Recent content by Ero Foot

  1. Ero Foot

    Cloud District

    Ashi couldn’t help but blush again at the joke, her talent is what he called it, they both knew what he meant but she didn’t let it rile her up by simply laughing and returning the sentiment. She loved flirting in this manner, she was quite the pervert and sexual creature after all. She leaned...
  2. Ero Foot

    Cloud District

    Hearing that the two wouldn’t be following Indira and that she would actually be allowed to enjoy her meal before dealing in the matter of politics and of course moving to a new country. She was giddy at the idea, showed it by shoving her face full; one bite here, another there. It was clear...
  3. Ero Foot

    Cloud District

    Ashi couldn’t resist the urge to blush when Kyaro said they had been close, it was a statement that she couldn’t argue with but was happy that truth followed it. That said It was a bit of an awkward silence that fell over her once he and Indira exchanged a hug; she in that moment felt like the...
  4. Ero Foot

    Cloud District

    Ashi raised her brow at the reaction she got, she was suspecting him to take her more seriously, the laughter had the opposite effect of what she was looking for but then he explained and her expression softened. If it didn’t soften from that it would have regardless once he patted her head, he...
  5. Ero Foot

    Cloud District

    Ashi was dealing with what was undoubtedly the worst week of her life. Just a few days ago, in a dream, she had been brutally murdered by Kyaro and she couldn't help but relive that moment every time she closed her eyes. Every day without fail, she couldn't help but wonder how things had gone so...