met.

On she walked, by Kazumaru and once she came to the shattered Hozuki she spoke up. She had had enough of seeing a fellow swordsman wallow in the muck of his poor decisions and form. It was time for everyone to rise to their feet and begin the hard work it would take to return Kirigakure No Sato to it’s former glory. No, to a glory a new!

"All swordsmen are to follow me. Come, we have much to discuss.”

This command was to get Higetsu up and moving, as well as the full attention of Suikotsu who was poised and ready to do his duty as the executioner. That day, it looked as if there would be no heads to roll and so he was needed at her side again which was a place she was sure he would have no trouble finding.
Mizukage Ryu traveled onward, following Yumaro and disappearing into the mist and eventually, into her compound.


Location: Mist District Shore >>>
Traveling to:
Mizukage Mansion and Compound
Posting Order: Suikotsu -> Azuresato Ryu -> Kazumaru -> Yumaro -> Higetsu -> Toshimi
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll​




Kazumaru would allow his attention to be divided for a brief moment. Between Toshimi attempting to speak to him, and the carnage of Gabimaru's fate, he would opt to observe the impressive work of the two mysterious elderly women for but the brief moment in which they had been around. He'd find himself enthralled watching them as they would clean blood and carnage from a sandy shoreline, something he previously believed quite improbable, however here it was, being done. While he was sure if he investigated the scene himself, he'd be able to find something that may constitute as genetic material, he decided against it. He was rather unimpressed with the boy's reactionary time, which stood in stark contrast to the speed in which he was capable of running his mouth, and made a mental note that such a subject would be unfit for his particular line of research. He would find himself rather impressed with the manner in which the two were capable of cleaning, and would make yet another mental note to make an attempt to hire these individuals as Housekeepers for himself.
As the two women would make their escape with their burden in tow, he'd turn his full attention back to Toshimi.

"But of course, if that is so your wish. I do hope however that we can have a discussion without you screaming at me again."

He'd punctuate his statement with a chuckle, an attempt to show Toshimi through his body language he that he said so in jest. Just as he would begin to about face to check on the status of Shiro, he'd notice Azuresato walk past the two of them; her face less erratic and deranged. The unspoken invitation she would offer him would not go unnoticed, and he would offer her the slightest of nods in response. He would then make his way back towards Shiro, striding through the carnage and gore from the previous battle as if it was a field of poppies. Upon returning to his companion, he'd stroke her snout lovingly, a genuine smile breaching across his face. As she would lower her head down onto the beach in order to allow him to perch himself back atop her head before sitting himself down; cross-legged, before resting his head in his palm he would motion towards the direction in which the Mizukage had begun traveling in, an instruction to Shiro to begin following the slowly growing entourage. As he and Shiro would grow closer to Azuresato and her followers, he would take a moment to turn to her.

"If it so pleases you; m'lady, I would like to be able to at the very least launder and refresh myself before I return home. My precious babies should be getting close to finishing with their cultivations, and the herbs in which they've gathered will need to be identified and cataloged."



Location: Mist District Shore >>>
Traveling to:
Mizukage Mansion and Compound
Posting Order: Suikotsu -> Azuresato Ryu -> Kazumaru -> Yumaro -> Higetsu -> Toshimi
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll​





Suikotsu would stare at the children of the mist. as they each gave their bold responses. Slightly smirking as they each started to make their way towards the Mizukage and her ideals. Each one feared the repercussions of their actions, however, there would be none. For Suikotsu was already told by Lady Mizukage that none were to die unless one condition was met....

" None of you are cowards, good.

Instead of having the ground fall from their feet only to be met by thousands of spears made from bone. Suikotsu would instead walk behind the entire group. Following the Lady Mizukage and her children of the mist and salt bog Suikotsu made zero sound, his footsteps were nothing, you would be fooled even by the movements of his breath which seemed to be nonexistent. Not even his executioner blade made the tink of metal on his clothing and belt straps.

The silent phantom of the mist and salt bog would fade away into the background, awaiting his Lady's swift command for his blade when needed.
Whenever she was, he would be there in the darkness, waiting for her command, waiting for purpose.


Location: Umi no Megami no Shima -> Traveling -> Mist District Shore.
Posting Order: Suikotsu -> Azuresato Ryu -> Kazumaru -> Yumaro -> Higetsu -> Gabimaru -> Toshimi
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll[/hr]​



Staff member

As he strode through the village, each step seemed to echo his resolution. The shadows of past failures loomed large in his mind, reminding him of the consequences of weak leadership. Isamu's reign had been marked by confusion and uncertainty, leaving the village vulnerable and directionless. And when his own student had briefly taken the reins as Mizukage, it had only led to further chaos and embarrassment. But he refused to let history repeat itself. He had witnessed firsthand the warning signs, the subtle cracks that had ultimately shattered into what has become Kirigakure. Yumaro's words, once dismissed as mere caution by Isamu, now rang with the clarity of prophecy. Disappointment had become a bitter companion, a constant reminder of the cost of failure. Yet, despite the weight of past mistakes, he remained hopeful in resolve. For he saw in the newly acknowledged Mizukage the potential to lead the village to greatness once more. And he would do whatever it took to ensure that this time, they would not falter. With every fiber of his being, he would support and guide their leader, for the sake of the village and all who called it home. As he approached the Mizukage's residence, he squared his shoulders, ready to offer his support. The path ahead was uncertain, fraught with challenges and dangers. But he knew that together, they could overcome anything unlike accomplished under Isamu and the latter. And as he stepped through the threshold, he entered the Mizukage mansion and walked towards the office door than opening it and allowing for the others to make entry after him.

Yumaro stood in the Mizukage's office, the weight of responsibility heavy upon his shoulders. The office space was adorned with symbols of the village's heritage and strength, yet it also bore the scars of past struggles. He glanced around, his gaze lingering on the intricately carved wooden desk at the center of the room, where the Mizukage would soon take her seat. As he waited, his mind raced with thoughts of the challenges that lay ahead. The village was still reeling from the aftermath of previous leadership failures, and rebuilding trust among the people would not be easy. Finally, when the Mizukage entered the room, Yumaro bowed respectfully, his expression a mix of determination and anticipation. It was time for the new era to begin, and he was ready to stand by her side every step of the way. In case she turned out like the former two Mizukage, perhaps he would need to become the next Kage to lead the people of the mist. He was upright with the Nuibari in hand, waiting for the others to enter and for discourse to begin.
Location: Kirigakure
Traveling to: Mizukage Office
Posting Order:
Suikotsu -> Azuresato Ryu -> Kazumaru -> Yumaro -> Higetsu -> Toshimi
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll
