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“I'll be your eyes, as I will watch over the village, and I'll be your ears as I will listen to the streets as they speak... But most importantly, I will be your will.”​
With these words, he extended his hand toward the Hokage, sealing their unspoken agreement with a handshake.

Suzaku, that ever-mischievous glint in his eyes, met the Uchiha's gaze with a nod of approval. He rose from his desk, placing his hand on Shijo's shoulder, a silent gesture that spoke volumes. Ayame and Inoka, vigilant as ever, body-flickered into position, sensing the departure of their Hokage and the newly appointed captain. Ayame took a position ahead of them, maintaining a respectful ten-foot distance, while Inoka guarded from behind.

As they exited the room, Suzaku decided it was an opportune moment to share a meal and engage in more open dialogue. This was a contrast to their previous telepathic communication, and he wanted to hear Shijo's thoughts about his promotion and aspirations. Suzaku's voice, no longer veiled in secrecy, filled the corridor. "How do you feel about your promotion, Shijo? Any aspirations or concerns you'd like to discuss?"






The interaction between Suzaku and the young Uchiha painted a picture of deep respect and anticipation for what was to come. The handshake signified their mutual understanding and respect for each other's roles, with the Hokage holding a position of great importance and the Uchiha aspiring to become the leader of the Anbu, a goal he had nurtured since childhood.

The sudden shift in their location was described as a rapid movement, almost as if they teleported, and it signified a change in the atmosphere. The telepathic communication was replaced by spoken words, and they found themselves in a setting that exuded an aura of fine dining, a contrast to their earlier formality. Both seemed to appreciate this change, indicating that they were more at ease with a relaxed and comfortable environment.

“This was something I was longing for all my life, I am honestly one step away from my Ultimate goal.” He elaborated with a slight smile.

The Uchiha's response to the Hokage's words revealed his deep commitment to his goal. He expressed his longing for this moment, stating that he was only a step away from his ultimate objective. His smile showed his determination and eagerness to achieve his lifelong ambition of becoming the leader of the Anbu. It was clear that he was prepared to work hard, rank up, and play his role well to secure this esteemed position. The scene depicted a significant moment in the Uchiha's life, filled with anticipation and the pursuit of a long-cherished dream.




*Listen while you Read*

"Yes. Disappeared." Mirai reiterated, her tone taking on the lightest of bites. She was not one to pry, but was unappreciative of what seemed to be an attempt to gaslight her. "I return home to a," she clears her throat as she deepens her voice, an obvious mimic of Mujin's husky tone. "Mirai, I've gone after Ichijo and Tenbo. Don't wait up." She lets out a scoff before she holds up a finger. "Don't tell me where you went. I would be obligated to tell Lord Hokage and if you feel the need to conceal it, he may feel the urge to exploit us."

She put the cigarette to her lips once more, inhaling deeply, the crackle of the tobacco burning filling the silence.

"Shijo? Indeed. I believe he's been appointed a high position within the Anbu recently." She sniffs, trying to recall what she knew of the young Uciha boy. "He has been evasive, so I have been unable to invite him to the UMF." She cleared her throat. "Speaking of, have you reconsidered my offer?"

When the UMF had been founded, Mirai had offered Tenbo a position amongst it's ranks, an opportunity to abandon the shinobi ways for that of a soldiers. He had refused, and Mirai had built it without him. Now she offered it again.

"With you as a commander, our troops would thrive, and the UMF would have more than just myself as a reputable member."


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"Oh it seems my brother was in search for me..." He placed his free palm on his chin, he looked at Mirai with excitement in his eyes. Her words were specific, and it made him eager as a grin came across his face. "The sanction I require does not lie within the realm of your authority, for I am duly entrusted by the esteemed Lord Hokage himself." He removed his hand from his chin and had taken another sip of tea. "Ah, it appears the Uchiha lineage persists in cultivating remarkably proficient shinobi. Perhaps, in due time, he shall flourish into the very embodiment of the man you aspire for him to become." The glee within his eyes disappeared, his tone being direct and dry, he was done with the redundancy of Mirai asking him the question she has asked for years. He wanted to be clear and articulate more now than ever. "I hold no intention of aligning myself with the UMF, as that position is better suited for another. If control is what you seek, may I suggest Shijo as a worthy candidate for this role. His capabilities can significantly contribute to the advancement of the UMF while concurrently serving as a valuable aide to the Hokage. This responsibility would not only foster the betterment of the organization but also cast a positive radiance upon our esteemed clan." He rose his cup up once more, finishing what was left within. "Nonetheless, I am inclined to engage in collaboration with the UMF."



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Suzaku's presence in the streets of Konohagakure was nothing short of impactful. His reputation as a formidable shinobi had earned him the admiration of some villagers, but the whispers of his notorious temper sent others scattering, especially when he had a tendency to cause catastrophic damage, exemplified by the blazing remnants of his recently scorched office. As he stepped out of his now-burning office, the Hokage was met with a sea of onlookers. Parents, wary of potential danger, hurried their children closer, seeking refuge in his reassuring presence. While the village knew they were under capable protection, Suzaku's fiery reputation often preceded him.

With his hands clasped behind his back, the Hokage's focus was unwavering, entirely centered on Shijo Uchiha, the young but accomplished Anbu Commander. At just 16, Shijo held a position of immense responsibility, a testament to his remarkable abilities. Suzaku listened carefully to Shijo's response, his eyebrows arching as he repeated Shijo's last words. "Ultimate Goal, huh?" he mused. As they strolled down the bustling street, the Hokage's eyes remained fixed on Shijo, their rhythm in sync. "And what is that? If you don't mind me asking," he inquired, genuinely interested in his young subordinate's ambitions. The Hokage understood that the village's future depended on the dreams and aspirations of the next generation of shinobi, like Shijo.




*Listen while you Read*

There were many reasons she didn't want to know where he went. His unexplained disappearance had already unnerved her, and his hesitance to tell her solidified her resolve to not know until he was ready. There was only so much protection she could provide to her clan members. For now.

Her face was understanding as he cited his reason for turning down the offer yet again. Tenbo was not the type to be held down and told what to do, and that's exactly what the position would require.

"Shijo is an exceptional shinobi. But he's too young. Far too young." The thought had occurred to Mirai to appoint it to him to the position before. "You recall being that age, juggling one-thousand-and-one responsibilities." There was a small hint to her voice that implied a deeper meaning.

Mirai always dreamt big. If she had her way the Uchiha would have an entire village to themselves, a full superpower to the shinobi world. And she was not the sort to to allow somebody to come between that. Shijo was under the Hokage's arm, and she couldn't be sure that his loyalty was to the Uchiha. Shijo was an unnecessary risk that Mirai wasn't willing to take just yet.

Her eyebrow cocked, staring at him as her cigarette finished. She wiggled her fingers deftly, the remnants of the smoking stick dissolving into ash under her touch. "I'll keep in mind: UMF will be good, when Tenbo finds them useful." The statement was sarcastic, but the sparkle in her eye meant that it was to be taken with a grain of salt; old buddies picking on eachother. She moved to sit down, pouring herself some tea calmly. "Have you... spoken with Mujin?"





The Hokage listened to Shijo's words with a contemplative expression, raising an eyebrow in response to the ambitious declaration. Itachi and Shisui were renowned for their incredible talents and service to Konoha, so aspiring to be on par with them was no small goal. He appreciated Shijo's determination and the desire to elevate himself to a position of leadership within the Anbu.

“I am just seeking to become the leader of Anbu one day, i want to be regarded as one of the greatest Uchiha minds in all of Konoha”. He briefly stated with his hands opened from his body.

As they walked through the streets, the Hokage observed the unease among the people. He could sense the fear in the air and understood Shijo's point about respect being earned through fear. The Hokage's role as the leader of the village sometimes required a balance between inspiring respect and ensuring the safety and well-being of the citizens. It was a complex and often challenging role.

Shijo's remark about feeling taken aback by his own progress and the deja vu he experienced earned a warm smile from the Hokage.

"It's natural to reflect on your journey and how far you've come. Ambition and self-awareness are valuable traits, Shijo. You've shown promise, and I have no doubt that with hard work and dedication, you can achieve your goal and become a great Uchiha Shinobi, just as you aspire to be. Remember, leadership isn't just about power; it's about guiding and protecting those you lead. Keep that in mind as you continue on your path."

The Hokage's words were encouraging, emphasising not only the pursuit of strength but also the importance of responsibility and leadership within the village.






Stepping into the gateway entrance of the leaf, Mugen seemed quite silent; more so than usual, as each step he took was soft and light, he moved past the guards who recognized his Chakra Signature, allowing him entry into the village. From beneath his mask his sharingan glimmered, as if the atrocities he has committed burned a hint of determination in his eyes. Moving slowly through the village, unrecognized by its people as he was one to never remove Toshimaru's Favorite mask, the Uchiha almost seemed like an anomaly or ghost in his surroundings. Cascading through the crowd with such elegant movement before he'd finally arrive towards the structure housing the UMCO, slowly looking up towards the building as he stared upon the Insigna and Name, a strange resentment began building up inside of him; his eyes burning with annoyance at the mere sight of it before alas taking the first step inwards where he'd come into view of many Uchiha's going about their business.

Observing them before making his way towards the receptionist, Mugen utilizing Toshimaru's Persona spoke with such a goofy mannerism,​
"I'm here to see Tenbo Uchiha, is he still around miss pretty lady!"
Being given the information that he resides upon the third floor, Mugen thanked the woman with a fast paced and heavy bow, his head nearly slamming into the desk before arising and moving towards the stairway where Mugen began his ascent, moving towards the first then second floor before alas reaching the Third Floor where the Uchiha began moving quietly through the halls, his eyes glancing into each room before alas coming into visual Queued of the person that built up his resentment... Mirai Uchiha. With Tenbo residing in that room and a few others unknown to Mugen the young Uchiha took a step in speaking with a goofy mannerism,​
"Master Tenbo, I have Finally found you Senpai! Where have you been hiding!"
Though he was speaking directly towards Tenbo, he made it as clear that he avoided Looking in the direction of Mirai, hinting towards the still building resentment he had for his Elder Sibling. Waving his arms around as if excited to see Tenbo Uchiha, Mugen purposely made himself look the part of the fool; as per the training of Root required one to conceal their true identity. Though as he did he'd come stumbling and falling upon his backside as he'd rub the top of his head, seeming as if he was some sort of cluts as well. A situational necessity as to not build up tension with the other strangers whilst at the same time showing disrespect towards Mirai in the simplistic possible way.


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Being privy to information was an essential task for the Uchiha who stood before the Clan Lord. It was a responsibility that belonged to the secret duty he had undertook, granted by the authority of the Hokage. Its business was no concern of the Uchiha and unlike Mirai, Tenbo saw a vision of the world the Lord would not agree with. It was best she did not pry anymore, she would not gain anything from asking intrusive questions. Despite their constant disagreements over the years, he had mutual respect and caring for his teammate, however, it did not usurp the power of love and ambition his brother had with this woman. She was commendable enough to lead the Uchiha, a role befitting her passion and personality. "outhful vigor often blossoms with unbridled ambition, allowing for the molding and fortification of one's aspirations." He retorted. "Given my experience and maturity, I would indeed be well-suited for the leadership of the UMF if I aspired to such a role at that stage in my life." He resigned, taking a step back the time here was beginning to meet its end. He responded once more. "I have not. Regrettably, I'm not privy to the exact details of what he might have wished to convey to me. Have you any idea?" Now he turned to face his subordinate, whom Mirai knew not of, nor his relation to Tenbo or whatever it was. In a response he smiled, carrying the weight of a welcomed greeting. Once Mirai responded, he would like be on his way but that was dependent on what was said. He joked,"It's wonderful to feel sought after! The idea of becoming a movie star sounds intriguing and, undoubtedly, my charisma could certainly shine on the silver screen. Pursuing such a path could be an exciting venture. Don't you both agree?" He laughed.



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Arriving at their destination, Suzaku led Shijo to a new restaurant he'd been eager to try. As they settled onto the plush cushions, the aroma of peppermint jalapeno tea filled the air, its spicy yet soothing scent inviting them to indulge. Suzaku gestured for Shijo to try it, a small smile playing on his lips.

Nodding in response to Shijo's earlier comments, Suzaku leaned in. "I have no doubt that you will achieve such feats, young Shijo." He then shifted his gaze to the coin left by Ketsugo Uchiha, a pensive look in his eyes. "The easiest way to achieve every goal is by having a rival who constantly pushes you beyond your limits." Suzaku released a small sigh before continuing, his voice low and intense. "You must outdo your rival and their expectations by any means necessary."

His fist clenched, the memory of his former teammate, Ketsugo, haunting his thoughts. "In any case," he said, breaking the somber mood. "I'm not sure if you've heard yet, but your younger brother and his teammates didn't pass the Chunin exams. Gyoken, as promising as he is, seemed to forget he was part of a team, not just an individual." Suzaku's eyes were fixed on Shijo's deep onyx ones. "He'll be assigned a mission soon, and I need you to shadow him. Make sure his pent-up anger doesn't trigger the release of the tailed beast."

The responsibility Suzaku placed on Shijo was significant, and the weight of it lingered in the air as they continued their conversation.
