Leaf District


Staff member

In the present moment, two formidable intellects engaged in dialogue, each word carefully weighed and considered before spoken. Tenbo observed Shijo's precision in speech, recognizing the selective nature of his disclosures. As a seasoned shinobi, Tenbo possessed the acumen to connect dots effortlessly. His tenure in the Anbu and subsequent captaincy attested to his exceptional skill in discernment. His covert prowess extended even within his own clan, known only to a select few like Ichijo. Fame eluded him; his focus lay solely on duty. Despite their shared analytical nature, Shijo divulged vital information. Tenbo acknowledged Shijo's genuine curiosity, though his enigmatic persona made it challenging for trust to fully bloom. Raising an intrigued eyebrow, Tenbo responded to Shijo's assertion about his inquisitive nature and core essence.

"A simpleton dances to any tune, but you are no fool prone to reckless choices," he remarked, his words calibrated for their ears alone. "However, your ambition, while a blessing, could lead to vulnerability if unchecked—a vulture, waiting at life's edge to exploit what remains."

His voice lowered, yet maintained its intensity as he circled behind Shijo, a deliberate movement underscoring his words. "A vulture..." he murmured, his tone intentionally flat, tinged with disappointment. "Such creatures strike opportunistically, scavenging the remnants of life."

A sigh escaped him as he directed his gaze downward, not in closure but in focused contemplation. "What remains... disappoints me," he continued wearily, now standing opposite Shijo, his posture unwavering as he assessed the man before him. Tenbo discerned Shijo's deficiency, a gap he could help bridge. From a philosophical perspective, he could offer insight that would refine Shijo's essence and self-awareness. Tenbo's own self-awareness was his greatest asset, a tool he sought to impart to the young operative, leading him toward wisdom. Though typically stoic, Tenbo harbored genuine interest in Shijo's growth, viewing this encounter as a teaching moment. Whether Shijo embraced the lesson or not, Tenbo aimed for him to feel the sting of disappointment, a catalyst for potential growth.


Tenbo operated with purpose and self-interest. While Shijo stood to gain significantly from becoming his apprentice, leveraging Tenbo's intellect and experience could propel him to unparalleled heights as a shinobi. It was a service Tenbo had never offered before, recognizing its potential to benefit Shijo more than himself. Despite his controlled demeanor, Tenbo pondered the implications of extending this offer, considering the political landscape and potential future alliances it could foster. Reflecting on their interaction, Tenbo recognized the opportunity presented by Shijo's impressive abilities. None of his trusted subordinates or comrades had ever been granted such mentorship, but Shijo's potential warranted consideration. As the commander, Tenbo held sway over relationships and authority, seeing a strategic advantage in grooming Shijo. During their exchange, Tenbo meticulously noted Shijo's reactions, shaping the encounter to his advantage. "The answers lie within you, Shijo. I see the person you aspire to be, and I can guide you towards that path," he stated plainly, his tone sharp yet truthful. He withheld his nindo, believing Shijo had not yet earned the privilege of knowing it. In this dynamic, Tenbo recognized the potential for Shijo to surpass him one day, a thought he acknowledged with both caution and intrigue. The conversation was far from over; Tenbo had a plan in motion, unbeknownst to Shijo. Despite his genuine desire to help him, Tenbo harbored expectations in return for his mentorship should he extend it. "The cost of admission is steep—are you willing to pay it?" Tenbo's tone softened, a calm and pleasant facade masking the weight of his question. It was perhaps the most profound inquiry he posed, deserving of careful consideration. The true price lay in the future, in the realm of the unknown. Would Shijo be able to accept the offer in the present moment? Tenbo harbored no expectations from Shijo; at this juncture, he saw him as merely a vulture scavenging life's remnants. Yet, the offer remained open, awaiting Shijo's response and potential transformation.
Location: Konohagakure “Leaf District”
Posting Order: Shijo Uchiha→ Tenbo Uchiha
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days.
Skip Points: lll​





Obligation was not subjective by no means to the honor of Shijo. He saw it fitting that he could discern the little information that Tenbo placed within this discourse. It was not a lack of charisma nor attitude by either Uchiha they stood toe above other members of their very clan. It was simply mind boggling that men stood as authenticators, speaking the same language and corresponding in the same wavelength. Minuscule people would fail to even fathom the resolute conditions of their minds. They could psychologically break down anything within a mere moment, this made it hard for even a Yamanaka to venture within their mind. The realm of strength was not scoped by just physicality but mentality. The wish to become the vulture’s apprentice was something the young man dreamt about, yet he felt it was bitter sweet. Catching the eyes of the man was not as soon as he expected, However it was better late than ever.

“Yes a vulture, who is in the realm of decay and desolation, the vulture finds its muse. It circles above the arid landscape, its keen eyes scanning the earth below for the poetry of death and renewal. That’s what I am..” He explained like a whispering shadow.

The discourse between Shijo and Tenbo seemed to have little attachment to the past, focusing instead on the unfolding future. Despite Tenbo's probing questions about the fables and riddles that Shijo shared, there was a mutual exchange of information, with Shijo adeptly providing insights through cryptic means. Shijo's capability intrigued even someone as astute as Tenbo, suggesting that his skills and knowledge transcended ordinary comprehension. Perhaps it was this enigmatic quality that sparked Tenbo's interest, prompting him to delve deeper into the mysteries that surrounded Shijo. In their exchanges, there was an unspoken acknowledgment of mutual respect and curiosity, as both individuals navigated the currents of conversation with a sense of intrigue and anticipation for what the future might hold.

“One can say i’m willing to sacrifice my livelihood…the remorse I have yet will have me acting simply as an avenger more than scavenger… I am ready to disembark from this destiny to ascend to this new one.” He concluded within a soft tone of voice.

As Shijo stood amidst the shadows and darkness, his gaze seemed to penetrate beyond the veil of the present, perhaps glimpsing into the uncertain depths of the future. Yet, amidst the uncertainty, one thing remained clear: his mind was consumed by pain, fueled by a thirst for revenge. This inner turmoil was a hidden facet of Shijo's character, one that Tenbo may not have been privy to. While their discourse continued, Tenbo may have sensed that there was more to Shijo than met the eye, a complexity lurking beneath the surface of their intellectual exchanges.
Their conversation, though far from over, unfolded like a dance of minds, each probing the other for insights and understanding. As two intellectual beings engaged in this timeless dialogue, the true depths of Shijo's motivations and desires remained shrouded in mystery, waiting to be uncovered in the shadowy recesses of his soul.

Location: Konohagakure “Leaf District”
Posting Order: Shijo Uchiha→ Tenbo Uchiha
Post Time Limit (PTL): 3 Days.
Skip Points: lll​