Location 2: Teams 3 and 4


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Chūnin Exams



Amidst the eerie stillness, the stench of death hung oppressively in the air, a relentless reminder of the horrors that had unfolded. The earth beneath their feet bore witness to the brutality, scattered with the shattered remains of bones, some human, some animal, all picked clean by scavengers. Above, the heavens mirrored the grim tableau below. Ominous storm clouds, thick and brooding, painted the sky a foreboding gray. They crackled with a latent energy, a promise of violence yet to be unleashed. Thunder grumbled in the distance, a haunting chorus to the desolation that surrounded them. As they moved forward, each step seemed to carry the weight of the fallen, and the wind whispered mournful secrets through the gnarled remains of once-lush trees. In this forsaken landscape, nature itself seemed to grieve, and the living could only tread carefully, for they were but fleeting guests in a world haunted by death.

1) No set posting order, but a 72-hour posting expectation; penalties for failure to post.
2) No metagaming; gather information in character; characters unaware of each other's abilities if no prior interaction.
3) Wait for the STORY account to confirm success or failure after posting.

Team 3: Gyoken, Nashiro Ashida, Yatoru Kengan
Team 4: Okami Kitsune, Kyo Kengan, Otaru



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The Sound of a distant rolling thunder rumbled across the sky, the air vibrating to its sensation as the eyes of the first Genin awakened; opening to see the grayed sky the young man known as Yatoru Kengan slowly sat upright, his left hand slowly pressing against his head, a strange sensation of missing gaps of his memory fluctuating in his mind as the last thing he remembered was walking towards the Stone District. His blue eyes dilating and constricting as it did its best to focus, allowing Yatoru gain a clear visual of his surrounding. A field of desolation with a rolling black cloud upon the horizon, Yatoru slowly found the strength to rise to his feet, brushing his attire off, the young Kengan seemed more so puzzled on this whole ordeal; the only form of clarity about this ordeal was that it had to do with the Chuunin Exams, and though this genin Kengan stood firmly, he'd waste no time standing, proceeding to slowly pivot from one foot to the other, this allowed him to allow proper blood flow, warming himself up in case this was a test of might or survival. His arms swaying up and down the young kengan continued this strange motion to keep the blood flowing properly.

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It didn't take long for the young Kitsune to wake up after being moved to the very different surroundings. But when he did, the first thing he did was sit up and check his body to make sure nothing was missing, and upon confirmation that even his traveling cloak was on his person, he allowed himself to release a relieved breath. Afterwards, Okami would lean back onto the ground and kick his feet up into the air before rolling forward again, using his back and tail to push himself into the air, which would allow him to land back on the ground on his feet. Then, he would use his extremely keen mind to take note of surroundings, already figuring that he and his fellow Genin had been brought here while they were resting from their travels. Okami's adaptive mind would allow him to become adapted to his new surroundings in the merest of seconds, thus allowing him to be completely unaffected by the distinct feeling of dread and despair the very air itself gave off.

It helped that he was still well-fed from his large meal (by Kitsune standards considering he'd had to eat enough to more than make up for what he'd been unable to eat on his two-week boat trip, and considering his inhuman metabolism... Well...) and was also feeling very well-rested after having slept on a proper bed for the first time in two weeks. As a result, he was justified in his personal morale being high enough for him to be feeling like he could take on anything that the competition could throw at him. Although, it had to be mentioned that if there was one thought that had him also feeling equally curious while he began his own stretching to prepare for whatever test this was, it would be exactly where he and his fellow Genin were.
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Gyoken's emergence from the redbone ground was marked by a sensation akin to awakening from a deep slumber. As he stretched and released a languid yawn, the world around him gradually came into focus. His initial view was blurred as if the very act of waking had stirred a thick haze that clung to his senses. With each passing second, clarity seeped back into his vision, revealing a scene that sent a shiver down his spine. The eerie calm that enveloped this place was broken only by the haunting presence of a colossal, billowing plume of purple smoke that rose from the heart of what seemed to be a forsaken village.

Life appeared to have abandoned this desolate expanse. No birds sang their songs, no leaves rustled in the breeze, and no voices echoed through the stillness. Instead, the air bore a nauseating scent, an oppressive odor reminiscent of decay and rotting flesh, threatening to overwhelm his senses. Gyoken's confusion hung heavy in the air, mirroring the storm clouds that gathered ominously in the distance. The thunder's low grumble only deepened the sense of foreboding that gripped his heart. As he tentatively stepped forward, he couldn't help but wonder, "Where am I?" His voice, though soft, felt oddly out of place in this unsettling tableau. With cautious, silent steps, he ventured further, guided only by uncertainty in a world that seemed to have lost its way.



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With the loud rumbling of thunder within the area, Kyo had awoken and an immediate stench filled his nose which caused his eyes to widen in surprise and lift his arm to cover his nose. His eyes darted around to observe the area and take in every detail he possible could, while it wasn't much that he hasn't seen before regarding the terrain, bones, ect. He much rather the chaos be done by him instead of someone else, the scene ahead only fueled his psychotic tendencies and slowly began exciting him. Though, he needed to remain as calm as he could in order to keep himself collected so he didn't make any mistakes. He really wouldn't care what he had to do as long as he got to have some fun in the process, even still; His excitement clearly showed through his expression as he began walking off in search of either someone to fight, assist, or both. Preferably the options that involved fighting but he understood that the weak needed protection and since it wasn't part of his clan he didn't plan on killing anyone unless he saw there was no helping them in the long run.

Eventually, he did however come across someone who was walking by themselves at the moment (Gyoken). He didn't know if that was an enemy or someone he had to aid and for that reason when he approached them, he played it safe. In that moment, a sudden wave of unease will strike the young boy he Kyo released his intent/fighting spirit. The wave was the only warning given to Gyoken before the hand of Kyo gracefully patted on the boys right shoulder while the rest of his body was to the boys left as he had his arm around him. While Kyo's presence was intimidating, his voice and tone was the complete opposite as Kyo sounded friendly. The entire vibe will be completely confusing the smaller kid but nonetheless Kyo didn't mean him any harm, at least not yet.
Kyo: Well hey there kid! By any chance you know what's going on? I can't seem to remember anything from last night, it's all kind of foggy. But hey at leasy i got a buddy to walk around with now, right?! You should come with me.​

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The ground was cold, reminiscent of the dead of night - cold and lonely. It seemed to have a feeling that sent chills down Otaru's spine, causing the genin to awaken from his forced slumber. His conscious inhalation of air was heavy, a relentless feeling of what was to come. The exams were about to begin, and this was the cost of entry. The red-haired lad looked around, his eyes widened, and his body began shaking in fear, displaying uncertainty as he saw the scattering of bones, belonging to animals and humans. Otaru raised his left hand in front of his face, biting down on his nails as he seemed to be overcome with nervousness.

Quickly, Otaru rose to his feet. Looking up, he saw the grim clouds above, which reflected what had occurred on the earth. Otaru used his other hand to massage his belly, a reflexive act to quell his stomach from brewing anything further. The nerves made his imagination run wild, and it was much worse than reality. He needed to calm himself down, so he took deep breaths and paced his breathing. He needed to calm down. The thunder was an obstruction to doing this as fast as he wished. Once settled, he looked off and saw others who had also been summoned here. Otaru now kept his guard up, understanding he needed to remain diligent in the midst of it all




Nashiro jerks up awake, smelling ash and fire around her and the earth charred, the young kunoichi gets up slowly so to not fall back down, her head felt groggy and blurry but she knew being here wasn't safe so the young girl bites her thumb, using the incision of her teeth to slice into her thumb letting the blood spurt out in now time flat, slides the blooding thumb across her palm, summoning her Bō in a puff of smoke. Flexes her arms and legs, getting the blood flowing into them, hoping from one foot to the other while rotating her neck, feeling the bones pop in her body, especially, her neck, let out a small groan before leaping off northwest, hoping to find some one, hopefully, her sister, Sōma…

She's noticed how the blonde was acting and feared it'll push the girl to do something stupid, feared she might do something she'll regret and Nashiro will have to clean it up. Having made her mind on her first objective, the young kunoichi stealthily stayed in the shadows and high areas to look for others stuck on this island but saw no one with the smoke obscuring her vision, forms the bird hand seal, her chest swelling up before she expels out a strong surge of water from her mouth, the force of the water was strong enough to extinguish a large area of trees in flames in front of her "Right!" she quickly celebrate before taking off further into the land.


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As the thick smoke swirled and twisted, shadowy figures could be seen struggling within its smothering embrace. Their forms, barely discernible through the dense veil of smog, flailed and contorted as if desperately searching for an escape. But the smoke was relentless, like a predatory beast that refused to release its prey.

With every passing moment, the figures grew more frantic in their attempts to break free. Limbs flung out in erratic directions, and muffled cries for help were barely audible amidst the cacophony of chaos. The situation was becoming increasingly dire, and it was evident that their current habitat had become inhospitable, a nightmarish realm where life was tenuous at best.

But escape seemed elusive, as if the very air they breathed had transformed into an impenetrable barrier. The world beyond the smoke remained obscured, a mysterious and potentially treacherous terrain that taunted them with the promise of freedom.

As the figures continued to struggle, their collective desperation hung in the air like a palpable force. It was a harrowing sight, a stark reminder of the unforgiving nature of their circumstances. The smoke, a relentless adversary, showed no signs of relenting, and the fate of those trapped within its clutches remained uncertain.



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Watching the rolling in cloud of despair, slight visual ques of shadowy figures struggling deep within the visage of doom, Yatoru stood; straightening himself before alas bending his knee's as he prepared himself to lunge into the storm before him, this Que of physical adjustment should notify those who happened to be near him as the Genin Kengan stared forth, unwavered and steadfast. By pushing on the balls of his feet, the ground beneath his weight cracked, small chunks of earth scattering from beneath him as the Young Kengan lunged forth, accelerating with an almost afterimage following close behind, the Kengan moved with a set mind, his goal to puncture through the thick storm wall. His acceleration almost a tribulation of the hardship of training as a Kengan being displayed as he swiftly approached his destination, a hole being carved into the storm as Yatoru swiftly stopped his advancement, his vision impeded by the vast darkness of the cloud, With his vision impeded, and the strong gale force thrashing about, Yatoru noticed some of the shadowy figures being regular people, some dismembered, some intact, and others dead. This was the moment of realization that this test was to rescue these people, and as such he'd push forward, the gale force around him making each step harder than the previous as he moved closer and closer to one person before grabbing a hold of them. His icy blue eyes staring back towards where he arrived which had immediately closed, directional location seemed impossible now, meaning his only way was to push forward; not faltering in his own convictions or doubts, as a Kengan should!

Slowly positioning himself as he placed the civilian on his back, his legs slowly bent, the weight of an added body plus the gale force meant he couldn't push for his full speed, no he needed to utilize the best of his physical abilities without going straight for the Technique his brother taught him, the Demon Face. As he pushed upon his feet, he began sprinting, his speed cut in half due to the force of winds and added weight, he moved as efficiently as he could, moving only forward as needed. His conviction now to save this person then go back in for another. As he moved, his body jerking side to side by the winds, he'd come closer and closer towards the thicker part of the darkened cloud, the wall that separated it from the outside before at last Yatoru using all his might leaped up, letting the winds carry him around building momentum before at last lunging his right leg forth imbued with chakra to release a blackish blue dragon of kinetic energy that swiftly crashed against the membrane separating him from the cloud and outside world. The collision of two forces erupted in sheer pressure before alas, a hole was breached allowing Yatoru to follow the wind flow outside the cloud towards the other Genin's where he'd fall to the ground with the civilian on his back, securing one safe return, he knew multiple trips would actually be very dangerous and hazardous for himself and the civilians. As shown with his top torn to ribbons as he let the civilian step off his back before getting to his feet, tearing his top off completely as his eyes returned towards the massive storm of chaos and despair.


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Gyoken, his heart pounding with both fear and curiosity, moved slowly but resolutely towards the eerie, purple-hued smoke that hung ominously in the air. Each step he took felt like a monumental decision, an act of defiance against the unknown forces that had engulfed this place. He couldn't help but wonder if venturing into this mysterious fog was worth the potential risks. The truth hidden within the smoke beckoned him, its secrets tantalizingly close yet shrouded in danger. As he ventured further into the swirling haze, Gyoken's eyes widened with astonishment and trepidation. Silhouettes flickered in and out of existence before him, like phantoms in the mist. It was a disconcerting sight, one that would have made a lesser ninja turn and flee. But Gyoken pressed on, his curiosity outweighing his unease.

Just as he had gathered the resolve to dash recklessly into the smoky abyss, he was abruptly halted. A sudden, firm grip wrapped around his form, and Gyoken's instincts kicked in. Without hesitation, he drew a kunai, hands trembling with the mix of adrenaline and uncertainty. In that moment, his Sharingan activated, revealing the crimson scarlet hue with two distinctive tomoe swirling in each eye. Before him stood another child, just like himself. Gyoken's defensive posture quickly shifted to one of relief as he realized the stranger meant him no harm. A radiant smile broke across Gyoken's face, as if a light had been switched on in his soul. The stranger, now introduced as Kyo, inquired about the situation, expressing his own lack of memory about the previous day.

"You're pretty rude for not starting off with your name, two-tone kid, so I'll go first. I'm Uchiha Gyoken," he replied, his voice a harmonious blend of politeness and excitement. Gyoken had been lonely and disoriented amidst the enigmatic smoke, but Kyo's arrival filled him with hope and camaraderie.

Gyoken's Sharingan reverted to its initial purpose, scanning the purple haze with analytical precision. The chakra signatures of the people within it were slowly fading, and Gyoken couldn't stand idly by. With a swift and practiced motion, he retrieved a wire string and kunai from his ninja pouch. Aiming with precision, he attached the kunai to the arms or legs of the civilians within the smoke, then deftly pulled them out of the enigmatic fog. Three individuals now laid before him, their bodies limp and lifeless, victims of an unknown peril. Gyoken knew he had to act quickly, despite his limited knowledge of medical ninjutsu. He had honed his skills in fire jutsu for offensive purposes, not healing. Desperation spurred him to try something unorthodox. He focused his chakra into his hands, the flames of his Uchiha heritage dancing in his palms. Gently but firmly, he pressed his hands onto the bodies of the fallen civilians, watching closely as the flames did not sear but instead began to envelop their forms. It was a technique he had never tried before, an attempt to cleanse their systems of whatever malevolent force had incapacitated them. Slowly but surely the evaporated gas would begin to depart from their lips pores, causing them to cough though still disorientate as if they had woken up from the dead. The Sharingan, like an all-seeing eye, traced the intricate dance of chakra within their bodies. Gyoken couldn't be sure if it would work, but he was determined to save these innocent lives from whatever peril had befallen them.
