Leaf District





After being escorted out of the hideout and back into the village, Taichi was given a place to rest where the gold-masked ANBU watched over him while he slept. Most kids would be afraid or worried, When checked on Taichi was out like a stone. He had been awake and traveling from district to district for a full day with out rest. Unknown to Taichi while he slept the gold-masked ANBU had difficulty restraining the Four Tails, giving them a slight scare as Taichi's weakened exhausted state was prime time for the four tails to attempt escaping by taking over the boy.

Yet, morning came, and a rested Taichi was bounding from bed. He had no idea his father was in the very same village, and for now, he didn't care. He went sprinting to find Ichijo's room and beat the door down.

" Yooooo OLD MAN UCHIHA WAKE UP! It's time ta' explore! "

Upon meeting up with Ichijo, Taichi would first scramble to get to a breakfast spot, settling on a Burger joint. There Taichi would wave his allowances around and get almost one item on each menu. Ramen, Burger, Fries, Shake, Kebobs, Sushi, stuffing his face before throwing money on the table and bolting to the next spot.

Clothing stores, Ninja tool stores, even a spot where old timers played a board game with square pieces, Taichi got bored of that quickly though. Running up and down the streets of Konoha it was even difficult for the gold-masked ANBU to keep his whereabouts precise.

Suddenly Taichi would stop.

" Hey, Old man Uchiha. Didn't Lord Hokage say there was another kid like me in town? Gyoken right? Where he stay at?"

The orbs made of lava themselves would turn to look at Ichijo, avoiding eye contact with a mental reminder of his dad plucking out his own eyes.


Location: Konohagakure Hideout
Posting Order: Taichi -> Ichijo -> ???
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll





As he traveled through the trees heading back towards the village. Mujin's eyes took notice of an inferno blazing through them. Cursing under his breath he only speculated at what that could mean. He had found the Hokage, but it would seem unwise to impede on a situation he knew little about. Suddenly shifting his sensory skills to the forefront while halting his movement, he caught the trail of Shijo and the familiar chakra of.. Inoka?

Who were they chasing after in the forest? Mujin hesitated, he wanted to speak with Suzaku but knew this might not be the best time. He was also curious. So many interactions hovered around the Uchiha, was this one of them... Waiting until they were out of the reach of his sensory, mentally marking their pathing. Mujin shifted once again, this time deleting his presence of chakra. Becoming a ghost in the treetops as he unconsciously followed the Hokage's trail.

Mujin knew Inoka could sense his thoughts, there was no way around it. Mujin had no idea what he would find yet he continued. There was a sickness gone unseen or ignored and he felt it was all coming to a boiling point. After a while of tracking them, Mujin would turn his sensory skills on once more. Even from this distance, the heat of the Hokage singed Mujin's mind.

It was at this moment, that Mujin detected a possible target for Lord Suzaku.

" Mirai?! "

He was not far from the intersecting point, this prompted a seal of reverse summoning from Mujin. His snake Kageja appeared coiling around Mujin. From inside the snake's throat, a saber handle appeared. Mujin took it in hand. The only way he would ensure his presence was in time was by channeling the natural flow of lightning offered by the legendary sword. Igniting the lightning blade, Mujin's body was surrounded and filled with the natural pulse of lightning.

The treetop he was standing in would then explode as if struck by lightning. A visceral and loud crackle was then heard echoing through the forest. Mujin had no time to think, he moved faster than he had done in months. If Suzaku was heading towards Mirai at that speed, something bad must be coming to light.

Arriving on the outer edge of the border, Mujin would take notice of his Sharingan of clones of Mirai moving through the area, placing explosive tags around the area. Ignoring, and avoiding them for now, Mujin would then continue until he located Mirai and Suzaku. Watching from a rocky area he would notice Suzaku's fury. Mirai's body language resembled peace and serenity, but why was she out here? What did she do to insight such wrath of the Lord Hokage?

If they spared any time for sensory, Mujin would have been easily located if not seen first. A blemish in the rocky mountains of the border would show an individual in Jonin clothing sparking violently with lightning. Mujin dared not get in the way.. just yet. Mujin's mind was racing with anxiety and worry. Mujin stayed ready however, He couldn't let either one hurt the other. Mujin also had to remind himself, that Shijo and Inoka were increasingly closing their distance on the group.

What was he going to do, He preached and practiced his nonconflictive nature, and he warned them about making rash decisions, why did no one ever listen to Mujin? He was always trying to look out for the Uchiha and the leaf, people in general. He told them not to make him pick sides. He loved Tenbo and Mirai platonically, he did what they wanted without crossing the other, and he rolled over and allowed them to make names for themselves while he lived a normal life. Yet even with these warnings, they continued to carve their path, was this the accumulation of Mirai's pride or was she regretting ending up in this situation? Mujin then remembered the paper bombs, Suzaku was raging and would surely set them off right?

Mujin wanted to slap himself to wake up from all these stray thoughts, he needed to stay focused on this situation and watch it unfold. He only hoped he wouldn't have to get involved even Mujin didn't know what side his coin would land on. The constant thought of being left behind, ignored, brushed off, abandoned, it all weighed on Mujin drastically.


Location: Konoha Forest -> Border Between Leaf District and Cloud District
Posting Order: Mujin (Isn't a part of the posting order unless both individuals acknowledge his presence)
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll



Staff member

For a moment in the house, it was open to the Stone people as it was to show some sort of courtesy to that brat sleeping in his son's bedroom. Though the Uchiha had never rested, as can be seen on his face - the Sharingan was consistently visible because of the rampaging chakra of the Four Tails. The Anbu, for a second, had slipped up from lack of sleep, and the Uchiha took over to suppress the Tailed Beast with the mere Sharingan at tomoe 3, a testament to his prowess over controlling the tailed beast. "You almost cost me my son's bedroom," the Uchiha said, almost monotone, as it was clear that by now - this wasn't the first time he had done it. The Two-Tails had done the same thing whenever Gyoken was weakened for a moment, allowing the tailed beast to attempt breaking out. It was shown under the bed that was full of claw marks resembling cat claws.

"You're lucky, brat. If it wasn't for my son's bedroom, I wouldn't intervene,"
he replied, peering into the child's mental plane with the Sharingan.

For hours at their end, unseen battles to sustain and maintain the seal as well as the tailed beast had occurred. It had been clear that the Jinchuriki was unaware of everything, including the near rampages that even the Uchiha and the Stone ANBU had to work together to suppress the rampaging chakra of the Four-Tails within Taichi. Though it was clear that Ichijo didn't need any help as he only required the Sharingan to take control of it. "Those tailed beasts aren't anything good when they're not under control," he thought to himself, as it appeared to be maintained properly by the Anbu of Stone, causing him to break free to exit the bedroom.

Only a few minutes later, Taichi appeared to pound on the door of his bedroom, as the Uchiha opened the door to look down at the child. The eyes of his were darkened just as much as the ANBU who was tasked to support the Four-Tails. "To think he just slept through it all..."

The Uchiha decided to follow the Four-Tails Jinchuriki on one of his whimsical adventures through the Leaf District. A part of him was being reminded of his son, not because he had the same personality, but rather because he and Taichi were the same in being Jinchuriki. Something that he couldn't help but wonder what would happen if those two met. Did Suzaku ever think about what could come out of it?

"Oh, you wanted to meet Gyoken?" the man said. "He's at the Hospital but, knowing him, he's probably sparring somewhere and compromising his healing stupidly," the man said with such a harsh tone in his words - it appears as if he had no pride in his son, something that Taichi could find interesting when comparing his father to Ichijo. The man moved toward the Leaf Hospital, expecting the fledging to follow right behind - with the ANBU of Stone and Leaf following in the background. If you think they would be accompanied by just the stone, you may have been surely wrong as it is an unchecked nuke within the village. There's only much trust in Ichijo alone by Suzaku, though it was clear that as a former Hokage Ichijo was usually and always surrounded by a special ANBU team of his own.
Location: Konohagakure Hideout
Posting Order: Ichijo-> Taichi
Post Time Limit (PTI): 3 Days.
Skip Points: ll


Staff member

The Uzumaki reappeared in the middle of the alley, seamlessly blending with the crowd heading toward the Hokage Building while donning the mask, rendering him unnoticed by others. Tentai smiled behind the mask, aware that it was laced with special seals crafted by the best of the Uzumaki Clan - a perfect concealment for his face and presence. His purpose was clear: to meet with the Hokage on behalf of Ketsugo Uzumaki and teach the rampaging Jinchuriki how to better control their power and wield it against the creatures of darkness. It was, as you say, a power-up arc aimed at fortifying the world's defenses against invasion. Just like the past Shinobi who powered up to defeat the likes of Akatsuki or even the aliens. However, this was a new threat that the world had not yet fully prepared for. According to the Uzumaki Clan's archives and records, a diary belonging to a woman named Fumito Uzumaki detailed the discovery of a strange mirror rumored to be a portal to another dimension. She swore her reflection was alive and shrouded in darkness, leading Tentai to surmise that it was one of the creatures that had appeared in the past. Unfortunately, any further details were missing, as that very mirror was lost in time when Uzushigakure was destroyed. This prompted Tentai to embark on a personal quest to investigate this phenomenon further. However, he was also tasked with supporting the Jinchuriki to enhance their control over the tailed beasts.

Tentai planned to visit the Nagi Academy to speak to Fumito Uzumaki, who appears to be a long-time resident of that Island to seek answers.

"Mmm. A lot of things to deal with," the Uzumaki murmured, only for something to grab his attention, causing his head to turn in the direction of a powerful chakra before it vanished. "Hah. Some people aren't entirely useless, eh?" The man murmured, and a chuckle escaped the lips.
Location: Leaf Hospital
Posting Order: Tentai > ???
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days.
Skip Points: lll
Last edited:


Owner and Founder
Staff member

In the shadowed embrace of the dense foliage, Inoka's form melded with the darkness, his presence as elusive as a whispering wind. With adept precision, he cloaked his chakra, rendering himself undetectable by conventional senses, a ghost among the leaves. His mind, however, remained a beacon of communication, maintaining a silent, telepathic dialogue with Ayame Uzumaki. Through this invisible thread, he was privy to the unfolding drama between Suzaku and Mirai, absorbing every detail Ayame gleaned from her reconnaissance within the village's heart.

Despite his concealed state, Inoka's senses were far from dormant. His unique ability to detect the subtle electrical pulses coursing through a living body remained active, a secret shared only with Suzaku, adding an unseen layer to his stealth. It was during this moment of silent observation that Inoka's thoughts reached out to Shijo, his voice resonating with a stern, unwavering resolve within the mindscape they shared.

"Shijo, Mujin is en route to the battlefield. I am aware of his role as your mentor. However, he must not interfere," Inoka's telepathic message conveyed urgency and authority. "I harbor concerns that Mirai might influence him, potentially turning him against our village. Our primary objective is to immobilize him," he continued, his mental voice devoid of hesitation, reflecting his readiness to confront ally or adversary alike for Konohagakure's sake.

As Inoka relayed his commands through the silent echo of thought, his keen eyes, hidden behind the veil of greenery, scrutinized Shijo. He searched for the slightest twitch, the faintest glimmer of rebellion, anything that might suggest a challenge to his directives. Inoka Yamanaka, a figure of command and strategy, was prepared to measure the loyalty and resolve of his subordinate, ready to face whatever might come for the protection of their beloved village.


Location: Travelling to Border of Leaf District
Posting Order: Shijo/Anbu→ Inoka Yamanaka---> ???
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days.
Skip Points: lll


Ayame stood with a poised calmness next to the real Inoka within the sanctum of the Hokage's office, a space where the weight of leadership and the silent burden of secrets converged. Her ability to perceive the heartbeat of Konohagakure in its entirety and communicate silently with Inoka's distant "clone" was nothing short of remarkable. In these walls, the tumultuous undercurrents within the Leaf District were carefully shielded from the unsuspecting eyes and ears of Konohagakure's ordinary populace and ninja cadre. Ayame, with her acute awareness, grasped the full magnitude of the crisis brewing in the shadows—the departure of the Uchiha matriarch from the village—a situation fraught with potential disgrace and discord not just within the Uchiha clan but across the entire village.

As Ayame's senses remained vigilantly attuned to the village's pulse, her attention subtly shifted when Tenbo and Mugen made their reentry into the office, their mission in the Rain District having reached its conclusion. "Ah, welcome back, you two. What have you learned?" she inquired, her interest piqued particularly by the reports of an explosion that had shaken the distant Rain District.

Beside her, Inoka's gaze narrowed, fixating on an unusual object accompanying Tenbo—a sword ingeniously crafted from paper bombs. The sight of such a volatile weapon, particularly in the grasp of an Uchiha and a known rival, sent a ripple of tension through the room. "You bringing that sword into the village endangers us all," Inoka remarked, his voice laced with an uncharacteristic edge of disapproval. "I would not parade it around like a trophy. Whatever sword that village returns to must go back." His usual facade of a sinister smile was absent, replaced by a visible disturbance in his demeanor. Inoka, who typically navigated the intricate web of village politics with a sly grin, now seemed overshadowed by a looming paranoia, as if bracing for an imminent clash, his mind war-gaming scenarios of conflict with any district that crossed his wary path.

Location: Rain District - Leaf District/Konohagakure/Hokage Office
Post Order: Order: Tenbo -> Mugen - >Inoka/Ayame
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 3


Staff member

He didn't intend to hide, if he had wanted to for sure he'd avoid the attention of both Ayame, and Inoka despite their exemplary capabilities. His intent was to be known, his objective completed and his current desire to meet with the Hokage and not his subordinates. Tenbo and Mugen had successfully managed to understand what happened in Amegakure. They had retrieved a powerful weapon, one that managed to aid in the destruction of Amegakure. It was a weapon, that when held by a capable shinobi possessed tremendous destructive might. It could be as a tool to broker peace and command authority, or it could lay waste to the most refined environments and ensure the destruction of life. A tool in the current possession of the Uchiha. They wouldn't dare hand it over to anyone in the Hokage team aside from Suzaku. Tenbo and Mugen were in alignment, standing side by side but also holding a pleasant look.

"Ah, welcome back, you two. What have you learned?" They heard Ayame inquire, in response Mugen stepped forward and handed Ayame a blackened book. "Thank you, it is pleasant to be back. Within the contents of this book, you will come to understand everything thoroughly that happened in the rain district that caused for its destruction. The enemy managed to reduce Amegakure to rubble, while using the weapon within Tenbos grasp to orchestrate it." As Mugen spoke, he was keen with his oculars, ever present with the sharingan visible to look between Ayame, and Inoka. He was alternating between them, observing their very action and reaction to the words spoken. In addition to the attentiveness, the nuances of the unseen would be grasped by Mugen, an astute individual of his clans lineage who possessed utmost utility of the clans formidable weapon - the sharingan. He speculated they'd receive him and his fellow Uchiha well. After all, they had successfully accomplished what they were ordered to do by the Hokage.

"You bringing that sword into the village endangers us all," Tenbo eyes were closed, the pleasant look on his face turned into a greater smile. It seemed as if he was happy that concern filled Inoka's voice, the reaction of his face could have been joyful regarding the Yamanaka clansman being a protective guardian. Although that wasn't the case, and the latter wouldn't be known - the probability of suspecting his facial expression as something else near zero. "I would not parade it around like a trophy. Whatever sword that village returns to must go back." His expression remained steadfast, the outlandish words that came from the mouth of Inoka. It was pure stupidity, to believe a weapon in the hands of an Uchiha, one such as Tenbo could be volatile without choice. He nearly chuckled, Tenbo rubbed his chin with his free hand. "You speak as if you understand the dangers of this weapon..." A seed was planted - the origins of such a magnificent tool was unknown and the full extent of its capabilities could only be theorized, but those whom had recently gained knowledge of it; thus being Tenbo and Mugen. "..." "Did you make such an analysis here in this moment or beforehand?" He positioned the question to be answered, whether it was or not information would be dissected and taken into account as valuable information. He had already understood Inoka attempted a ploy before he had left the village with Mugen, however, Tenbo verbally objected against the advisor. "You are an astute man, Inoka, I'll turn this to its rightful place." The rightful place wasn't here, and with Suzaku not present, it would have to go a place that it could be suited, he was heading to one of the Shi no Tatsujin establishment. In turn, to interrupt Tenbo from furthering talking, Mugen outstretched his arm in front of Tenbo. "We are done here, let's go Tenbo." In agreement, they both exited the Hokage's office unbothered, alert and suspecting, and exiting from a different path they came. Unknowingly but surely avoiding Itami, Takashi, and Anbu. The two Uchiha were once again enveloped within the bustling crowd heading to their destination. (didn't revise or edit/sorry)
Location: Hokage Office - > Traveling to ??? (will adjust if interrupted)
Post Order: Order: Tenbo/Mugen > Inoka/Ayame
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2






Mentally, collectively he stood shoulders above his pairs, especially the ones who were higher ups. He stood on the pinnacle of justice and deemed not to drift from his feelings nor his stance on the matter. Without knowing, Shijo was already altered through advanced sensory abilities of the coming of his Sensei, Mujin Uchiha who was directly enroute to the location of his fiance and the Hokage. Shijo knew that he had to get between the meeting of the Hokage’s stance and his sensei who typically travelled at immense speed. Now, through the orders of his superior Inoka, Shijo leapt towards the closest point to in fact cut off a direct path towards the Hokage and Mirai. A question of strategy was thought about within the very moment he sprung towards the location within a flicker, now he stood right before his master but with lightning also surrounding his body with great velocity. It was as if it was a stream of great light, matching viscosity of many fully charged lightning bolts, it was not to be an armor but a shield which directly stopped the passage of Mujin. It was not to be taken likely however for it was no normal lightning technique.

The tree branch he stood upon began to rip, from the very impact of his arrival. It was pivotal to say he stood the wedge in the plans of his master. For this technique was something he had taught him not even a day ago, however this technique itself was channeled through his entire body instead of on a giving limb or arm. It was the very essence of one's body structure, as it surrounded the entire body of the Uchiha engulfing him into a seemingly endless current of lightning.

“Sorry Master, today you shall not pass… The Hokage and your Fiance’ will have their meeting of faiths. I’m sure you know what it is to have such a meeting right? Like you and I, Master and student today?” He said aloud within the same breath of his master's approach.

Even at the speed he came, Shijo was still aware of what stance he should take if his master was to charge through or attempt to do so. It would mean that a fight of magnitude would unfold between student and teacher. However, there was no such self doubt within the eyes of the Uchiha named Shijo, his eyes began to capture his sensei every movement through the scrutiny of the already activated Three Tomoe Sharingan. Within the telepathic asylum of Inoka’s mind Shijo sprouted words towards his Intelligence leader.

“We will do anything for the sake of the village!”. These words themselves, would echo into the hearts of many but maybe not Inoka. For, Shijo's was always to be a symbol of hope towards the village. Now the beacon was ever so brightly shining within the face of his master who approached.

Location: Travelling to Border of Leaf District
Posting Order: Shijo/Anbu→ Inoka Yamanaka---> Mujin Uchiha
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days.
Skip Points: lll​


Owner and Founder
Staff member

As Suzaku unleashed his fiery wrath upon the landscape, the once lush forest transformed into a charred, smoke-filled wasteland. The air turned thick and acrid, laden with toxins that seeped into the lungs of those nearby, making each breath a laborious struggle. The smoldering remnants of the forest stood as a testament to his unbridled fury, fueled by what he perceived as a grave betrayal by the leader of the Uchiha clan. The heat emanating from Suzaku's enraged form intensified, creating an oppressive atmosphere that radiated outward, causing a sweltering discomfort within a vast 30-mile radius. Even those far from the epicenter found their clothing soaked in sweat, their heads spinning with dizziness, and their bodies overwhelmed by a debilitating fatigue.

Unknown to the onlookers, this display of power represented merely a fraction of Suzaku's true capability. At just 30 percent of his potential, his heat and flames were already beyond the realm of ordinary comprehension. His anger, unquenched by Mirai’s retreat, continued to feed the inferno of his emotions, making him resemble a tailed beast in his uncontrolled state. The intensity of his killing intent seemed to merge with the very flames he wielded, creating a fiery aura that was both awe-inspiring and terrifying.

In the midst of this fiery chaos, only one man was believed to possess the necessary power to quell the raging inferno of Suzaku's wrath. That man was Inoka, known for his unique abilities and profound understanding of Suzaku’s turbulent nature. Inoka's movements were precise, his fingers forming the intricate hand seal known to bear the legacy of the Yamanaka Clan. This seal, a symbol of their unique ability to convert consciousness into spiritual energy, was the key to reaching Suzaku in his uncontrollable state. With focused intent, Inoka projected his consciousness toward the inferno of Suzaku's rage, managing to intertwine with his fiery spirit for a fleeting second. Despite Suzaku's overwhelming willpower and searing aura, which swiftly expelled Inoka's presence, that brief connection allowed for a single word to be implanted into the depths of Suzaku's mind: "Chill."

This word, simple yet loaded with shared history and significance, pierced through the tumult of Suzaku's emotions, triggering a rapid cooldown of his body heat. It was a testament to the power of their bond and Inoka’s understanding of Suzaku’s psyche, even as the backlash of this psychic intrusion scorched Inoka’s body, leaving him with severe burns. The immediate reduction in Suzaku's temperature served as a silent acknowledgment of Inoka's success, albeit at a great personal cost.

Regaining his senses, Suzaku's focus narrowed on Mirai, his demeanor still ablaze with authority and reprimand, yet free from the blind fury that had previously consumed him. "You are to head to my headquarters at once," he commanded, his voice carrying the weight of his regained composure and the unspoken consequences of her actions. Suzaku's directive was clear, demanding Mirai to precede him back to the village, setting the stage for a confrontation that was to unfold within the walls of his command center, a meeting where the fiery chaos of the forest would be replaced by the cold, calculating atmosphere of leadership and accountability.

The figure of Inoka, standing beside Shijo with burns etching his form, was not the flesh and blood warrior known to Konohagakure but a meticulously crafted puppet. As the realization of its true nature dawned, the puppet Inoka, a silent guardian of the clan's will, prepared to fulfill its final directive. With the semblance of life still flickering in its wooden eyes, it conveyed Inoka's last command to Shijo, "Escort Mujin back to the Hokage's headquarters." The words were laden with authority and urgency, leaving no room for doubt or delay in their execution.

In the moments following this utterance, a subtle transformation unfolded. The puppet, having served its purpose, began reverting to its original wooden form, a silent sentinel awaiting its next call to duty. Simultaneously, a significant portion of the consciousness that had animated this proxy—a staggering 49%—began its journey back to the true Inoka, tracing the invisible threads that connected his mind to the puppet's form.


Location: Travelling to Border of Leaf District ---> Konohagakure (Hokage's Residence)
Posting Order: Shijo/Anbu→ Inoka Yamanaka---> Mujin Uchiha ---> Mirai Uchiha ---> Suzaku
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days.
Skip Points: lll​



As Mugen finished the debriefing with Tenbo, and upon them moving through the crowded facilities of the Leaf Districts bustling streets, the younger Uchiha would come to a sudden stop in their progression of movement, Speaking with a calm tone, his sharingan fixated towards his mentor,​
"Lord Tenbo, A gift resides for you back within your quarters. With our mission concluded I must see to some personal matters, but worry not, I shall not be leaving the village like before. Merely using some down time before you need me for a mission. Till Then Lord Tenbo, I shall see you when you call upon me."
This being the most that Mugen has spoken while in a public place as he gave a slight bow before walking in the oppositional direction of Tenbo, moving towards an Ally where in that instant his body flickered from its placement, like a visage or mirage it vanished allowing Mugen to Body Flicker towards the Secret Training grounds of the Uchiha Clan. His eyes focused forth upon the training grounds as the Uchiha Boy seemed almost lost in his own thoughts. Though he stood in place, something felt strange... Something he couldn't put a finger on.

K.L.A.W Hideout
Within the mysterious hideout of the K.L.A.W Organization where the location is unknown, in this astrange base constructed of symmetrical cubical formations and pillars where in the furthest most part of this Hidden Base sitting upon a throne of a mysterious stone like material would be the Kusakage who sat his hand resting gently under his left cheek as with the simple raising of his right hand before his position a mysterious masked individual, one of K.L.A.W's Shadow's had appeared from the very shadows casted by the based bio illuminating stones. In a kneeling position before Xaio Tendo, this Shadow remained silent, awaiting his orders as the Kusakage spoke towards him with such a cold tone, his Jikangan illuminating through the shadows casted by his hair,
"Time has come to start Phase One... You've but a simple task, one individual has received a Clue to our location upon completion of a Bounty. A Bounty I personally placed out. With Tessa's Death and My brothers death, I feel that this individual may possess the foreknowledge of what was once an alliance and clue to my existence. You're duty is to Eliminate this Uchiha Mugen. His Existence poses a threat to my Plan's. As for those who have been given an Invitation, it seems that none have given a response. This is fine, They may see this as some trick or trap, That is their opinion that they are entitled too. Leave them be, it will be inevitable once we progress to Phase Two that they will see the Folly in the Shinobi System. Now go my Shadow of K.L.A.W, Succeed in the Mission that you've been tasked for..."
This being said as Xaio Lowered his Hand the Shadow of K.L.A.W had seemingly vanished back into the darkness, by the utilization of Body Flicker technique proceeded forth towards his Target... Mugen Uchiha...

Uchiha Secluded Training Ground
Within the Training ground though, Mugen stood, his left hand slowly moving outwards as his Fire Chakra Nature began expelling from his palm, condensing itself into a spiraling sphere as the heat emitted greatly increased due to the condensing of Flames and heat. With the Technique he learned from Shinsuke Uzumaki formed, Mugen observed the very technique in his palm, analyzing it as if to see if the applications of Sharp Spear, Senbon, and Stream could possibly be applied to such a technique, and if it could it would turn this jutsu into a versatile technique. As his Sharingan began breaking down the components of the jutsu and analyzing such a manner of necessary components the Uchiha was unaware of the Looming figure who appeared within one of the tree Foliage. Hidden from sight, and by utilizing Chakra Suppression Technique this individual, the Shadow of K.L.A.W seemed to stay concealed, watching and observing the Uchiha boy, the Target he was sent to exterminate. Adorned in a Mask resembling the Tengu though heavily deformed and constructed of an Onyx gemstone this figure who wore the K.L.A.W Organizations Robes that possessed no insignia or clan marker, simply a Robe similar to that of which Mugen is found wearing just with a Golden pendent keeping the Robe closed. This Uchiha who had now been targeted by Lord Xaio was being observed in silence, and yet no movements where made. Could this be part of Phase One? Only the Inner Members of the Organization would know the Details of this plan of Xaio Tendo, but for this moment, as Mugen can be witnessed observing his Jutsu, his chakra signature being expelling by the use of such a volatile jutsu would warrant eyes to being catched. And yet the Shadow remained concealed, not acting, not moving, perfectly invisible to sensory of any kind as he remained patient, waiting for the proper time to strike...

Location: Hokage Office - > Traveling to Uchiha Secluded Training Grounds
Post Order: Order: Mugen/ K.L.A.W > ????
Time Limit: 3 Days
Skip Points: 2


Staff member

After the disappearance of Mugen, Tenbo stealthily navigated his way back to the hidden headquarters of Root, concealed beneath the bustling district of Konoha. The headquarters were ingeniously hidden from even the most perceptive sensors, buried beneath layers of secrecy and intricate barriers. These defenses, meticulously crafted by esteemed specialists in sealing and barrier techniques, rendered the activities of Root completely undetectable to those with bloodlines such as the Byakugan, Sharingan, and others native to the leaf village.
Every corner of Root's real estate was fortified with these esoteric defenses, meticulously crafted to thwart any attempt at infiltration by those loyal to the Hokage or other prominent clans of Konoha. The expertise of renowned barrier specialists, some even hailing from the esteemed Uzumaki clan, contributed to the impregnability of Root's sanctum. As the leader of this clandestine operation, Tenbo operated with an abundance of caution, his every move calculated to evade detection. Unlike those who served the Hokage openly, Tenbo understood the necessity of operating in the shadows, where secrecy was paramount and trust was a scarce commodity.

Tenbo could sense the pulsating energy of the Daikaiju coursing through his veins, a potent force that had become intimately intertwined with his being. With each passing moment, he felt a deepening connection to the primal forces of nature, an essence that now flowed through him with undeniable strength. His vitality surged, imbued with the raw power of the ancient creature he had encountered. In the wake of his encounter with the Daikaiju, Tenbo had embarked on a journey of discovery, delving into the depths of its power and uncovering its secrets. Through diligent and unwavering determination, he had begun to the mysteries of this enigmatic force, gradually harnessing its immense potential as his own. Recent missions had further shaped Tenbo's path, each encounter molding him into a formidable force to be reckoned with. A particularly significant assignment had taken him to the Rain District, where he had forged a delicate alliance with the the Amekage. It was a calculated move, one born out of Tenbo's strategic prowess, a maneuver designed to sow the seeds of opportunity and cultivate them into something greater.

As Tenbo delved once more into the realm of experimentation, his interest in pushing the boundaries of his knowledge ignited once again. The storage of Daikaiju cells, and a gift from the vanished Mugen, served as a potent reminder of the untapped potential awaiting discovery. Yet, he knew that such experiments required subjects, and not just any would suffice. He sought refined shinobi, individuals hungry for power, those who could truly appreciate and utilize what he had to offer. In consultation with his most trusted ally, Nezumi, Tenbo set into motion a plan to identify potential candidates for his experiments. Through the covert surveillance of rats and the gathering of information, they scoured the leaf district for worthy individuals. Those who exhibited the drive and ambition necessary to harness the power that Tenbo could bestow upon them became targets of interest. With the weapon of Daikaiju cells in his possession, Tenbo recognized the need to find a suitable recipient for its power. This thinking too was considering the Shibuki. As he pondered potential candidates with closed eyes, he sifted through his mental roster of acquaintances and allies, considering each one's strengths, weaknesses, and potential contributions to his cause. Only those deemed worthy in his eyes would be granted the opportunity to wield such a formidable gift, for Tenbo refused to squander his precious resources on those unworthy of his investment.


Location: Root
Post Order: Order: Tenbo
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