Mist District


Staff member

The silence crept into the mental state of Hozuki as doubts and regrets threatened to overwhelm him. However, his drive to kill the man who had robbed him of his very life persisted—it may have been his life as well, as he embodied the ideals of the Seven Swordsmen to such an extent that he had imprinted his very essence into the sword. This was the case, as he could sense the emotions and tensions around him converging at the center. Beads of sweat appeared on his face, resembling melting wax, as if his face were turning into water that trickled down his cheeks.

"Gee..." The Hozuki whispered as he seemed to trail behind the group in silence. His hand stayed firmly on the hilt of the remaining blade as if it were his last chance. His expression and body language showed the desire to reclaim the missing half for anyone who cared to look closely. Every fiber of his being seemed taut with a restrained bloodlust, a palpable tension that hung heavy in the air. It wasn't a hostility directed towards any individual present but rather an overwhelming eagerness, a burning thirst to reclaim what was rightfully his—the missing blade that had been torn from his grasp, leaving behind a void that clamored to be filled once more.

Location: Kirigakure
Traveling to: Mizukage Office
Posting Order:
Suikotsu -> Azuresato Ryu -> Kazumaru -> Yumaro -> Higetsu -> Toshimi
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll



Toshimi didn't get up as of yet from her kneeling position to show somewhat respect to her upper peers, but rather her dark blue eyes shot up to meet their faces. The faces of the new Mizukage and as well others around her. Though she particularly made eye contact with Azureryu for a brief moment enough to see the older woman nodding at her specifically as it seemed to be targeted at Toshimi herself. The nod was from the acknowledgment of the redhead's sharp and brutal words towards the lady. Of course, Toshimi did not regret her words at all she would've said that to anybody even if meant her tongue was to be severed from her mouth.

Her eyes flickered towards the older Kaguya clan male, the one who didn't look so much like roadkill. He was smirking, which could've indicated that he was quite pleased with the loyalty displayed by some of the younger generation other than one who was defiant and paid the price for defiance.

"None of you are cowards, good"

Toshimi gave a simple response directly to Suikotsu.

"A true mist shinobi aren't cowards."

There she watched the Mizukage and the swordsman walking off the what she could presume was the office, even though it did get her curiosity up on what they would talk about, she couldn't just leave the mist's guest alone and in a foreign land all by himself. After all the land of the mist does have quite a blood-thirsty reputation to it and as well Toshimi did mouth towards him that she wanted to talk with him, at least she was curious about him. She turned her full attention to Kazumaru and she placed her arms crossing over her chest in a strong feminine pose almost.

"But of course, if that is so your wish. I do hope however that we can discuss without you screaming at me again."

Why would Toshimi scream at him again, that is only when she wants to, of course, she could do it on purpose just to see his reaction, in response she could only give a light giggle with quite a flirtatious tone and follow on with a wink. Of course, she wasn't interested in the male, this was just her personality or rather her crude humor showing.

"I bet you wish could hear me scream again"

She watched the foreign male walking up to his giant white snake who seemed to love the strokes on her snoot, somewhat she seemed tame. Of course that could be just for her owner, to others, or rather threats Toshimi could only imagine that the snake could easily swallow up its prey whole. eventually, Toshimi got straight to the talk.

"So. I'm a little curious. What do you do? Why are you here in the mist?"

Location: Mist District Shore
Posting Order: Suikotsu -> Azuresato Ryu -> Kazumaru -> Yumaro -> Higetsu -> Toshimi (dropped? kinda?)
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll​

"If it so pleases you; m'lady, I would like to be able to at the very least launder and refresh myself before I return home. My precious babies should be getting close to finishing with their cultivations, and the herbs in which they've gathered will need to be identified and cataloged."

"Oh, my- that's right!"

Before she went any further, she turned to face Kazumaru with a slightly apologetic and almost fun expression ; she’d nearly forgotten her previous promise in all of the excitement of her sudden and unexpected ascension to outlandish power. Her hands clapped together, this garnered the attention of servants of the palace who rushed to her side.

“Kazumaru is my dear friend, please see to it that he is provided with the finest room in my compound that is available. Send for the tailors to mend and wash any article of clothing that’s been damaged and utilize someone with talent make sure to consult him to ensure everything is as he’d prefer it. OH! And- You’re free to gather the herbs that have been harvested once they do return my friend!”

Her eyes then fell on the large white serpent that Kazumaru had been riding and tending to throughout the totality of their engagement. Ryu could tell that Shiro meant very much to him. It was only right that his level of devotion to his summon be honored as well.

“So long as this snake, Shiro, allows you and if Kazumaru is agreeable about it then see to it that she is bathed as well as pampered for her work this day and provide any additional aid that our guests require. Thank you for your help today, Shiro.”

In a semi-shocking display, the Mizukage attempted to communicate her hospitality to a mere snake. Animals, reptiles and the like were something that the woman considered divine and believed that they deserved the same amount of respect as a person. They were irreplaceable partners.

Plumes of apparently sentient mist traveled alongside every member of the exclusive party the entire journey to this once grand place. It was as if this phantom, this spirit’s very presence incurred the fog. It was perpetually there. Suddenly, as she explored further, to Ryu’s pleasure it seemed most of the area survived the most recent assault upon the land of water. Upon Kirigakure. She was pleased to see that statues which had been there since even before the past three or four kages still stood tall and prepared to protect the village that they oversaw and loved. As she floated by, one of her hands reached out gingerly yet affectionately drew the tips of her pointed nails against its enduring stone. The way that the woman before them who seemed to manifest from out of no particular place looked at every rock, tree and bit of architecture no longer held a hint of disgust. Instead, she gazed in wonder as if she had also not seen much of the surface world for a significant amount of time. On the same side of the same coin, her icy orbs radiated adoration of a time long since passed as well as the relief that some of it still existed.

Shortly after Yumaro crossed the threshold which would lead the group directly into the chambers of their late leader, and then bowed, Azuresato followed through and did not hesitate taking her designated seat before the lot of them. What she saw was not what she had seen before as Yumaro was not struggling to stand, on the contrary, she recognized a stance of reignited strength. This was not just pertaining to the King but also to those permitted to join in on their historically first meeting. It appeared to the Lady that the Hozuki who’d almost been swallowed up by his own despair was there too. He wanted what they all wanted, she could see that he was being driven by the hope shared by his people but most importantly…he had to complete himself. Very few knew how Azuresato could possibly understand the depth of his anguish. She could, she did. For as she passed Yumaro, whether he felt it or not, the needle cried out for it’s former master now knowing that she was still alive which disrupted the contract between blade and wielder. It wouldn’t have been more than a mild vibration and a feeling that something was off. These were delicate sensations very easily ignored by the common ninja; but Higetsu and Yumaro were not common ninja. Azuresato felt it too but said nothing, in her heart and in her hand where she clasped Nuibari and led a life of sending the enemies of the land of water to hell. It was not a hell that any mortal man could comprehend, as death did not come with this hell. Not immediately.

Suikotsu was by her side as he normally was, this was his place and the two of them knew it. In the past, there were very few instances that Azuresato had to actually lift a finger to do away with assassins, attacks and so on and so forth. Heads rolled around because the Kaguya was always there to remind them why that might not have been the best idea.

As she raised her eyes to meet those staring back at her, she analyzed what emotion and thoughts that she could. There was hope, there was doubt but that was easily forgiven by her for it was to be expected and most importantly fight. The people wanted to fight, even in the face of such a brutal attack that had left most of their land in ruins…they wanted to fight. It was as if the ocean itself crashing into the shores was still speaking to her, urging her to lead this fight. So, with one single word the beginning of the restoration of Kirigakure No Sato began.


Now, she meant for them to quietly determine who would step forth to debrief their new Mizukage of all pertinent information regarding the battle but also the status of anything deemed important. Such as the location of the tailed beasts and so on and so forth. It all fit so perfectly, it was just like she had been born to sit on this throne and came into it without an awkward uncertain phase. This woman knew what she wanted and they would ensure that she got every bit of it.

“And boys…please be sure to include the status of each of the sacred blades.”


Mizukage Mansion
Posting Order: Suikotsu -> Azuresato Ryu -> Kazumaru -> Yumaro -> Higetsu -> Toshimi (dropped? kinda?)
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll​
Last edited:




"I bet you wish could hear me scream again"
"So. I'm a little curious. What do you do? Why are you here in the mist?"

Kazumaru would turn his head towards Toshimi, leaning it against his open palm lazily as he rode atop of Shiro.
'Finally, someone here is asking some questions..'
he would think to himself. He'd study her for a moment. Taking a moment to note her.. flirtatious demeanor, he would allow neither his tone nor his features to betray the fact that he would choose to ignore it. Focusing instead on her intent to question his intentions. He'd rise to his feet at this point, leaping from Shiro's crown to land beside Toshimi with a flourish.

"Me? I'm but a humble Snake Charmer.. Come to these shores in search of herbs and medicines for those less fortunate. You may call me Kazumaru, or Hebi; if you prefer. All of my friends call me Hebi~"

He would bow with an exagerated movement to Toshimi, his arm cutting across his waist, as his other arm prostrated out behind him, before lifting his head

“Kazumaru is my dear friend, please see to it that he is provided with the finest room in my compound that is available. Send for the tailors to mend and wash any article of clothing that’s been damaged and utilize someone with talent make sure to consult him to ensure everything is as he’d prefer it. OH! And- You’re free to gather the herbs that have been harvested once they do return my friend!”

Upon hearing the newly appointed Mizukage's words, Kazumaru would respond with a simple, respectful nod of his head, his smile appearing more sincere then it typically came across.

"I do greatly appreciate it, m'lady. Those on the island need only release themselves from their summon, and they shall be returned to Mount Ryuchi where their parcel is required."

He'd then watch curiously as she approached Shiro, instinctually growing a tad defensive and protective of his companion. He relaxed however only once he had seen her address her with the same respect in which she had given him.


“So long as this snake, Shiro, allows you and if Kazumaru is agreeable about it then see to it that she is bathed as well as pampered for her work this day and provide any additional aid that our guests require. Thank you for your help today, Shiro.”

Even Shiro herself, would appear taken aback by her being addressed by a shinobi other than Kazumaru. It was clear by the way in which she slightly reared her great head back upon the length of her neck that she was used to being viewed as lowly as yet any other shinobi tool by those outside of Otogakure's borders. After her initial shock, however, Shiro would seem to almost be beaming with pride, basking in the glow of what she was sure to be a pampering experience. Even summoning animals have heard of some of the leisures to be experienced in Kirigakure; the hot springs rumored to be rather luxurious being the first on her mind. She could almost feel the warmth of the water now between her scales..


As the group approached the main office building, and those whom identified as Kirigakure nin would enter for their meeting, Kazumaru would be met with the stopping hands of two Jounin stationed on either side of the portcullis. As the door would seal behind them, Kazumaru would be able to be seen comedically waving goodbye to the group as they vanished within. He knew he would not be allowed entrance, however he could not resist the urge to at least make an attempt. After all, would he not be a scientist if he did not act on even the most outlandish of theories? With a huff that feigned disappointment, he would turn from the building, instead turning to his remaining entourage, the ones in which the Mizukage had left him in the care of.

"So.. I do believe I have heard some good things about some of the bathhouses you all have here~ Shall we begin the tour?"

Kirigakure no Sato
Posting Order: Kazumaru -> ???
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll




A wintry yet raw, icy feeling could be felt from the outskirts of the Mizukage’s Mansion, leaving those on the outside to quiver and shiver, even if they were accustomed to the cold, they were not used to this subzero like feeling that hit them. As a forced loomed largely outside and carried the chill with him. An enigma of emptiness carried an early winter一it was only the intent and chakra of one individual. This individual was born of the one of the most unique clans within the confines of the Water country, born with characteristics of controlling and manipulating the cold, even making ice out of nothingness. Perhaps, the most damning clan of them all was known to many by their unique control of the properties of water as well. The Yuki Clan一as they were known as hosted many clans men but a few were special like this individual he carried a physical mystic and enigma which drove fear into his onlookers, even though he was nothing more than a mere child.

A child simply of prophecy which ordained the end of many with just the use of his Kekeki Genkai. He was by far a dangerous entity, but as troublesome as he was, it was just the tip of the iceberg as he was also one of the seven legendary swordsmen of this region known as Seven Swordsmen of the Mist. He carried one of the seven swords which were fabled antiques of the region and is the master of the one called Kabutowari. Though the Kabutowari was not a blade like the other seven swords, it had its unique ability to splatter and shatter defenses. Kuro Yuki, seemingly carried the weapon around his neck everywhere he went to showcase his complete adaptability to grasp the weapon if necessary. He was approaching the doorway which led him into the mansion and outside he could see at least four people which completely and subjectively ignored as he had more pressing things to attend to.

He was away on a mission when the village was attacked but when he got back he could have seen the carnage that was left behind. So now, him reporting to the Mizukage’s office was simply a protocol that any ninja would take, especially given that he just completed his mission. As the doors shutted behind him, the Yuki realised that other members of the Seven swordsmen of the mist were within the confines of Mizukage’s mansion. Now that he arrived there were at least five swordsmen which included the illustrious Mizukage. The kage was the one who freed him and he was always gracious and humbled to be in her presence, the others he simply shared the same resolve and that was the Will of Water.

“So what happened while I was away?” He stated whilst walking towards where Higetsu and Yumaro were situated. Given the circumstances of the damages seen upon them, he could tell Higetsu and Yumaro were in a fight; Primarily it was almost rare for members of the Sevenswordsmen of the Mist to engage in fight. Kuro could only wonder, and even ponder on what had happened whilst he was not within the confines of the village.

Location: Mizukage Mansion
Posting Order: Azuresato Ryu → Kuro Yuki → Yumaro → Higetsu —-> Suikotsu
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days.
Skip Points: lll​


Staff member

The King stood as a beacon of unyielding determination, a stark juxtaposition to the whimsy that characterized Lord Isamu's reign and the former Mizukage. While Isamu sought to forge a better Kirigakure through the delicate art of diplomacy and the weaving of alliances, the King remained resolute in his deeply entrenched convictions. Yet, as time wore on, he couldn't help but notice the faltering resolve of Isamu's ideals on more than one occasion. Surrounded by a sea of dubious characters, encompassing both shinobi and swordsman who failed to earn even a modicum of his respect, the King reserved his admiration for only a select few. Among these esteemed individuals was a shadowy servant, a being whose existence seemed more ethereal than corporeal. Despite his irritation with Kuro's incessant inquiry and his general apathy towards the Yuki clan, the King begrudgingly acknowledged Higetsu's utility, even in the face of losing his cherished blade. While lacking in certain aspects, managed to command the King's respect through sheer bravery or loyalty. It was Yumaro's and Higetsu's audacious charge, fearless confrontation with the enemy's leader, that averted catastrophe and spared the mist district from certain doom. Without them the consequences would have been unimaginable.

As he prepared to address Kuro's inquiry, his attention was swiftly diverted by the intricate details of the legendary weapon cradled in his grasp. It exuded an aura of unyielding strength, an unwavering symbol of power and mastery over the inanimate. This weapon, ironclad and formidable, was an indispensable asset in the arsenal of the mightiest warriors, intimately linked to him through years of dedicated practice and refinement. Yet, in a subtle twist of fate, the metaphysical forces intervened, severing his connection to the Nuibari, not through the manipulation of chakra, but through an unseen hand guided by destiny. As the newly appointed Mizukage passed by, it became clear that this was no mere coincidence, but a predetermined twist of fate. Baffled by this inexplicable occurrence, he refused to relinquish his grip on the legendary blade, tightening his hold with a determination that surpassed its natural strength. While any lesser tool would have crumbled under such pressure, the Nuibari remained steadfast, bound not only by its physical form but also by the ancient oaths and energies woven into its very essence upon creation. With the Osadex etched upon its surface, it was clear that the blade would not depart without his consent or the alignment of fate itself, for he was the king, and his authority extended even to the realms of destiny. Surprised by the subtle shift, Yumaro lead the leader of the land here now it was his responsibility to inform her of the question she had posed. To tell her about everything... His head turned to Higetsu, and looked at the clansmen of the prestigious Hozuki clan to do his part, for the King demanded it.


Location: Mizukage Mansion
Posting Order: Azuresato Ryu → Kuro Yuki → Yumaro → Higetsu —-> Suikotsu
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days.
Skip Points: lll​



She watched Kazumaru turning his head towards her, seeing how he was positioned she presumed that he was not interested until she pipped up on questioning him why he was there and his purposes. Observing him getting up and then jumping down from his snake to her level. She scanned him from head to toe noticing his every detail. She could tell now that he was a foreigner in their lands. She placed her arms around her torso and straightened her back giving quite an impressionable demeanor.

"Me? I'm but a humble Snake Charmer.. Come to these shores in search of herbs and medicines for those less fortunate. You may call me Kazumaru, or Hebi; if you prefer. All of my friends call me Hebi~"

She raised her eyebrow as Kazumaru at his response to her question, a snake charmer? surely the fact that is not a valid answer. Not to her books it's not. Though she'll let it slide this one time, as the izukage seemed to take a liking towards the male, though give or take he had introduced himself to her with a bow. A smile appeared on the female's face and responded.

"Pleasure to meet you Kazumaru. I shall not call you Hebi - out of respect due to I don't know you. I'm Toshimi Tomogui."

After the introduction, the Mizukage chimed in and ordered servants to take care of the male from otogakure, as well that was the cue for the Tomogui woman to go off and do her things. She waved to the Mizukage and to the man she just met. As she turned to leave a glimpse of the Mizukage being friendly towards the snake made her feel a bit relaxed to know that at least she was not going to harm anyone else's animal friends or animals in the general sense. Though she was going away, she stopped to hang out a bit seeing what was going to happen, and saw the group of people going into the main building of the Mizukage's office leaving her and Kazumaru alone.

"So.. I do believe I have heard some good things about some of the bathhouses you all have here~ Shall we begin the tour?"


"Well, we do indeed~ Though would you prefer to go have a tour around the village or go straight to the bathhouse to freshen up"

Giving him the choice of what to do first due to he was a guest of the Mizukage after all.

Kirigakure no Sato
Posting Order: Kazumaru ->Toshimi
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll





Before she had even responded to his own questioning, Kazumaru would begin walking away from the entrance of the office, the smile and expression on his face 'oohhing' and 'aahhing' at the sights about him, not even attempting to hide his pension for tourism. He'd make his way down on of the various market districts; where in which the crowd would be forced to part for Kazumaru; though much more likely for Shiro, who slithered protectively behind her companion. He could be found taking a few moments to speak to a local shopkeep about their wares, where in which he would make a small purchase, dropping a few ryo extra into the woman's hand as payment for her services and conversation. He'd pas by even more stalls, stopping for samples from those whom offered them, and scoffing at those whom overvalued the goods and services they provided. As he would move about the market district of Kirigakure, he would be keeping an eye out for a bathhouse in which he would be capable of refreshing himself.

It would take a small amount of time, but eventually Kazumaru would find one in which he felt would be able to accommodate Shiro's size; a rather quaint outdoor spa, hot spring included, of course. With a look over his shoulder, he could see Shiro's eyes nearly sparkly with the prospect of the promised luxury; her serpentine orbs gazing back at kazumaru expectantly. With a satisfied nod, Kazumaru would enter the bathhouse.

It would take a bit of wordsmithing, but after some negotiation, Kazumaru was able to negotiate an agreeable fee to both parties for Shiro's spa day. As the two of them separated; Shiro being sent around back towards the outdoor tubs, Kazumaru himself would enter one of the indoor baths. He'd take a moment to strip himself of his damaged and dirty attire, before stepping into the wall of steam that replaced the sliding door once it had been parted for him. As he would lower himself into the hot water of the tub, he would claim one of the hot towels that had been set aside for his usage, before folding it across his eyes with a long, satisfied sigh.


As Shiro would be escorted around the back of the building by the two attendants who had been brave enough to service her (with the promise of double-pay), she could not help but feel a tinge of anxiety being separated from Kazumaru. Yes, she knew he was more than capable of taking care of himself without her, but after traveling and spending as much time together as the two of them did, it was only natural that she'd be concerned with his safety. Every so often, she could be seen turning her head slightly back in the direction of the doorway, wondering if it was a mistake to separate from him. She'd be broken from this thought though, once she saw the steam covered tubs. With all the excitement of a toddler, Shiro would bolt herself forward towards the water, much to the shock and horror of her two attendants. She would surge forward into the water, displacing much of the water in the process; merely due to her size. As she would coil herself comfortable in the water of the tubs, the two workers would do as they were ordered to do so by their boss; repurposing two of the push brooms they used around the bathhouse for scrubbing the floors to now scrub at the scales of Shiro. Feeling this; Shiro would release her own long, satisfied sigh; coincidentally at the exact same moment in which her companion had done so.


Kirigakure no Sato - Market District
Posting Order: Kazumaru -> ???
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll
Last edited:


Staff member


The Hozuki stood amidst the crowd, facing the Mizukage, his senses honed to the tension crackling in the air. His gaze shifted between the figures standing at his sides, noting their reactions with a detached interest. However, his focus was abruptly diverted by the boisterous arrival of the Yuki. With a subtle shift, he lowered the Hiramekarei to the ground, his hand resting on the hilt. However, he made an effort to restrain the tide of anger within him, displaying self-control.

Through clenched teeth, he muttered, "That damned bastard..." His voice carried a raw edge, tinged with venom. "The unknown figure... It seems that he has something to do with the incident we had just weeks ago when a lot of citizens across the continent were kidnapped by the shadows themselves. Anyway... This morning. They arrived with a peculiar army, capable of ensnaring victims with its blood, and the man was capable of drawing objects towards himself with a sort of pull." Each word dripped with disdain as he recounted the encounter, his gaze piercing through the darkness as if reliving the moment. "It was similar to Sunagakure's magnet release."

Despite the seething rage simmering beneath the surface, he maintained a facade of composure, his demeanor betraying none of the turmoil swirling within him. "As for the Seven Swords, most are currently accounted for and are in the hands of shinobi like us, except for Samehada who hadn't found its owner. Basing on my knowledge after immersing myself with the fog, I could sense every single weapon was in the village, except for the Shibuki. Its whereabouts remain uncertain," he admitted, his tone laced with a hint of uncertainty. "Perhaps Lord Isamu knows."


Location: Kirigakure
Traveling to: Mizukage Office
Posting Order:
Azuresato Ryu → Kuro Yuki → Yumaro → Higetsu —-> Suikotsu
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll​



Watching the snake male walking off as she started to respond made a bad impression on Toshimi. How rude of him to walk off without her finishing or rather starting her introduction or her answering his question. The crimson-haired female was visibly annoyed at the man or rather pissed. Clenching both of her hands into fists where her nails dug into her bare skin causing blood to trickle down her hand to the ground. Her teeth gritted together trying her best not to cause an outrage at the behaviour he had displayed. Her eyes stared into holes in the back of his head, if he wasn't a friend of the Mizukages, she would've had his head on a stake and his fingers in her flesh bag ready to be consumed by her and her clan. in other words, he's lucky to be a friend and guest of their village leader.

"Fucking foreign bastard..."

She spewed venomous words from her lips that were coated in pigmented black lipstick. She decided to follow him from a distance, still shooting daggers in the back of him. The way he was oohing and ahhing at the streets of the village that beheld many stalls, shops, and various of many market districts they had there. Of course, she couldn't see him very much due to his large reptilian friend trailing behind him. Toshimi scanned the local's reactions the white large snake trailing behind the foreign male. Their expressions were showing more fear rather than happiness or anger, some parents had huddled their children in fear due to free-roaming reptiles. Toshimi slipped into a small alleyway behind a stall that he was visiting or rather making conversation with a render lady. Toshimi rolled her eyes at his over-friendliness, she could tell that there was something more to him than a mere "Snake-charmer" who collected herbs.

Eventually, she stalked him, she didn't do this simply to protect him from her locals, but rather watch his move to see if he would start wreaking havoc on her people. She noticed he went into one of the many famous bathhouses of Kirigakure with his companion, she wondered how the bathhouse would accommodate his large snake. She sighed and from what she saw he was practically harmless at the time being, but that could be because he probably knew Toshimi was following him everywhere. This bathhouse was a stop for her and she had no intention to interrupt his privacy on being in the same bathhouse as the foreigner. Just sharing a bathhouse made her skin crawl. She decided to say something under her breath before going on her way.

"I'm watching you, you creepy son of a bitch."

There she walked away from where he was having a relaxing time and she strutted towards the village center to go out another entrance of the village, to a forestry area. The forest she was heading for was notorious for suicides, murder, and other deathly things, this was her favorite place, especially for collecting fresh body parts for her and her clan, which was notorious for cannibalizing others. During her travels to her destination, she was stopped by an old lady who was begging for food, or money to buy food. Of course, on hand, Toshimi only had a couple of Ryo and her only food source was body parts, of course, she couldn't give up her valuables to others, that would waste of good food. She stared down at the lady who was struggling to walk as it was, Toshimi sighed and placed a couple of ryo in the woman's hand and there the unknown villager thanked her. She went back to walking to her destination.

Once she got to the screaming blood forest entrance she already noticed a couple of trees having blood on them, others had old bodies hanging from trees at the entrance, supposedly this could deter visitors, but to Toshimi this was her source. She stepped into the forest noticing how lust green was mixed with old and new blood, she followed a trail of fresh blood to a body. Toshimi inspected the body for any visible signs of decomposition, and diseases on the body, inspecting how the person died. A grim smirk came about on her face as this body was safe for her to store, there she grabbed a kunai and started to harvest from the body a grim sight for anyone who stumbled upon her.

Kirigakure - village to Blood forest
Posting Order: Kazumaru ->Toshimi (briefly, gone after the post.)
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll