The Eye Of The Storm
The masked woman's formidable abilities were not to be underestimated. Utilizing her mastery over shadows, she crafted a dense shield that effectively blocked the blinding sunlight from hindering her vision for an extended period. This tactical move allowed Indira's younger sister, Satou, a vital window of opportunity. With the villagers now running to safety, Satou had succeeded in aiding the innocent bystanders in their escape from the battle's chaos.
As the villagers fled to safety, the situation shifted focus to Satoru. The determined shinobi surged with power, channeling her chakra into her unique sugar-based technique. With incredible precision and control, she transformed her chakra into a dense, solid wall that deftly caught the barrage of senbons meant to assail her and Indira. Her mastery of chakra manipulation was clearly unmatched, leaving no doubt about her skills. Unyielding in her determination, Satoru's hands flew through intricate hand seals with remarkable speed and decisiveness. The air around her seemed to hum with energy as she channeled her chakra into a spectacular display of power. From the very fabric of her chakra, she summoned forth a gargantuan dragon sculpted from the shiniest and hardest rock candy. The creature radiated a dazzling aura, its sleek form exuding an air of deadly elegance. Its edges were razor-sharp, promising grievous harm to anything it touched. Yet, the danger didn't end with the dragon's physical prowess. With every resonating roar, the dragon unleashed rapid-fire candy corn-like pellets from its maw. These innocent-looking projectiles held a deadly secret – propelled at incredible speeds, they transformed into formidable mini-projectiles. Each candy corn had the capacity to pierce even the most fortified of armor, posing a dire threat to any who crossed their path.
Satoru's confidence was well-earned as she commanded her creation, witnessing the awe-inspiring spectacle of her own power. Amidst the chaos, Indira stood as both a brother and a spectator, taken aback by the depth of his sister's abilities. He marveled at her prowess, realizing that he might have unknowingly underestimated her strength due to his own protective instincts. Indira's thoughts turned inward as he contemplated his role in this battle. As he watched Satoru's display of power, he began to question his own place on the battlefield. His protective nature towards Satoru had sometimes clouded his perception of her true capabilities. Perhaps this moment was a revelation that she was more than capable of holding her own.
With a sense of resolve, Indira's chakra manipulation came into play. He deftly manipulated the environment around him, hovering a mere five feet above the ground to ensure that his shadow would not be easily manipulated by any unseen adversary. Positioned just ten feet behind Satoru, he watched her fierce battle with the masked woman. His arms crossed, he remained poised to assist if the situation demanded his intervention.
However, his attention was momentarily diverted by a newcomer. The stranger's air of overconfidence was palpable, hinting at a formidable strength beneath the surface. Despite the ongoing battle, this foreigner's demeanor seemed to convey a sense of invincibility as he strode onto a battlefield heavy with the scent of impending death. He watched carefully not knowing if the man was an ally or a enemy.
Post Order: Saturo --> Indira --> Saburo --> Story